Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Ball Handle 64 (GOLD) 82 (HOF); PF: Ball Handle 60 (GOLD) 77 (HOF); C: Ball Handle 49 (GOLD) 66 (HOF); NEEDLE THREADER – Increases the likelihood that tough passes can get by the defense. Pro Alley-Oop - Driving Dunk 65. Also reduces the amount of energy lost from contact layups. A lot of 7'3" bigmans get 75+ standing and 50+ driving dunks. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot or Three-Point Shot 67 (GOLD) 86 (HOF). Requirements: Three-Point Shot 77 (GOLD) 94 (HOF). package 4 dunks, yet it's not on the list. ACROBAT – Boosts the ability to hit high degree of difficulty layups. Seriously my 6'11 Slash/3pt was amazing in 18. Maybe they got a buff to other ratings since the 3 ball went down? Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Speed with Ball 74 (GOLD) 94 (HOF); PF: Speed with Ball 64 (GOLD) 81 (HOF); C: Speed with Ball 55 (GOLD). BREAK STARTER – Improves a player’s ability to make effective outlet passes after grabbing a rebound. Requirements: Driving Layup 71 (GOLD) 91 (HOF). Post move fakes have a higher chance of stunning a defender. A shot boost is given to the player receiving the pass after your pass. Requirements: Offensive Rebound 61 (GOLD) 78 (HOF) or Defensive Rebound 64 (GOLD) 82 (HOF). Requirements: Perimeter Defense 66 (GOLD) 84 (HOF) or Interior Defense 61 (GOLD) 79 (HOF). Firstly, figure out the requirement for each contact dunk. Jump shots taken with a defender closing out receive less of a penalty from a shot contest. ANKLE BREAKER – Improves the likelihood of freezing or dropping a defender during dribble moves. Gives an additional boost towards takeover progress after making plays on the defensive end. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 61 (GOLD) 78 (HOF) or Three-Point Shot 62 (GOLD) 79 (HOF). Shots that are taken in a player’s hot zone(s) are given a boost. CHASE DOWN ARTIST – Raises the chances of getting a chase-down block. We think there's a mistake in the chart. POST SPIN TECHNICIAN – Improves the ability of a post spin or drive to work effectively. HEAT SEEKER * – Gives an additional takeover boost on inside shots. HOT SHOT * – Boosts takeover meter after hitting jump shots. Not so sure tbh, gonna see if Zach answers any replies or updates it later because package 2 says 6'0-6'4 but package 3 says 6'0-6'9 for Shot primary Slashing secondary and 85 driving dunk is a requirement for both packages. Boosts defensive abilities during clutch situations. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 57 (GOLD) 73 (HOF) or Three-Point Shot 55. There are four different types of packages: Pro Contact Dunks, Elite Contact Dunks, Small Contact Dunks and Bigman Contact Dunks. SPACE CREATOR – Improves a player’s ability to create space from a defender. When you’re in-game, your takeover meter will fill up your primary takeover slot first. When attempting to get open off screens, the player more effectively navigates through traffic. How to use NBA 2K21 shooting with new shot meter. RHYTHM SHOOTER * – Improves shots taken after breaking down your defender. TRAPPER – Makes life difficult for the offensive players when trapped. CORNER SPECIALIST – Gives a boost to shots taken near the corner. NBA 2K21 is available at a cost of $69.99 US. You have entered an incorrect email address! nba 2k21 dribbling & speed boost requirements / guide; nba 2k21 dunk / layup requirements, packages, & guide; nba 2k21 shooting guide; mynba2kw. When performing any stepback move or shot, there’s a higher chance of successfully creating separation from the opponent. GIANT SLAYER – Heightens the effectiveness of layups over taller defenders. Requirements: Perimeter Defense 64 (GOLD) 82 (HOF) or Interior Defense 60 (GOLD) 78 (HOF). Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 75 or Three-Point Shot 75. BAIL OUT – Increases the chances of successfully completing a pass from mid-air. UNPLUCKABLE – Reduces the chances of getting stripped by the defender. Nba 2k21 Dunk Tutorial With Hand Cam! Gives an additional shot boost when consecutively achieving excellent releases on jump shots. Lowers the likelihood of getting ankle-broken by opposing dribble moves. Requirements: Strength or Interior Defense 62 (GOLD) 79 (HOF). Requirements: Mid-Range Shot or Three-Point Shot 66 (GOLD) 84 (HOF). Offensive players have less success shooting when contested by players with this badge. A player takes less of an energy hit when performing consecutive dribble moves, allowing them to chain together combos quicker for longer periods of time. Increases a player’s ball handling ability in size-up situations, making it easier to break down the on-ball defender. Spin, half-spin, hop step, euro-step, cradle, reverse and change shot layup attempts receive a significant boost. WORM – Allows rebounders to swim or spin around box outs more easily. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 58 (GOLD) 75 (HOF) or Three-Point Shot 59 (GOLD) 76 (HOF). Speeds up how quickly a player gets the ball out of their hands as well as the velocity of the pass. Big Man Contact Dunks - 50 Driving Dunk, 75 Standing Dunk, PF, C. Alley-Oop Package Animations. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Ball Handle 74 (GOLD) 94 HOF; PF: Ball Handle 74 (GOLD). When performing stepbacks and other certain moves, the defender stumbles or falls more frequently when biting the wrong way. Once filled, you can choose to activate it right away or wait to try and fill up your secondary slot. One of my friends sent me this chart too. Press J to jump to the feed. OFF-BALL PEST – Improves a player’s ability to bump and harass the offense off the ball. ICE IN VEINS – Improves a player’s free throw percentage during critical moments. BULLET PASSER * – Improves a player’s ability to quickly pass the ball. Boosts shot rating on stand-still three pointers after dribbling. Gives a boost to post hooks taken from any distance. Strengthens a player’s ability to effectively box out opponents in anticipation of a rebound. Basically, players wanted to go green, meaning it … When trapping offensive players, defenders are more effective at forcing pick ups and turnovers than normal. After a player has taken a small handful of shots, an additional boost to shot attributes is given for every subsequent shot, whether it’s a make or a miss. DEEP THREES * – Extends the range from which a player can effectively shoot threes. ANKLE BRACES * – Reduces the chances of getting crossed over. Requirements: Perimeter Defense or Interior Defense 71 (GOLD) 91 (HOF). We are the biggest community for anything and everything related to the NBA 2K series. 1. Requirements: Three-Point Shot 69 (GOLD) 88 (HOF) or 97 OVR. I'm pretty surprised they dont allow small forwards to get the big man contact dunks as well anymore. player card; comments; add your myplayer; teammate finder; mynba2kw. In NBA 2K21, the basic control required to execute these basic dunks is holding down R2/RT (Sprint button) while driving to the basket. Requirements: Close Shot 52 (GOLD) 77 HOF), Driving Dunk 53 (GOLD) 78 (HOF), or Standing Dunk 53 (GOLD) 78 (HOF), RISE UP * – Makes it easier to dunk when under the basket, Requirements: Standing Dunk 69 (GOLD) 89 (HOF). DEADEYE – Reduces the impact of a defender who is closing out. Requirements: Offensive Rebound 66 (GOLD) 84 (HOF) or Defensive Rebound 68 (GOLD) 86 (HOF). Requirements: Driving Dunk 63 (GOLD) 81 (HOF). CLAMPS – Boosts the ability to stay in front of the ball handler on the perimeter. Instead of limiting players to eight general archetype-based takeovers, Takeovers have been broken from 8 (on Current-Gen) into 24 more specific takeover abilities on Next-Gen. Takeovers give temporary boosts to your MyPLAYER that you can fire off when your player gets hot. REBOUND CHASER – Improves a player’s ability to chase down rebounds. For a short time after receiving a pass, the receiver’s outside shooting attributes get a significant boost. CATCH & SHOOT – Boosts the chance of hitting a jump shot immediately after a catch. SNIPER * – Boosts to well aimed shots. in MyTEAM 4 days ago asked by Dwayne Wilson. The fact that 5'10 *anything*s are being allowed to have contact dunk packages while 7'3 Centers are getting shafted is confusing as shit to me. Requirements: Close Shot or Driving Layup 62 (GOLD) 79 (HOF) or OVR 96. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Pass Accuracy 70 (GOLD) 90 (HOF); PF: Pass Accuracy 67 (GOLD) 85 (HOF); C: Pass Accuracy 63 (GOLD) 81 (HOF). LOB CITY FINISHER – Improves the chances of completing a successful alley-oop dunk/layup. In general it never is in sports games. Park Dunks and Alley-Oops. This includes a list of best builds for each badge, badge tips which explain the difference between badges, badge info, and more. SLIPPERY OFF-BALL – Strengthens the player’s ability to get open off the ball. HIGHLIGHT FILM * – Boosts teammates/ takeover meter after dunks. Small Contact Dunks: 85 Driving Dunk, must be PG, SG, or SF Bigman Contact Dunks : 75 Standing Dunk, 50 Driving Dunk Another tip to get more contact dunk animations is to equip the Contact Finisher badge on current gen or Posterizer on next gen, which increase the frequency of such dunks and increase your ability to make contact layups as well. Strengthens a player’s ability to absorb contact and still finish. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Pass Accuracy 71 (GOLD) 91 (HOF); PF, C: Pass Accuracy 71 (GOLD) 91 (HOF). Turning the shot meter off will once again give you a boost in NBA 2K21. Reduces the liklihood of getting cold and losing takeover after taking poor shots. Allows defenders to play defense more aggressively without losing energy at the same rate as a normal player. Requirements: Block 70 (GOLD) 90 (HOF) or Offensive Rebound or Defensive Rebound 69 (GOLD) 88 (HOF). PICK POCKET – Improves a player’s ability to steal the ball from a ball handler. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Pass Accuracy 50 (GOLD) 64 (HOF); PF: Pass Accuracy 45 (GOLD) 62 (HOF); Pass  Accuracy 40 (GOLD) 60 (HOF). Suggestions? HANDLES FOR DAYS – Reduces the amount of energy lost when performing dribble moves. Requirements: Post Control 62 (GOLD) 79 (HOF). DIFFICULT SHOTS – Improves the ability to shoot difficult shots off the dribble. Requirements: Perimeter Defense 64 (GOLD) 82 (HOF) BOX – Improves player’s ability to box out opponents. 33 posts. Adds extra distance for which a player’s given shot range is from three point territory. When driving out of triple threat or after a size-up, ball handlers have access to quicker and more effective launches. 1 - The Official Release Date Contact dunks are not anything special within NBA 2K21 that will give you some sort of … It is confirmed that it triggers more dunks than layups. Feels like 2k game nerfs to most archetypes with the exception of shot creators. CIRCUS THREES * – Boosts to stepback threes. When in the half-court, passes by Dimers to open shooters yield a shot percentage boost. VOLUME SHOOTER – Boosts shot percentages as shot attempts accrue throughout the game. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 56 (GOLD) 74 (HOF) or OVR 98. Here is the NBA 2K21 Badges & Takeover Guide & Analysis, for both Next-Gen (Xbox Series X, PS5) on Page 1 and Current-Gen (Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC) on Page 2. Requirements: Close Shot 63 (GOLD) 81 (HOF). RELAY PASSER * – Provides a boost to shooters on a pass to assist. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Ball Handle 57 (GOLD) 73 (HOF); PF: Ball Handle 53 (GOLD) 67 (HOF); C: Ball Handle 48 (GOLD) 65 (HOF). DIMER – Boosts the shot percentage for open teammates on jump shots after catching a pass. # They will get the next generation NBA 2K21 for no additional price. Increases the chances of a defender preventing an offensive post move from succeeding. Pro Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, 80 Driving Dunk, 55 Vertical. Strengthens a player’s ability to effectively box out opponents in anticipation of a rebound. This badge makes it tougher for the defense to get through or around screens. Requirements: Post Control 52 (GOLD) 67 (HOF) or 96 OVR. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Ball Handle 58 (GOLD) 74 (HOF); PF: Ball Handle 55 (GOLD) 72 (HOF); C: Ball Handle 50 (GOLD) 70 (HOF). (Also see: NBA 2K21 Next-Gen MyPLAYER Builder Tool). Requirements: Three-Point Shot 72 (GOLD) 92 (HOF). Improves a player’s ability to knock down floaters and runners. Also, the timing window for free throws becomes larger. Requirements: Perimeter Defense or Interior Defense 65 (GOLD) 83 (HOF). Who’s the source? Improves a player’s ability to track down rebounds from farther distances than normal. Special Takeover: MAMBA MENTALITY (In honor of the late Kobe Bryant) – When you’ve earned all your badge points, you will receive the Mamba Mentality badge which allows you to change your takeovers whenever you want. HEART CRUSHER – Decreases opponents’ Takeover meters when achieving a highlight play on defense. QUICK FIRST STEP – Provides more explosive first steps out of triple threat and size-ups. SLITHERY FINISHER – Improves a player’s ability to avoid contact when attacking the rim. The BEST Layup and Dunk Packages in NBA 2K21 Next Gen! Pro Contact Dunks - 84 Driving Dunk. Improves a player’s ability to successfully finish an alley-oop layup or dunk. Allows for the ball handler to start and stop quickly with unique stops and launches exclusive to this badge. Nba 2k21 How To Dunk & Trigger The Best Dunk Animations! DEFENSIVE LEADER – Boosts the defensive abilities of teammates when in the game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also