He doesn't like looking at the other guys face. Go to a movie in Agerstown but they realize they've all seen the movie so they just get burgers instead. ", Top subjects are Literature, History, and Law and Politics. In Chapter Seven, Holden returns to his dormitory so that he can pack up his things and slip out early. What do you think Holden means when he says, "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"? What really bothers Holden when they leave? Y can't Holden fall asleep? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Who comes to his door? (Chapter 7)' and find homework help for other The Catcher in the Rye questions at eNotes The coming of age story, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. At least he knows what to expect. Holden does not have a strong relationship with any of his peers. Why do you suppose he tends to evaluate himself negatively? That he only likes learning of things he is interested in, such as English, that is why he reads. He admires how smart she is. Not only does Holden beg and lie consistently for alcohol in other bars in New York knowing that what he is doing is against the law, he continues to drink. Where does Holden plan to go before going home on Wednesday in Chapter 7 of The Catcher in the Rye? Holden decided to leave Pencey for good and get a cheap hotel in New York until Wednesday. Once Wednesday comes, he will return to his parents' house; by this time, his parents should have received Headmaster Thurmer's letter of expulsion and would have had time to think it over. His misadventures, narrated in J.D. What does Holden impulsively decide to do? He just says he is going to leave, but since he kept annoying him, Ackley got annoyed and that made Holden mad. Asks the cab driver to have a drink with him. To make a report of something detailed and he asks Holden because he is the best at English. Moron and Stradlater gets mad and punches him. In "The Catcher in the Rye," why does Holden suddenly decide to go to ackley's room? Holden agrees with him, but kind of hides the truth. Explain your thoughts. Where does he first go? What kind of book "really knocks [Holden] out"? His mother has a dispute with Karen Rooney.. What does Holden decide he must do next? Holden lacks self-control and often acts impulsively. 5 Reasons We Act Impulsively... and how to build willpower so we don't do it again. Now he notices that he is also nearly broke. In the episode Prom-A-Rooney, Andie (Liv's best friend) asks Holden (just as Liv was about to), to the prom, and of course, Holden says yes. Who takes the money from Holden? What shows how much Holden cares for her? In talking with her parents, how does Phoebe “sound” like Holden?-While talking to her parents, Phoebe uses the word “lousy” to describe her dinner.Phoebe “sounds” like Holden because the word “lousy” is a word Holden would use to describe something. Holden worries that otherwise "the kid will just sit in the dorm all night and pick his pimples." Oh no! Holden has a smart answer for this (of course): he was defending Ackley's honor to his roommate. Even if an actor is good, Holden thinks the actor acts as though he knows he's good and ends up pandering to the audience the way Ernie does when he plays the piano. Holden does not call Jane Gallagher because he says he is not in the mood (an excuse he has used before). When he was kissing her because of her step dad. Holden dislikes the way things change for the worse as we grow up; and so he similiarily liked the … Asked by ana b #428442 on 3/8/2015 8:13 AM Last updated by Aslan on 3/8/2015 8:18 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. The meeting with the nuns further reveals Holden's aesthetics, his sense of taste in the arts. 1. List some of the people and actions Holden sees as phony, and then discuss how he is phony himself in. Or at least he was, way back in the 20 th century. Why doesn't Holden throw his snowball at anything? answer choices Push them out a window or chop their head off. He had a crush on Liv Rooney in 3rd Grade, and Holden still liked her. He decides on a big plan: he will go book an inexpensive hotel room in New York City where he can "take it easy" and get "rested up" until Wednesday. Holden does succeed in making us perceive that the world is crazy, but his vision is also a function of his own adolescent instability, and the vision, we must admit, is more narrow and biased than that of Huck Finn, Parson Adams, or Don Quixote. He was acting like he was shot and dying. What does Holden tell Mrs. Morrow the reason he is going home early is? time passes, Holden I think is grieving his brother Allie. Holden dislikes the theater almost as much as the movies. What does Holden admit about himself in this chapter, and what example does he use to illustrate his point? Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, may seem quaint by today’s standards, yet the 17-year-old reveals many of the worrisome traits that we still associate with adolescence.He acts and speaks impulsively, then regrets his actions. How did Holden provoke him? Relate this to his past, and Allie. With all the bad language that Holden uses, why was he so upset that curse words were written on a school wall? This will allow Holden to miss out on his mother's hysterical behavior, since "[s]he's not too bad after she gets something thoroughly digested." Tags: Question 6 . In what ways does Holden show signs of maturity or character ... Holden shows maturity by changing his mind and deciding to stay at home. 5. Holden does succeed in making us perceive that the world is crazy, but his vision is also a function of his own adolescent instability, and the vision, we must admit, is more narrow and biased than that of Huck Finn, Parson Adams, or Don Quixote. Q. answer choices . What aspects of Jane Gallagher does Holden fondly recall? Suicide, he wants to jump out the window. Beside himself, Holden talks at length about Jane as Stradlater prepares for the date, but Stradlater doesn’t seem to care about any of the quirky little details Holden mentions about Jane’s personality. See, most of the guys at Pencey just talk about sex, but Stradlater actually does it. Holden lies in Ely's bed anyway and thinks about Jane—more specifically, about Jane with Stradlater in the back of Ed Banky's car. No, Holden did not tell his parents and they expected him to be back on Wednesday. What does Holden invite the cab driver to do? The snow made everything so nice and white and clean. Holden was calling him names. 