Multiagency Coordination Groups were a part of NIMS 2008 but were a sub-component of MACS. B. 23. Reduandancy refers to duplication of components, it is an absolute term. Our redundancy was defeated by a single event. On October 17, 2017, FEMA released a long awaited “refresh” of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). A. The Joint Information System (JIS) was a critical element of NIMS 2008, but it was included in the Public Information section of Command and Management. These characteristics remain unchanged, but now apply more broadly, not simply to ICS, but to all NIMS Command and Coordination elements. The Incident Action Plan is prepared by General Staff from which section? Resilience and Redundancy. State governors or tribal leaders request Federal assistance and their requests are approved, 4 key communications and information systems principles, High level directions, including resource priority decisions, roles and responsibilities determinations, and overall incident management courses of action, Communications among and between on-scene and tactical personnel and cooperating agencies and organizations, Coordination and support of strategic and tactical communications, Incident-specific plans improve situational awareness and describe the objective and tactics of the incident management, Common communications protocols enable the dissemination of information among all incident management elements. Objective 1.1 Offer NIMS/SEMS Classroom training once per year for those who do not have As a reminder, “Officer” is a specific term for those who are directly delegated areas of responsibility that specifically reside with the Command function; Command delegates the accomplishment of these tasks, once clear direction is provided, to the Officer level. n NIMS, resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted _________ (of) incident response. Planning for Resources: 18. Resilience and Redundancy. • Stakeholders continue to build on the NIMS foundation by developing supporting tools, guidance, education training, and other resources • On-Going Management and Maintenance. D. Resilience and Redundancy. The flow of resources must be fluid … Which NIMS structure makes cooperative multi-agency decisions? In addition to describing EOCs as “modular organizations”, NIMS 2017 outlines three common ways of organizing EOCs (including DOCs and private sector EOCs): • ICS or ICS-Like Structure: This is an EOC organized using the ICS organizational structure or an ICS-Like organizational structure that modifies certain position titles and terminology to distinguish the EOC from the ICS functions in the field. Communications systems ensure that the flow of information will not be interrupted during an incident through: Resiliency —able to withstand and continue to perform after damage or loss of infrastructure. B. 18. The ICS section of NIMS 2008 described fourteen ICS Management Characteristics. 19. This is where Resiliency comes in. Communications and Information Management is the third component of NIMS 2017. D. Resilience and redundancy. NIMS 2017 reiterates that while ICS is used to manage on-scene, tactical-level responses, EOCs are used to manage off-scene support to ICS. Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes developing … Security B. Which NIMS Management Characteristic refers to the number of subordinates that directly report to a supervisor? HSPD–5 directed the Secretary of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS). In NIMS 2008, MACS was described as “a system, not simply a facility” and included “a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, and procedures integrated into a common system with responsibility for coordination of resources and support to emergency operations”. Allows NIMS to be scalable from routine, local incidents through those requiring interstate mutual aid up to those requiring Federal assistance, Supports interoperability among multiple organizations in incident response, Improve integration and connectivity among organizations, Allow incident personnel and organizations to work together effectively, Enables organizations with jurisdictional authority or functional responsibilities to support each other while allowing each participating agency to maintain its own authority and accountability, Standard mechanisms to systematics manage resources, including personnel, equipment, supplies, teams, and facilities, both before and during incidents in order to allow organizations to more effectively share resources when needed, Describes leadership roles, processes, and recommended organizational structures for incident management at the operational and incident support levels and explains how these structures interact to manage incidents effectively and efficiently, Communications and Information Management, Describes systems and methods that help to ensure that incident personnel and other decision makers have the means and information they need to make and communicate decisions, 4 Key Activities of Resource Management Preparedness, The resources capability to perform its function in one or more of the five mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery, The function for a which a resource would be most useful (firefighting, law enforcement, health and medical), A broad characterization, such as personnel, equipment, teams, and facilities, A resources level of capability to perform its function based on size, power, capacity (for equipment), or experience and qualifications; Type 1 has greater capacity than Type 2, 3, or 4, Personnel meet the minimum established standards (including training, experience, physical and medical fitness) to fill specific positions, Recognition from an AHJ or a third party that an individual has completed qualification for a position, Documentation- typically an ID card or badge- that identifies personnel and verifies their qualifications for a particular position, Identify Requirements (Resource Management), Resource typing is designed for use here to ensure resources provided meet the mission needs, The goal of demobilization is the orderly, safe, and efficient return of a resource to its original location and status, 1. The standard establishes a benchmark for communication equipment The MAC Group does not replace the primary functions of EOCs or other dispatch organizations. A. manageable span of control Resilience Asset Management System Resilience??? This common and familiar construct may still be used for intelligence and investigation activities. • Level 1: Full Activation. Resilience in Practice. All Stakeholders. Which NIMS structure develops, recommends, and executes public information plans and strategies? DHS/FEMA has a Resilience organization that aims to build a culture of preparedness through insurance, mitigation, preparedness, continuity, and grant programs. EOCs and MAC Groups were previously a part of MACS. The three NIMS guiding principles are: A. the need for a common operating picture. Mutual Aid, previously a part of the Preparedness component in NIMS 2008, is now a part of the Resources Management component.
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