improves the chances of successful layup strips. Gives an extra shot boost for having slightly early, slightly late, or excellent shot timing on layups. Passing out of a jump shot or layup yields fewer errant passes than normal. To get these contact dunks, you need to have a minimum rating of driving dunk or standing dunk. Requirements: Block 63 (GOLD) 81 (HOF) or 98 OVR. player card; edit profile; comments; add your myplayer; teammate finder; nba 2k ratings & rosters. Unless the height became a requirement itself, not only attributes. PRO TOUCH – Gives an additional boost for having good layup timing. To start things off, there are basic dunks in NBA 2K21 that most builds should be able to execute, assuming the player has a high enough “Driving Dunk”, “Standing Dunk” and “Vertical” rating. Increases the chances of a made shot after sizing up your opponent with dribble moves. Maybe the numbers show more people made SFs last year/previous years so they want a more diverse player base perhaps? TIGHT HANDLES – Improves a player’s ability to break down their defender. Some requirements may vary and depend on build, position, and in some cases, overall rating. In the NBA 2k20, you can learn how to complete a dunk … 2K21 Gameplay Dev Tweets Follow. Dunks performed either on a fastbreak or with style give a boost to all of your teammates’ takeover progress. RIM PROTECTOR – Improves ability to block shots, gives boost to the Takeover meter for blocker/teammates. CLUTCH SHOOTER – Increases the ability to knock down shots in clutch moments. Requirements: Driving Dunk 72 (GOLD) 92 (HOF) or Standing Dunk 68 (GOLD) 88 (HOF). Elite Alley-Oop - Driving Dunk 85. STOP & GO – Improves a player’s ability to start and stop with the ball. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 72 (GOLD) 92 (HOF). Boosts the shot attributes of a player that attempts a putback layup or dunk right after getting an offensive rebound. Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Ball Handle 72 (GOLD) 92 (HOF); PF: Ball Handle 54 (GOLD) 69 (HOF); C: Ball Handle 51 (GOLD) 67 (HOF). Boosts the speed and leaping ability of a player when he is chasing down an offensive player in anticipation of a block attempt. Elite Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, 90 Driving Dunk, 65 Vertical. POST LOCKDOWN – Improves the defender’s ability to defend post moves. Requirements: Mid-Range Shot 60 (GOLD) 77 (HOF) or Three-Point Shot 63 (GOLD) 80 (HOF). Requirements: Close Shot or Driving Layup 51 (GOLD) 83 (HOF). Dunking is a basic part of modern basketball and one of the most popular moves. Requirements: Three-Point Shot 71 (GOLD) 90 (HOF) or OVR 99. Each of them requires you to spring up to the basket, by holding down R2/RT. Questions? BACKDOWN PUNISHER – Increases the chances of a player successfully backing down their opponent. See our 2K21 Wiki for FAQs, Locker Codes & more. Also, at the Hall of Fame level, can see teammates` potential shot percentages while on offense. Even the first package got limited to 6'10. Boosts the shot percentage for a layup attempt when mismatched against a taller defender and reduces the possibility of getting blocked. There are a lot of people, including me, reporting that their build can get f.e. Here’s what you need to do for each of them: Two Hand Dunk – Press R2/RT, move and hold the right analogue stick up while driving in close range SET SHOOTER * – Increases shot rating when taking your time before shooting. After successfully blocking or stealing the ball from an opponent, an additional penalty is given to the opposing player’s Takeover meter. Requirements: Block 64 (GOLD) 82 (HOF) or OVR 99. If you can fill all three, activating will enable your entire teams’ takeovers and it’s pretty much over for the competition. BOX – Improves player’s ability to box out opponents. Defenders have access to quicker cut off moves and are more successful when bumping or hip riding the ball handler. Passes must be made quickly following the defensive rebound. I got a 7’3 slashing rebounder( reb 1st ath 2nd) and I have the STAT requirements but you are telling me I can’t get contact dunk package 4 now ? After grabbing a defensive board, deep outlet passes made up the court are more accurate. Without further ado, let's get to it! SPECIAL DELIVERY * – Gives boost to passer and receiver’s takeover meter following a flashy pass if the shot goes in. Post not showing up? Requirements: PG, SG, SF: Ball Handle 69 (GOLD) 88 (HOF); PF: Ball Handle 69 (GOLD).
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