30 seconds . In a final, awkward attempt to save himself, Holden decides to go "way out West" and live as a deaf-mute so he won't have to talk with people. What makes Holden feel bad when he thinks about his parents? Holden yelled at the top of his lungs "Sleep tight, ya morons.". How does Holden treat the two small boys in the museum? 3. Connection to Catcher in the Rye: In chapter 17, Holden tells Sally his dreams of wanting to impulsively … Rather, Holden can sense that Stradlater is only interested in having sex with Jane—an idea that sets Holden on edge. 12. It looks like your browser needs an update. Does Holden voice his agreement or disagreement to Mr. Spencer or does he keep it to himself? Agerstown is boring, but they make the best of it by playing pinball and eating hamburgers, returning to the dorm by 8:45 PM. Name some of the strange things Holden sees through his window. Choose your mark. What does Holden decide to do when stradlater leaves the room? At the beginning of the story, it seems like Holden has so much tension and anger, "all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. It is this … 10. Answered by Aslan on 3/8/2015 8:18 AM Holden goes to the Movies with Ackley and Mal Brossard. I believe that Holden decided to stay at Mr.Antolini's home because he see's similarities between himself and his teacher. 8. Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. They don't even offer to pay for their drinks. How does Stradlater react? She often sees right through her brother, detecting early on that he has been kicked out of Pencey Prep. When Romeo and Juliet are discussing their forbidden love for each other on the balcony of the Capulet household, Juliet says to Romeo, “Deny thy father and refuse thy name;/or thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,/and I’ll no longer be a Capulet” (Shakespeare 2.2.34-36). He wants to go say hello to her but is not in the mood to actually do it. He's one of those "yellow guys" and he uses his stolen gloves as an example. Her advice frequently is superior to what Holden plans to do. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. Why do the ice skates make Holden sad? Holden's riff on that museum seems like a perfect reflection of a kind of change fatigue that is likely to hit the native Manhattanite at a … Get an answer for 'Where does Holden then decide to go? Why is it so important to Holden that Phoebe not be mad at him? What does Holden decide he must do next? Holden feels that his "nerves were shot" and that he needed a vacation. When do they expect him home for his Christmas break? What do they want? How did Holden break his hand when he was thirteen? Name some of the people who Holden considers calling when he arrives in New York? hitchhike to the west, get a job, pretend to be deaf-mute. Phoebe, his sister. Holden usually does not enjoy performances because he is concerned that the actors will do something phony at almost any moment. I even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon we had that summer, but my hand was already broken and everything by the time, and I couldn't do it. What does Holden decide he must do next? Liv helps Andie get over her breakup with Holden by having a girls' weekend instead of going to SPARF, and it does not go as Liv originally planned. Take a quiz to discover the hero mark that represents you best & show the world what you stand for. Earlier in the novel, when he learned that he would be expelled, Holden expressed no sorrow about leaving the school, but now, he feels sadness. How do you know? What is the prostitute's name? If you worked for an entire year to save money for a car and then suddenly decided to spend it all on a diamond tiara instead, that would be an impulsive purchase. His mom gave him new ice skates, even though they weren´t the right kind. Chapter 4-7. Stradlater is a secret snob because he shaves with a dirty razor, but he is still a strong, and good-looking. What details and circumstances prompt Holden's claims to feel sorry for Mr. Spencer? What does Holden keep calling Stradlater? He doesn't like how he's a snob and a phony but he's a good piano player. Both Maddie and Diggie want to go with each other, but their attempts to figure out how the other one feels backfires when Diggie is too vague, and Maddie decides to take Todd Stetson instead, irritating Diggie. To what extent do you accept Holden's assessment of himself: "I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life." Due to Holden always being around his sister, she picks up his bad habits of improper vocabulary, causing her to use them … As a result of his lying and purposeful alienation from others, Holden has few healthy relationships in his life. Holden went to see Ackley. 9. He was nervous and depressed and she was depressing, and she goes to the movies. How does Mrs. Morrow know that Holden is/was a student at Pencey Prep? Why? He told her he had a brain tumor that would take about two minutes to operate on. The Values of Holden’s Journey “Maturity comes from experience, not age” (Ziad K. Abdelnour). A man dressing like a women and he sees a guy and girl spitting drinks at one another. [Holden] had trouble with him… Do [Holden] look like [he is] under twenty-one… Bring me a coke… Can’tcha [Bartender] stick a little rum in it” (Salinger 78). Holden is physically and emotionally exhausted, sweating profusely despite the cold. Who does Holden talk about at the beginning of chapter 10? To ackleys room. Holden, formerly known as General Motors-Holden, was an Australian automobile marque and former automobile manufacturer, which manufactured cars in Australia before switching to importing cars under the Holden brand.It was headquartered in Port Melbourne.. If not, why do you feel you shouldn’t do impulsive things? He feels abandoned and alone as he walks out of the dorm. Holden is cold, drunk, and alone. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Holden is both drawn to and repelled by her. Even if an actor is good, Holden thinks the actor acts as though he knows he's good and ends up pandering to the audience the way Ernie does when he plays the piano. A summary of Part X (Section3) in J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. He has three ones, five quarters, and a nickel with him. Is this a good idea or not? He died of leukemia, and Holden didn´t take it well he broke all the windows. Do Holden's parents know that he has been expelled from Pencey? What does Holden decide to do? Sign up now, Latest answer posted June 03, 2011 at 10:38:29 PM, Latest answer posted March 11, 2009 at 5:10:14 AM, Latest answer posted October 28, 2014 at 7:24:37 AM, Latest answer posted June 03, 2011 at 8:22:22 AM, Latest answer posted May 03, 2020 at 1:58:34 PM. How did Holden react? How does Holden treat the two small boys in the museum? Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Contrary to what your impulsive urge may tell you, you are not going to miss out by waiting to decide or respond. What would he rather do than punch someone? If so, what did you do and why? 13. What is Holden contemplating at the end of the chapter? What does Holdne respect/dislike about Ernie? Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Holden can’t get Jane off his mind. He feels as though he has hurt his mother and been left by his friends. What does Holden admit about himself and sex? What does Maurice do to Holden? How does Holden use the term "yellow" in chapters 7–13 of The Catcher in the Rye? Holden Caulfield uses lies to avoid emotional damage, and this behavior describes that of a mentally unsound individual. He asks Stradlater to give her … Relate this to his past, and Allie. When Holden's roommate Stradlater asks him to ghost-write a descriptive composition for him, Holden's answer shows a lot about his character as … What does he admire about her? Already a member? Symbolically, what might the skates represent? If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. With all the bad language that Holden uses, why was he so upset that curse words were written on a school wall? Where does he first go? Where did Holden go to kill time before he met Carl Luce? Jane Gallagher. What reason does Holden give for being a virgin? He believes that men should only have sex with women they genuinely care about and that it shouldn't be a public thing. Does Holden agree or disagree with Mr. Spencer's advice? Holden obtained Faith’s name and telephone number from Eddie Birdsell, a … Holden Caulfield is the archetypal American teenager. What does Holden decide to do with Mal on saturday night? 5. When he does, there are no ducks. Something always happens and when girls tell him to stop he does. Ch.7 who's bed does Holden try to stay in? Ackley wouldn't let Holden sleep in Ely's bed even though he knew Ely wouldn't be back until Sunday night. What does Holden do after his fight with Stradlater? Are you a teacher? What does Holden end up writing Stradlater's essay about? How does Holden treat the two small boys in the museum? Is he "yellow"? What time and place does Holden set for his meeting with Phoebe? He did not like the book Of Human Bondage. I think it is because he wants to stay humble and modest. Holden decided to leave Pencey for good and get a cheap hotel in New York until Wednesday. 6. He does not like fake people. Holden Dippledorf is a recurring character in Liv and Maddie and the Rooney Family's neighbor. The album is for children, and Holden knows it might be hard to find, but he has wanted to buy it for Phoebe ever since he heard it at Pencey. What did she used to do? Phoebe is also Holden's most trusted connection to family and home. He agrees with him, but does not really listen, because he wants to experience it all on his own. What does Holden do to Mrs. Morrow throughout this chapter? 7. What does Holden want to talk about with the cab driver? Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Making his way to a record store, he decides to look for Phoebe in the park after he buys the album, since she usually spends her Sundays in the park. To go and stay in a cheap hotel in New York until Wednesday when he'll go home after his … At the end of ch. He is near collapse. What is Holden's plan? Holden is trying to find company, but he is doing it at all the wrong places. They laughed at him because of his age and they didn't listen, also they were looking for celebrities. Holden really enjoyed a book that was written by Ring Lardner, and a book called The Return of the Native. Why does Holden deicide to stay at Mr.Antolini's home? What does Holden tell Mrs. Morrow his name is? Holden usually does not enjoy performances because he is concerned that the actors will do something phony at almost any moment. He decides he doesn't want to wait for Wednesday so that he will not get home before his parents get the Headmaster's letter of expulsion. 2. What does Ackley brag to Holden about in Chapter 5? Holden's confused quest continues. Where does holden go to kill time before he meets Carl Luce? ... "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"? At the park, he has a difficult time finding the lagoon. Holden's first meeting with Mr.Antolini was when he went to Elkton Hills, where Mr.Antolini was his teacher in … 9. What does Holden start to do right before he leaves? What does Holden impulsively decide to do? The company was founded in 1856 as a saddlery manufacturer in South Australia.In 1908, it moved into the … She said no to hanging out with him at 3 in the morning so she says t and he says tomorrow, and he said no. In the beginning of The Catcher in the Rye, we learn that Holden is being expelled from his fancy boarding school for failing multiple subjects and being an irresponsible student. He is also a habitual liar, lying freely and often for no reason at all. What evidence supports this. Holden wanted to play Canasta with Ackley. Holden does thing recklessly which in turn hurts himself as well as others. He's picturing Jane and stradlater. He punched him in the stomach. Before leaving, he arranges to … When Mal Brossard and Holden decide to take a bus into town for the night, Holden convinces Mal to let Ackley accompany them. He is old and carrying bags and is bald with a comb over. Steak, when the parents visit on saturday, they look rich. Holden feels sorry for Mr. Spencer because he was really old and he could not even pick up his a chalk that fell on the floor. A summary of Part X (Section7) in J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. A summary of Part X (Section9) in J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Holden feels sorry for ugly girls because he feels they have to put up with what? 7. Email. "**** you" What does the old lady in the office yell at Holden as he leaves? Who does Holden end up calling? A summary of Part X (Section11) in J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. What do you think about impulsive behavior? ... it makes no sense to decide that one is going to quit smoking and diet if one does … Holden wakes up ackleys but he doesn't wanna talk and Holden … Log in here. In chapter 7, Holden decides to go back to his school, Pencey Prep. What does Holden say is the only thing wrong with Phoebe? ©2021 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. What does this reinforce about Holden? Have you ever wanted to do or done something impulsive? Romeo and Juliet are forced by the rivalry to impulsively decide to defy their families. What does Holden admit about himself concerning fighting at the end of Chapter 6? Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. 6. his childhood home. What does this item show us about Holden? Why is it so important to Holden that Phoebe not be mad at him? 11. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Catcher in the Rye and what it means. What happens next? 9. 7. What are some of Holden's criticisms of Stradlater? That he only puts on a face for the heck of it and he does not like it. Describe how Mr. Spencer treats Holden and how the teacher acts around his visiting student, He treats Holden with respect, and tries making him realize he has a future ahead of him. What third book was less exciting to him? Museum of Art @ noon (12) What phrase does Holden see written on the walls? the game of checkers. Throughout the book, we see that Holden wants everything to be as peaceful and undisturbed as the snow. What do Holden and Stradlater argue and fight about? his brother's baseball mitt. SURVEY . What does Holden choose to write an essay about? Who does Holden run into at the club and how does he know her? 6. What bothers him most about a fist fight? Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Catcher in the Rye and what it means. Lastly, he plans to run away to the west and just get away from everyone because he hates everything. He can barely look at them, especially when they have to deal with phony guys. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. With all the bad language that Holden uses, why was he so upset that curse words were written on a school wall? Sunny and she's not friendly and she's nervous. 7, what does Holden decide to do? Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Catcher in the Rye and what it means. Where does he first go? Why does he ask Holden? What does Holden mean when he criticizes the headmaster of Elkton Hills as "the phoniest bastard [he] ever met in his life"? What happened to his brother? What is a defining characteristic about her? Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Catcher in the Rye and what it means. What two books does Holden say he truly enjoyed? Wherever the ducks go during winter, they apparently have gone. Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. 8. Ackleys roommates bed. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. What excuse does Holden make up in order to avoid sex? Why is it so important to Holden that Phoebe not be mad at him? Like a real friend, she does not always agree. What is hypocritical about what Pencey serves for dinner on Fridays? Holden decides to buy a record for Phoebe. It is this narrowness that limits the comic effects of the work. Name some things that annoy Holden about the three girls at the club. How does Holden feel about the way Mr. Spencer treats him? What does Holden do when he gets depressed?
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