I, and dozens of my company's employees, write on this site to share the gospel. The scientists, led by Professor Abraham Jones, are associated with the Brigham Young … Thank you! Manchester, NY | A team of archaeologists excavating a drumlin known as Mormon hill or the Cumorah, in western New York, have discovered a set of gold plates which they believe could be linked to the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smith Jr. 198.) : An Exerpt from “The Creation of Mormonism” Posted on July 14, 2013 Updated on July 23, 2013. Your generous support makes the work of MRM possible. According to the Book of Mormon prophet Nephi: "I make an abridgment of the record of my father, upon plates which I have made with mine own hands; wherefore, after I have abridged the record of my father then will I make an account of mine own life." If that part was also a visionary experience, which it may have been, then there are several other witnesses that experienced the plates without the spiritual medium being involved. The question of the reality of the plates is really important to the faith of Mormons and how we see the Book of Mormon. Buy It Now +C $16.72 shipping. First, he specifically mention 3 witnesses, then a “few,” and also “as many witnesses as seemeth [the Lord] good.” These distinctions appear to reflect the Three Witnesses who saw the plates and the angels, the Eight Witnesses who saw and handled Instead of attending choir she did laundry. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. version of the Hebrew Bible written on brass plates. You will find it recounted in Mormon manuals, speeches, and commentaries. When Martin Harris lost the translated manuscript (see above), Moroni took the plates from Joseph as a physical reminder that he had lost the power to translate. Parker notes that Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt, speaking in Ogden in 1873, spoke of day when the plates, “now slumbering in the Hill Cumorah,” will be “brought to light.” When that happens, he said, they will “have the history of the Old Testament much more fully, with the addition of a great many prophecies that are not now contained in the record.” (They weighed about 230 lbs. Some of those important experiences were the death of his oldest brother Alvin, his employment with Josiah Stowell digging for treasure, and meeting and marrying Emma Hale. In his review of Blaine Yorgason’s Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, Tvedtnes notes. In his talk titled "America's Destiny," President Marion G. Romney indicated that the Jaredites perished at the Hill Cumorah in New York, the same hill where the golden plates were buried. Instead, he said they were hidden, “not far away from that place.”, Parker notes that Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt, speaking in Ogden in 1873, spoke of day when the plates, “now slumbering in the Hill Cumorah,” will be “brought to light.” When that happens, he said, they will “have the history of the Old Testament much more fully, with the addition of a great many prophecies that are not now contained in the record.”. 1400 years later, Moroni directed Joseph Smith to the … Golden Plates Page. The fire and the cloud were symbolic to show the people of God that Jehovah was in their midst although they never saw his physical presence. For a December 2011 Viewpoint on Mormonism series on this topic, click the following links: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5    Another show related to this topic can be found here: “Gold Plates or Golden Plates?”. When he got there, he said he recognized the burial spot almost at once (see Joseph Smith—History 1:50). An exerpt from. I've moved all the material in this article either back to Book of Mormon or to new articles, including Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, Linguistics and the Book of Mormon, and Golden Plates. Some of them were faithful members of the Church while others did not like Joseph Smith or members of his church. ... 2 product ratings - Dramatized Golden Plates Book Mormon Living Scriptures CD Audio Compact Disc LDS. There seems to be no middle ground. I served as a full-time missionary for the church in Brazil for two years, and have been active in the church all my life. Monte S. Nyman, professor of ancient scripture, Brigham Young University. David Whitmer’s testimony is a rare exception because he was one of the men who is said to have actually entered such a cave. A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia article "Golden plates" Witnesses to the existence of the gold plates. Below is some predictable silly putty propaganda from an LDS outfit--calling itself the "Genesis Group" and marching under the heavenly banner of "Ancient America Foundation"--regarding a "gold plate book" found in (drum roll, please) Bulgaria--the famous landing spot, of course, for Lehi, Nephi and the rest of the original Mormon pioneer clan. (FARMS Review of Books, vol. Joseph almost immediately went to the place that had been described. It is comprised of gravel and earth. Just a couple days later, Joseph Smith showed the plates to eight more men: Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith, Samuel Smith, Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, John Whitmer, and Hiram Page. Check out Book of Mormon Central’s new video, detailing the historical evidence for the existence of the Book of Mormon golden plates: The video is the third in Book of Mormon Central’s Evidence video series, the two previous videos being one on the archaeological evidence for the place called Nahom, mentioned by Nephi (1 Nephi 16:34), and another on the historical … The first time they went there the sword of Laban hung upon the wall; but when they went there again it had been taken down and laid upon the table across the gold plates; it was unsheathed, and on it was written these words: ‘This sword will never be sheathed again until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and his Christ’ (Journal of Discourses 19:38). My faith in Christ is the most important aspect of my life, and this blog is where I get to share my beliefs. According to Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, in 1823 the angel Moroni guided him to some golden plates buried on a hill near to where he lived. Golden Plates . In the midst of this light, but a few feet from us, appeared a table upon which were many golden plates, also the sword of Laban and the directors. https://bookofmormonevidence.org/the-scriptural-basis-for-the-heartland-model Brigham Young gave a somewhat similar, second-hand account on June 17, 1877: Oliver Cowdery went with the Prophet Joseph when he deposited these plates. One might ask, if the plates really lie hidden in the Hill Cumorah, why not excavate it and prove to the world once and for all that the story of the gold plates was not the result of Joseph Smith’s fertile imagination? Joseph removed a large stone that formed the top of a box created by laying stones in some kind of cement. [Page 35] Carl T. Cox has graciously provided me with a new account of Moroni showing the Book of Mormon plates to Mary Whitmer (1778-1856), wife of Peter Whitmer Senior. The scriptures suggest two reasons the Book of Mormon gold plates were not made available to the public: the first is that the Lord refused to allow men to use these sacred plates for commercial or personal benefit; the second, and most important, was so the Lord could test the faith of all who receive … [vii] “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” The Saint’s Herald 26, no. I couldn’t. However, we read in the Encyclopedia of Mormonism that the plates were returned to the Angel Moroni in 1829. It would have to have been after they were shown to the Three Witnesses in June of that year. When Joseph Smith uncovered the Urim and Thummim with the gold plates, he began using them and other interpreters to translate the ancient record. In addition to these important events in his life, Joseph also returned to the Hill Cumorah every year on the anniversary of his first visit. The opinions expressed on this website are not necessarily those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as this blog is not an official source of church information. Furthermore, page 55 clearly records Joseph Smith himself saying the plates were seen in a vision. When he had sufficiently repented, Moroni returned the plates and the ability to translate returned as well. I own an online company where I create websites which are read by millions of people. The volume was something near six inches in thi… Often ignored in LDS history is the fate of the stone box in which the golden plates were deposited on Hill Cumorah and to which Joseph was led in 1827. Based on Dan Vogel’s theories surrounding the “Tin Plates” and the Book of Mormon, Trent created a proof of concept model of the Book of Mormon made out of tin, in order to help demonstrate the physical size and weight of the plates. THE GOLDEN PLATES by Florence Pierce 1946 HARDCOVER Mormon LDS 2nd Edition 1948. The gold plates contained the teachings of prophets in ancient America. Possessing the plates linked Joseph in a material way to the prophets that had written them almost two thousand years earlier. Joseph Smith, the man who translated the Book of Mormon from the plates, said this regarding where they are at now: "...They remained safe in my hands, until I … Among other things, Moroni told Joseph about the existence of a historical record that was engraved on plates of gold.Moroni was a prophet from the American Continent around 400 C.E. It almost seems like the plates represented the power and without the plates, the power was lost as well. The short answer is that after Joseph Smith finished his translation of the golden plates, which was witnessed by more than a dozen people, the plates were returned to the Angel Moroni, who had given the plates to Joseph Smith in the first place. Required fields are marked *. The plates were 7" x 8" by about 6". to 421 A.D. on the American continent. Many ask, “Where are the gold plates now?” “And what of the many other records that were supposedly “hid up” in the Hill Cumorah? [v] “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” Saints’ Herald, 1 Oct. 1879, p. 290; spelling modernized. In a similar way, the plates were always present during the translation process but were “veiled” with a linen cloth of sorts. How could there be so many witnesses of the Book of Mormon and the plates and not one of them deny their testimony … (Replica of The Book of Mormon plates.) Phelps said that Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer went to the Hill Cumorah and “walked into a room about 16 ft. square. [iv] Orson Pratt, An Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions, and of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records [pamphlet, 1840], 12–13. A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia article "Golden plates" Witnesses to the existence of the gold plates . The Prophet Joseph Smith records that Moroni was in "charge" of the Book of Mormon plates. Additionally, Monte S. Nyman pointed out that, “The scriptures suggest two reasons the Book of Mormon gold plates were not made available to the public: the first is that the Lord refused to allow men to use these sacred plates for commercial or personal benefit; the second, and most important, was so the Lord could test the faith of all who receive the record.” She sacrificed many of her personal affairs to tend to everyone and never complained. 25-32; see also the preface to the first edition [1830] of the Book of Mormon). From United States When Joseph finished the translation, Moroni came to take the plates from Joseph. Joseph Smith receiving the plates represented a final “changing of the guard” so to speak. The story of the golden plates consists of how, according to Joseph Smith and his contemporaries, the plates were found, received from the angel Moroni, translated, and returned to the angel before the publication of the Book of Mormon. On the flip side, believers, even LDS scholars, are reticent to discuss the possibility of the golden plates being anything but the actual ancient Nephite recorded on metal plates. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Evidence amply demonstrates that the formal witnesses of the Book of Mormon we C $72.05. Joseph spent the next four years preparing to receive the plates. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life among them.[ii]. “…..Since that time, the plates have remained wherever Moroni left them”. These trips are the subject of a lot of Mormon-speculation and sensationalizing. TIA! What at one time might have been a heavy left hook against the validity of The Book of Mormon has since turned into quite convincing evidence in favor of the reality of the golden plates. per cubic foot. Second hand accounts, differences in details, and even geologic impossibility have not stopped Mormons from retelling this cave story. Once the plates were removed, neither the prophet nor anyone else appeared interested in the fate of the stone box itself. What was the character of the witnesses?— Brief Summary: Critics charge that the witnesses cannot be trusted, or are unreliable, because they were unstable personalities, prone to enthusiasm and exaggeration. Since then, researchers have found several examples of ancient metal plates, gold plates, and plates with rings. Smith apparently collected these plates, took them home, and subsequently translated them into the Book of Mormon which he then published in 1830. He also used at least one of the two seer stones that he owned. Anonymous . Joseph Smith said that the ancient records were engraved on plates which had the appearance of gold, each plate was six inches wide and eight inches long, and not quite so thick as common tin. From the record and from his original response, it seems that the plates of Mormon which Moroni received were small and almost full. However, this conclusion is dashed when we read in History of the Church 1:53 that it was only by prayer and faith that they were “able to obtain a view of them.” Why would prayer and faith be necessary to see physical objects? or Best Offer. Because the plates were made of precious metal, their monetary value was undoubtedly impressiveâ but they would be of still greater value to those who would attempt to publicize them by displaying them. For example, Martin Harris said that the plates weighed between 40 and 60 lbs. In her history, Lucy Mack Smith testified repeatedly of her physical proximity to the golden plates and other artifacts recovered at Cumorah. Almost fifty years later David Whitmer was interviewed by a Chicago Times reporter who wrote that "three times has he [Whitmer] been at the hill Cumorah …
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