Cats and Pregnant Women: How to Stay Safe, BoxiePro Deep Clean scent-free probiotic clumping cat litter, Boxiecat extra strength scent-free premium clumping clay cat litter, Litter Genie Plus cat litter disposal system, LitterChamp premium odor-free cat litter waste disposal system. The LitterChamp premium odor-free cat litter waste disposal system is one such option. If your cat is adamantly opposed to self-cleaning boxes, be selective about the cat litter you choose. While this sounds terrible, the reality is that you’re more likely to “catch” the disease from undercooked meat than from your cat. If you're pregnant, you may hear that cats can affect your pregnancy. One way to find out how long cats are pregnant is to confirm a cat is indeed pregnant. The Litter Genie Plus cat litter disposal system, for example, uses an eight-layer bag to lock away the contents of the pail. Keep in mind, however, that with most self-cleaning litter boxes, you’ll still need to dispose of the litter trays and the waste that collects in the covered compartment, as well as clean the inside of the box. Cats have to eat infected prey to become carriers of the disease, so one way to protect yourself is to keep your cat indoors. Are you prepared for your cat's pregnancy? Anything that effectively and quickly contains the mess from your litter box is advisable. Either have your vet tech or cat groomer cut them, or ask them to show you how to do it. Cat Nutrition: What Makes a Nutritional Cat Food? You probably have a … Hi, I've heard about pregnant women not handling cat's litter box during pregnancy and it has something to do with toxoplasmosis. Owning a cat does not mean you will be infected with the parasite. Ask others to help make sure that your cat gets fed, brushed, and entertained in the usual manner. If you're wondering, it's a myth that cats like to suffocate babies. The immune systems of generally healthy humans keep the parasites dormant to give you lifelong immunity. Cats get toxo from rodents - so if you don't have a hunting cat chances are almost zero. It's not your cat, per se, that can do it but a single-celled parasite called toxoplasmosis which cats can carry. So what are pregnant cat syptoms, and how can you tell if your cat is expecting? Like pregnant women, pregnant cats can experience morning sickness. 1993;47:457-63. Here's more information that'll help ease any other anxieties. If you’re concerned about disposing of the waste and cleaning the box, look into a product like the . Clean the litter box after each use. During the third to fourth week of pregnancy, your cat’s belly will begin to swell slightly. If you prepare any meat for yourself or your cat, make sure it is thoroughly cooked. Healthy, adult cats often show no symptoms at Pregnant women and cat litter may not go hand-in-hand, but if you take precautions, there’s no need to rehome your feline companion. If you’ve ever been told that cats and pregnant women do not mix, rest assured that the person who told you this wasn’t entirely correct. It is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Pregnancy presents a few challenges when you have a cat. Our feline pregnancy A cat’s gestation period ranges between 58 and 67 days on average. Start on a low volume and work up to louder volume and longer duration, using positive attention and rewards. It’s safest to offer your cat commercial cat food (not raw) for the duration of your pregnancy. Dieter JA, Stewart DR, Haggarty MA, Stabenfeldt GH, Lasley BL. Some doctors even go so far as to advise Everyone in your household can help keep both your cat and baby safe, happy, and living together on peaceful terms. Indoor cats need their nails clipping more frequently, as they are not wearing them down going outside. The process will help your pet develop positive associations with the new scents. You won’t need to touch the litter ever again. These kits will detect the presence of “relaxing,” a hormone present in cats during pregnancy, 20 to 25 days after insemination. In this AnimalWised article we'll discuss the causes, symptoms and treatment of pseudopregnancy in cats. It is In addition to being unnecessary, rehoming a beloved pet due to pregnancy would be upsetting for everyone involved. If so, you have no worries about getting it during pregnancy. Lower chance of catching fleas or worms from vermin. It'll help your cat feel like it's part of the household. Soften the blow to your cat by gradually introducing the change. Record a baby crying and play it for your cat. The chief concern surrounding pregnancy and cats is the disease toxoplasmosis. If infected by this parasite for the first time while pregnant, a woman could either miscarry or give birth to a child with birth defects. How to Safely Introduce Cats and Newborn Babies, How to Train Your Cat to Stop Urine Marking, How to Stop Your Cat From Pooping Outside the Litter Box, Postnatal Care of a Mother Cat and Her Newborn Kittens, Cats and Mice: Potential for Disease and Other Dangers, The 8 Best Automatic Litter Boxes of 2021, The Best Cat Litter Subscriptions of 2021, What to Do if There's Blood in Your Cat's Stool. A predictable routine reduces a cat's stress and prevents a host of problems. While it’s true that you need to put some safety measures in place, there’s no reason to get rid of your cats when pregnant. The reality is that cats love to snuggle up to warm bodies and they like the fragrance of milk on a baby's breath. Although the chances of being infected are very low, particularly if you have indoor cats, toxoplasmosis can be harmful to your baby during or just before your pregnancy. Feline pregnancies last around two to two and a half months. Pregnancy, Your Dog, and that Sixth Sense While there is no scientific proof that explains precisely why dogs, or any other animal for that matter, can pick up on pregnancy, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence. Cats and kittens prefer litter boxes, garden soils, and sandboxes for elimination, and you may be exposed unintentionally by touching your mouth after changing a litter box, or after … There are also indoor hazards to be aware of, from open cupboards, washing