
of National academy
of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Agricultural Sciences

Aims and Scope

     The main aim of the scientific journal News of NAS RK. Series of Chemistry and Technology”  is publication of reports on major priority scientific research. The authors of the journal - members of NASRK, as well as members of other academies, prominent scientists of foreign countries publish reports on unique and nowhere published research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.

     Scope of the journal: Scientific journal “News of NAS RK. Series of Chemistry and Technology

     The Editorial Board accepts articles on the following branches of science: Chemistry and Chemical technology (inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and technology);

     Periodicity: 6 issues per year.

    Terms of publication of the article: to ensure the integrity of scientific research, authors must adhere to international standards for scientific publications.

* When submitting an article for publication in the journals of the NAS RK, the author must ensure that the article is original, that is, it has been not previously published in another source in its current or similar form; the article has not been transferred to other publishers; interests related to copyright and article publication have been settled. In particular, translations of published articles into other languages ​​are not accepted.

* Authors should avoid distortion of research results that may prejudice the editorial board of the NAS RK and the journal, scientific author's professionalism and, ultimately, the entire scientific community.

* The research results must be reliable, the data must not be distorted, and the disciplinary rules for the collection, selection and processing of materials must be observed.

* It is necessary to pay special attention to the correct order of the authors. Adding or removing authors during the editing steps is usually not allowed. But in some cases, with the consent of the authors, a partial change may be done to the author group. Authors' changes must be clearly explained. After the manuscript is accepted, changes in authors are not allowed.

* All authors of the article should make significant contributions to the research.

     Peer-review type:

     All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are checked by reviewers anonymously.

  1. Peer review of articles is carried out by members of the editorial board and editorial council, also as representatives of the education sector specialists attracted from various institutions can be involved. Reviewers for the article are appointed by the editorial board. The review period is 2-4 weeks, but at the request of the reviewer it can be extended.
  2. Each reviewer can refuse further consideration of the article if there is a specific conflict of interest that affects the perception and interpretation of the material. Based on the review results, the reviewer makes recommendations for the future of the article. Each decision of the reviewer justifies:

            * The article is recommended for publication;

            * The article is recommended for publication after correcting the shortcomings indicated by the reviewer;

            * The article needs additional review by another specialist;

            * The article cannot be published in the journal.

  1. If the review provides recommendations for correcting and supplementing the article, the Editorial Board sends the review text to the author to take into account when preparing a new form of the article or to provide arguments that refute the reviewer's opinion. The term for making changes to the article should not exceed 1 month from the date of sending the email to the authors. The article analyzed by the author is sent for revision.
  2. In case of refusing to supplement the article, the author should inform the editor in writing or orally about the refusal to publish the article. If, within 1 month from the date of consideration by the authors, the updated manuscript is not sent, the editors exclude it from the list, despite the lack of information about the addition of the article. In such cases, the authors are informed of the cancellation of registration due to the expiration of the time allotted for the revision of the manuscript.
  3. If the author and reviewer have unresolved contradictions in relation to the manuscript, the editors may send the manuscript for additional consideration. In the case of a bilateral conflict of opinions, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
  4. The decision to reject publication of the manuscript is made in accordance with the recommendations of the Editorial Board. A notice of refusal to publish an article is sent to the author by e-mail.
  5. After the Editorial Board makes a decision to issue permission to publish the article, the editorial board informs the author about it and determines the publication period.
  6. A positive opinion of the reviewer is not a sufficient basis for the publication of the article. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board. In a disputable situation, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
  7. The original copy of the review is kept in the editorial office of the journal for up to 3 years.

     Archiving and Open Access Policy.

    The main policy of the journal “News of NAS RK. Series of Chemistry and Technology”  is the principle of openness of the publication for authors and readers (Open Access). All users of the journal are free to read, download, copy, submit and link to published materials.

    Open access to the archive of the journal on the website The editors of the journal in their activities are guided by the principles developed by the International Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE.