Baby doesnt have that problem. I think is tumor is growing. I can tell you the VCL done by our vet has saved our little buddy. My husband checked on him. See your ferret veterinarian regularly. I knew he was sick when given but I thought it was just cus the last owner was giving him the wrong diet and let him use the litter box of their cats and roam around like they were a cat. Young ferrets (<2 years) love to swallow things make of latex and foam (I've got come very interesting stories of things I've taken out of ferrets!). I doubt your weaselly friend has an insulinoma, but I’ll bet he has a gastric foreign body. Does she get up and play? The shaking isn’t just when waking up and he lays in my arms vibrating. Or is it a side effect of the increased medicine dose? I thought it might have been something she ate.
Our youngest monster has insulinoma and is well managed on Prednisone and with scheduled feedings 2x a day in addition to the food they always have available in their cage. We did just what we were told to do. I tried to take her to an animal hospital today but it was so expensive I had to leave. . He’s approx 7yrs old, but was very active before the symptoms started. I took her in when I noticed she wasn’t using her back legs. Insulinomas are growths that occur on the pancreas of the ferret. He is definitely showing his age now but I feel like this came to fast. The mass (which she suspects is a tumor) did not appear to be on any of his organs from what she could tell. My male ferret Echo just turned one in march and for the past few days he’s been laying down out of nowhere. The disease is significant and ferrets showing signs of insulinoma should be attended by a veterinarian familiar with ferrets and experienced in the surgery to correct this disease. This time the doctor ran tests but found nothing. He also has an adrenal gland problem. Well the mass in his abdomen turned out to be an undescended testicle, we had it send out to be tested and it was cryptorchidism. Insulinoma would be one cause, but there are many other problems that may present similarly. I am struggling to find what my Ferret has and my doctor is checking with other doctors to see if they know more about this. That means that the dose of prednisolone / prednisone is not enough to get her sugar levels up OR that she needs to have her tumor removed or reduced in mass so that the prednisolone can do its job. C.L. About 15 min went by and what do you know,.Petey walked right into the room like nothing happened. Therefore, it is often necessary to take several separate samples to check and recheck the blood glucose level over time. The vet said if he responds nicely to 2 doses of shots for 2 months, the we can give him an implant for it. Inbreeding and the early spaying/neutering at these farms are thought to be two big reasons so many American pet ferrets are developing common ferret health problems like insulinoma (pancreatic tumors), adrenal disease (adrenal tumors) and lymphosarcoma (cancer.) Originally, the vet told us surgery would be too difficult as the tumors are thoughout the tract. It is over a year later and lately he has been accidents all over the house and even in/around his cage near his blankets and it gets stuck on his own fur (which he would never have allowed in the past). He act like he’s a bit confused most of the time, when he’s looking around. The best way to test your ferret’s blood glucose levels to determine whether they have Insulinoma is with a blood glucose monitor. Cheers! ©Copyright VCA Hospitals all rights reserved. or it may be from other problems related to old age: kidney problems, protein losing issues with his GI tract or kidneys, neurological problems from intervertebral disc problems or Image result for musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis, etc. First he started to slow down and stair at us, from there we walked like he was drunk all the time, at about 2 months he’s signs became worse and we didnt know what to do. I panicked. Thank you. You might want him to explane that you you.
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