machines and tumble driers to … As a result, a pregnant woman will not pass it on to her unborn child. Here's what you need to know about feline pregnancy. In fact, you may have already been exposed to toxoplasmosis. Of course, with restricted access to external stimulation, indoor cats will demand more of your time for affection, play and grooming. J Reprod Fertil Suppl. Wash all surfaces and utensils that touch raw meat. Instead, enlist family and friends to help your cat feel like a valued member of the family. Do I have to get rid of my cat? This behavior is known as “quickening”, and it is a critical stage of a cat’s pregnancy in which the fetus begins to move. If a woman has already been infected by the parasite in the past, being exposed to it again during pregnancy will not be a problem. No, you do not have to give up your cat. Mature cats are less likely to shed Toxoplasma if they have been previously infected. Like humans, cats have very distinct pregnancy symptoms. If you live with someone, ask them to take on the duty of cleaning the cat litter. While early models may have been a bit clunky, newer designs are much more user-friendly. The good news: If you've had your cat for a while, you're likely to already be immune to toxoplasmosis because you've probably already been infected with it as most cat owners have been. But always wear disposable gloves and thoroughly wash your hands immediately afterward. This box was created to minimize noise and moving parts for cats who don’t appreciate loud noises. Female cats who cannot conceive or that go through heat without mating, have mated with infertile cats, may show signs of false pregnancy. Invite a friend or family member to bring their baby over for visits. Place a few containers filled with coins that make noise, add a small rug protector nubby side up, or cover the bed with netting. Pick a cat litter that is less likely to get stuck to your cat’s paws and therefore be spread around the house. The chief concern surrounding pregnancy and cats is the disease toxoplasmosis. It will require , designed specifically for this self-flushing box. Feeding Kittens 101: What to Feed, How Much, and How Often. Indoor only cats have a VERY VERY remote chance of getting the disease. Even with a negative test result, there’s no need to avoid cats. To use these kits at home, you have to draw a drop of blood from your queen. Read on for a breakdown of the week-by-week cat pregnancy stages! From what I understand, cats get infected if they hunt outside and eat infected animals. If you have other pets or young children in your home, you might want to choose a cat litter box enclosure system with childproof locks on the lid. Keep in mind that you can’t use regular cat litter with a product like this. Indoor-only cats can become stressed by living together with other cats in restricted territory, so it is important to keep an eye out for signs of your cats not getting on. It is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Dr. Nascimento says pregnancy can be confirmed by an ultrasound early on at around two weeks. Toxoplasmosis is a disease transmitted by cats, and it can cause pregnant women to miscarry or cause brain damage to the fetus. However, you could already have a natural immunity to the parasite. The ScoopFree Ultra self-cleaning litter box, for example, has safety sensors so the cleaning cycle won’t be initiated until 20 minutes after your cat has exited the box. Franny is an award-winning freelance writer who has been writing about cats since 1997. Since the parasite is spread from cats to people through cat feces, avoiding the cat litter box is also a good way to prevent the disease. Ultrasounds are the easiest way to determine if a cat is pregnant, and X-rays may be able to give insight as to how large of a litter she'll be having. A cat can get it if it eats prey, raw, or undercooked meat with the parasite, or comes into contact with contaminated soil. While most cats will be pregnant for 63-65 days, or about 9 weeks. Options like BoxiePro Deep Clean scent-free probiotic clumping cat litter and Boxiecat extra strength scent-free premium clumping clay cat litter are both ideal for this purpose. Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic parasite, which means cats who carry Toxoplasma gondii can pass it on to people. From your cat's point of view, a baby is a loud, threatening, and attention-stealing invader. If your pet is particularly frightened by the unexpected noises these boxes sometimes make, try an option like the . Neutering and spaying your pets are very important in keeping the population under control and reducing how many kitties end up in shelters, on the streets, or euthanized. If you have an indoor cat, the likelihood for infection is smaller. • Keep indoor cats indoors so they do not become infected by eating small animals. So, that’s why you should regularly do wet cleaning at home. Symptoms of toxoplasmosis tend to be mild and may include muscle pain, fever, fatigue, headache, and swollen lymph nodes, sometimes lasting for weeks. Pregnant women may assume they need to give their cats away because toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects in children. If you scoop the litter box soon after your cat uses it, there will be less risk. Pregnancy presents a few challenges when you have a cat. If it’s not possible for someone else to take over the job, consider the following: Once you and your pet get used to a self-cleaning litter box, you may never want to go back. Vomiting, Morning sickness, Loss of appetite. Registered cat breeders, likewise, often make use of the cat pregnancy diagnosis services available at their local vet clinic. But with a little understanding and planning, you'll overcome all of them while still enjoying your pet. The infection doesn’t make cats sick so you wouldn’t know if your Your doctor can test to see if you're in this group. Wear gloves if you garden or work in soil (the parasite lives in the dirt). Egg development, Weight gain, Nipple enlargement and turning pink. Wear baby lotions and powders and let your cat sniff you while offering praise and treats. Even before your baby arrives, make the bassinet or crib uninviting for your cat by putting items on the mattress that deter your pet. After all, pregnant women, babies, and felines have coexisted peacefully for centuries. Toxoplasma parasites do not become infectious until at least 24 hours after they are shed in the cat’s feces. Dieter JA, et al. What cats make the best indoor cats? It'll be impossible to keep up your high level of attention once your baby arrives home. Let your cat investigate the new nursery. With some planning, babies and cats can be buddies. But with a little understanding and planning, you'll overcome all of them while still enjoying your pet. Healthy, adult cats often show no symptoms at all, but potential signs include eye abnormalities, diarrhea, fever, difficulty breathing, jaundice and neurologic abnormalities. It seems as though cats get pregnant easily and often. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite that can infect your cat. Female cats are pregnant for around nine weeks. You’ll also want an odor control cat litter that discourages dust. Cats have become one of the most popular pets in the world, but indoor cats are sometimes much different from cats that live outside or that are allowed to come and go as they please. Get your cat used to baby smells long before bringing your infant home. However, avoid going overboard by giving your cat extra, compensating attention prior to the baby's arrival. Pregnancy failure in cats associated with long-term dietary taurine insufficiency. There are a few additional measures to help further safeguard you from catching this disease, recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): If you have no choice but to handle the litter, take the following precautions. Toxoplasmosis is not a disease we hear all that much about, but one that will affect nearly one of every 10 Americans at some point in their lives. Toxoplasmosis in cats is rarely a serious problem. This is particularly true if your cat lives indoors, since cats get the parasite from eating infected prey. It's important to understand the disease. Women can get tested for exposure at the beginning of their pregnancy to know how concerned they need to be. Toxoplasmosis is almost always a concern for pregnant women. By scooping the litter box after each use, or at least once a day, you can decrease the chances of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite becoming transmittable. When you do scoop, make sure to use disposable gloves and wash your hands afterward. Arguments For Indoor Only Cats Lower chance of catching diseases from other cats such as the untreatable and fatal feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) - the cat equivalent of AIDS. Overall a cat’s pregnancy length is similar to a dog’s pregnancy length. All women have to do is take some simple precautions to reduce the chances of exposure and infection. Clip the tips once a month. Let the baby sit on your lap, let your cat sniff the child while offering praise to your pet at the same time. The parasite only becomes infectious one to five days after being shed in the cat's feces. This box scoops, liquefies and flushes the cat waste by itself. Adding another indoor cat to a household where you already have one or more indoor cats is likely to cause problems. Pregnancy and cats: apartment cleaning As we’ve already mentioned, fur is often a hotbed of infections and is also a strong allergen. Cats like to have their own territory in which to live their daily lives of both exploring and relaxing, and they tend to want to do these activities on their own. Toxoplasmosis in cats is rarely a serious problem. Most cats that carry the parasite are outdoor cats who feed on contaminated prey. But whether you actually will get it from your cat is That's because the parasite can be found in raw and undercooked meats or on unwashed produce. Your Cat Pregnancy Timeline Details Beginning of fertilization, Implantation of the fertilized egg. Pregnant cats - what to expect when they're expecting Heat cycles usually stop during pregnancy, but sometimes they continue. We never let them out (the used to be able to go out and hunt before we got them but that was 2 … Pregnant women can transmit toxoplasmosis, a rare parasitic disease, to their unborn babies, and a toxoplasmosis infection can lead to miscarriage or cause malformed babies. My question is, i have 2 cats that are strictly indoor. Even indoor cats slip out from time to time, and it’s not uncommon for even a single encounter to result in pregnancy. Keep your cat's routine the same as much as possible. While all cats need some level of mental and physical stimulation to be happy, some are better suited than others to a life indoors. Kittens and cats can shed millions of parasites in their feces for as long as 3 weeks after infection. Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy In Cats When I got pregnant, (because we have two indoor/outdoor cats running around), I asked my doctor if they could run a toxoplasmosis screening with the hCG blood test my work required for Litter disposal systems are a good way to contain both the odor and potential pathogens in cat feces. First, indoor cats fed commercially-packaged cat food have a very low risk of being exposed to the parasite. The myth about cats giving pregnant women toxoplasmosis has been causing misery for a long time. Cats pick up the parasite from uncooked meat, and small animals they may kill and eat outdoors. During this time period, a cat might also show visible signs of change including putting on weight, having a swollen abdomen, and even morning sickness. By utilizing cat supplies like these, women can safely be pregnant with cats in the same household. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. If mating occurs again during pregnancy, this can lead to further foetuses being conceived and kittens born with different fathers in the same litter. Some cats are displeased by changes in their routine and new scents and objects in their house, but there are steps you can take to calm their distress.
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