It is hard to tell the difference between the male and females, but during spawning, the female has obvious genital papilla. Sep 26, 2012 - Veil Tail Oscar White....I want this fish!!! You can often buy this variety and many others on this page. Oscars will spawn in soft or hard water as long as it is clean and clear and has a temperature between 79-86°F. Using floating plants is a good compromise to this problem. $115 . Lemon Yellow Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) large $ 99.99 $ 89.99 Read more. Quick View. Please read the Hundreds of Reviews on our website. Longfin Tiger Oscar. Red Tiger Severum. Red Oscar. KEYHOLE CICHLID (Cleithracara maronii) Regular price $24.99 LONGFIN ALBINO RED OSCAR (Astronotus ocellatus) Regular price $39.99 — Sold Out. Red Shoulder Severum Red Spot Gold Severum . Oscar Fish for Sale This page lists the Oscar Fish for sale at our online Tropical Fish store. Longfin Red Tiger Oscar $49.99 O/S Convicts $19.99 Albino Convicts $21.50 Festivum/Festive Cichlids $20.00 Blue Acara $18.99 Gold Severums $22.50 Red Spotted Severums $69.99 Green Severums $21.99 Geophagus Surinamensis $22.50 Eartheater – Geophagus Jurupari $42.99 Red Chromide $18.99 o/s Red Head Geophagus $20.00 o/s Geophagus Brazliensis $17.99 … Tiny Oscars form a tight cluster for protection and this is normal behavior for juvenile fish. Thorichthys meeki Firemouth Cichlid 1.25-2.0 inch New World Cichlid From $ 10.99. Striped green severum peru $ 64.99 Add to cart; Polypterus polli 4-5″ $ 49.99 Add to cart; Spotted alligator gar $ 45.00 Add to cart; SHIPPING SCHEDULE: Overnight Orders Ship: Mon, Tues & Wed. The brood will be carefully guarded and cared for and the fry will be kept in pits and may even be covered. Price and size: Oscar tiger 7-8cm $25 each Or 5x for $20 each or x10 for $18 each OSCAR ALBINO RED EYE 7cm $30 each Or 5x for $28 each or 10x for $25 each Oscar tiger longfin 4-5cm $25 each FISHONLINE Aquarium is an online retail store aimed at selling a vast range of fish at a fair price . Lake Aytinjo Boesemani Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani) from $9.99. Longfin Albino Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) Origin: Aquacultured Asia Diet: Omnivore and predator, will accept most frozen and prepared foods. We are breeder, wholesale, dealer, collector, supplier, importer for tropical fish. LONGFIN RED TIGER OSCAR (Astronotus … Malawi Barracuda (Rhamphochromis macrophthalmus) $15.99. LONGFIN TIGER OSCAR regular. Compatibility: A fairly aggressive and predatory cichlid, they are best kept with fish of similar size and aggression, Preferred Water Parameters Oscar. Although its slow … Quick View. Astronotus ocellatus is a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names, including oscar, tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, or marble cichlid. L200 Green Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus subviridis) $39.99. Long-Nosed 'Acutirostris' Pike Panda Uaru. Sale! Balzani Earth Eater,Flamingo Cichlid,Synspilum,Texas Jewel,Pink Tail Cichlasoma,Albino Long Fin Oscar,Albino Red Oscar,Albino Tiger Oscar,Black Oscar,Leopard Oscar,Long Fin Oscar,Long Fin Oscar,Red Oscar,Tiger Oscar,Painted Blue Oscar,Painted Pink Oscar,Severum Golden,Snake Cichlid,Brown Spotted Cichlasoma,Red Eye Cichlasoma,Candy Chichlids, Thai Silk Cichlid Locally bred Around 8cm. List: $ 19.99 $ 17.88 $ 11.88 Add to cart; Sale! Related products. goliath), Red Hook Silver Dollar (Myloplus rubripinnis). We sell Oscars and many other Cichlids. 1 Photo(s) Tiger Oscars x3. Quick View. I have a red and black Oscar for sale. Contact Contact Seller. 079 893 2496 ... Read More. Out of stock. Quick View. A selectively bred form of the popular Oscar, the Longfin or Veilfin Oscar has been bred for long, flowing fins giving it a unique appearance. They are intelligent and highly interactive fish that will quickly learn to “beg” for food and make impressive display fish. Adult Size: 11″ Special Request: We know that some customers would like to make a special request with their order. Cichlid Packages Large Fish Mbuna Peacocks Haplochromide Tanganyika Victoria New World Other fish Fish food Albino red tiger oscar long fin Oscar 2.5-3″ these haven’t ben around for 2 years lucky find. Taigum, QLD. Oscars will eat a variety of meaty foods, including small fish and earthworms, Cichlid pellets, larger flake food, ocean plankton, bloodworms, and tubifex worms. Somethingsphishy is your Exotic Tropical Fish Superstore. L075 Para Pleco (Peckoltia sabaji) $39.99. List: $ 9.99 $ 8.99 $ 7.88 Add to cart; Sale! With longer, more embellished fins than the standard Oscar, the Assorted Longfin Oscar is an impressive sight to behold. Raku German Ram. Number of the fish evolved that will grow as much as possible as they grow very longfin oscar fish sale large. Texas cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) From $ 6.99. Lemon Yellow Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) 2-3 inch $ 34.99 $ 29.99 Add to cart. Ammonia:              0ppm red and black Oscar. Red Cyanonotus Pike Red Face Rio Negro Severum. Longfin Red Oscar. Red Head Geophagus Steinachneri Red Head Tapajos Geophagus. We offer the lowest prices on the internet. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. A password will be sent to your email address. Quick View. The Assorted Longfin Oscar requires a large aquarium of at least 70 gallons with a deep sand bottom and a few large rocks. ! Lemon Yellow Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) 2-3 inch $ 34.99 $ 29.99 Add to cart-10% Out of stock. We have quality Tropical Fish for sale at a price no one can match. Nitrate:                  <30ppm, © 2021 Aqua-Imports |, Tissue Culture, Cupped & Misc. … Fast overnight shipping on most orders. Showing all 7 results. Fire Eel. Lemon Yellow Oscars for sale at We feel that as a customer you deserve the extra sense of security; knowing that you will not be bringing home a fish that is carrying a yet unknown disease. TRiN's Tropical Fish | Look through our wonderful selection of freshwater aquarium fish for sale.. Is this aquarium Oscar Fish fake? Recommended Tank Size: 90 gallons We quarantine EVERY fish that you see for sale for a minimum of 10 days to ensure you're getting the healthiest and best quality fish around! When they are free-swimming, the fry should be fed Cyclops. Typical Tank Setup: A mostly open aquarium with some rock work. The eggs are opaque at first, turning transparent in 24 hours. The Assorted Longfin Oscar is an ornamental variant of the popular Astronotus sp. Our Price: $20.00 : Promotions2: Baby Red Belly Piraha Bundle!! Over 250 miles, call/email for a quote. 12/02/2021. They will dig up plants so any plants that are in the aquarium should be potted with the root surfaces covered with rocks. Snow White Parrot Convict (Platinum Parrot) From $ 15.99. Shipping within a 250 mile radius of the store as low as $20 next day delivered to your door. Common Name: Long Finned Tiger Oscar Scientific Name: Astronotus Ocellatus Average Adult Fish Size: 12 – 14 inches / 30.5 cm – 35.5 cm Place of Origin: Oscars are native to Brazil, French Guinea, Columbia, and Peru and occur frequently in the Amazon River and surrounding basins. Red Spotted Turquoise Severum. In South America, where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus specimens are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets. Using floating plants is a good compromise to this problem. lugubris), Goliath Tiger Fish (Hydrocynus cf. Longfin Red Tiger Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) – Aqua Imports – Online Store Longfin Red Tiger Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) $ 19.99 A selectively bred form of the popular Oscar, the Longfin or Veilfin Oscar has been bred for long, flowing fins giving it a unique appearance. Albino red tiger longfin oscar $ 39.99. Filter — Items for your Aquarium. Albino Viel Tail Oscar 2"-3" (Astronotus ocellatus) (fwf cichlid sa oscar vieltail) Although not rare, Viel Tail Oscars are seldom seen available for sale. Orinoco Polka Dot … They will dig up plants so any plants that are in the aquarium should be potted with the root surfaces covered with rocks. Mloto Likoma (Copadichromis trewavasae) from $14.99. Show Filters . Sometimes the fry will cling to their parents. Adult Size: 11″ Recommended Tank Size: 90 gallons Compatibility: A fairly aggressive and predatory cichlid, they are best kept with fish of similar size and aggression Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.2 – 7.5 $ 28.00. Oscar fish normally reach a maximum size of 11 or 12 inches in captivity and can weigh up to approximately 3 lbs. Fish stores normally sell them anywhere between 1 and 2 inches as babies. Long fin red tiger Oscar 3″ in length. In South America, where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus specimens are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets.The fish can also be found in other areas, including China, Australia, and the United States. R 300 I have x3 tiger oscars for sale, R300 for all 3. Name ... where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus specimens are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets.The fish can also be found in other areas, including China, Australia, and the United States. JACK DEMPSEY *Electric Blue* (Cichlasoma octofasciatum .var) Regular price $34.99 JAGUAR CICHLID (Parachromis managuensis) Regular price $14.99 — Sold Out. They are about 2 years old and stay in a pond in the summer months. They will dig up plants so any plants that are in the aquarium should be potted with the root surfaces covered with rocks. Oscar fish for sale big fish 30cm 2 red tiger 1x albino female 1x albino tiger Male and female pair of Red Devils 15 cm 1x male vej fernastratus $115 each for the Oscars $125 for the red devil pair $80 for the 17 cm vej fernastratus. Edenvale 5 days ago. Oscars can exceed 14 or 15 inches, however, fish like these are quite uncommon. Filter by price . Goby – Bumble Bee Freshwater Goby. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. 4 different colors. The coloration almost looks too good to be true. … Large Oscars are not as territorial as most other cichlids when full-grown but will consume anything they can fit into their mouths. Congo Tetra for sale at . Categories: Freshwater fish, Oddball aggressive. Collection only. List: $ 8.99 $ 7.99 Add to cart; Sale! Sale! Rainbow Apistogramma Viejita. Edenvale Germiston area. King Parrot Cichlid (5-6 inch) $ 89.99 $ 79.99. List: $ 24.99 $ 19.99 Read more; Freshwater Shark – Columbian Blackfin Shark Brackish. Red Tiger Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) 1.25-2.0 inch New World Cichlid $ 17.99. This is a picture of a beautiful young Albino Red Oscar Fish for sale in our facility. Added to List Add to My List Added My List. Approximate Purchase Size: 2-3/4” to 3-1/4”, having an aquarium is the best way to bring nature into your home or business. Here at Blue Hook Aquatics we take great pride and care in the fish that we keep. Oscar. Reviews: Click here to read some reviews from some of our customers about us and the fish they got from us. Although its slow growth limits its potential for aquaculture, it is considered a popular aquarium fish. Although its slow growth limits its potential for aquaculture, it is considered a popular aquarium fish For larger if you wish to sex them earlier develop many ways to become common problem that goes unnoticed and causes the female gives birth she will use their babies together. Aquarium Plants, L018 Big Spot Gold Nugget Pleco (Baryancistrus xanthellus), L253 Black Royal Goldie Pleco (Scobinancistrus sp. The fish can also be found in other areas, including China, Australia, and the United States. Longfin Red Tiger Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), Origin: Aquacultured Asia Get the best deals on Live Aquarium Oscar Fish when you shop the largest online selection at Black Moscow Guppy (Male) $ 19.99 $ 15.99. Using floating plants is a good compromise to this problem. The Assorted Longfin Oscar requires a large aquarium of at least 70 gallons with a deep sand bottom and a few large rocks. Related products. Fancy Longfin Ocellaris Clownfish DAMSEL/CHROMIS: Neon Velvet Damsel Neon Velvet Damsel XLRG Yellow Lemon Damsel Kupang Damsel Roland’s Damsel Allen’s Damsel Springeri Damsel Sergeant Major Damsel Vanderbuilt Chromis Green Chromis Blue Reef Chromis Black and White Chromis Black Bar (Retro) Chromis Black And Yellow Chromis Yellowtail Blue Damsel Blue Damsel Domino Damsel Three … Aquarium fish for sale. Longfin Oscar Fish - Veiltail Aquarium Compilation - YouTube Sale. Geophagus jurupari 3″ Sale! Click here for the complete details about shopping here. Nitrite:                    0ppm pH:                          6.2 – 7.5 Rating Required. Diet: Omnivore and predator, will accept most frozen and prepared foods. L253), Spadetail Checkerboard Cichlid (Dicrossus maculatus), Inirida Spotted Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla cf. Longfin red tiger oscar $ 34.99. A large aquarium should be used for breeding, as large as 100 gallons if possible. It is often as three times a day. Sale price $7.99 Regular price $14.99 Sale. Quality Cichlids, Frontosa, Oscars, and Rams for sale at cheap low prices. Regani Dwarf Pike. With its elegant, flowing fins, the Assorted Longfin Oscar makes a colorful and active addition to a large aquarium. Temp:                     78-84F Goby – Butterfly Goby or Wasp Fish. We offer Oscars along with hundreds of other tropical fish for sale. Out of stock. Description. Assorted Longfin Oscar. The female will lay from 1,000-2,000 eggs on rocks that have been carefully cleaned. One of the most popular and well-known South American Cichlids in the aquarium hobby, the Oscar is a large growing, relatively aggressive fish (especially towards other cichlids) and a popular food fish in its native habitat in the Amazon Basin. List: $ 34.00 $ 29.00 $ 26.88 Add to cart; Freshwater Flounder. All fish are shipped directly to your front door. Due to their large adult size, Oscars require large aquariums and should be kept with similarly sized tankmates. Young oscar fish for sale. Quick View. Oscar fish grow at an incredible rate. The Assorted Longfin Oscar requires a large aquarium of at least 70 gallons with a deep sand bottom and a few large rocks. The Assorted Longfin Oscar is a carnivore that is a predaceous and hearty eater. Proteus Pike. Category: South american cichlids. Our Price: $20.00 : Viel Tail Oscar 2"-3" (Astronotus ocellatus) (fwf cichlid sa oscar vieltail1) Although not rare, Viel Tail Oscars are seldom seen available for sale.
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