Usually it’s the opposite. I got 3 bottle babies last spring (saanen doe, lamacha buck, and lamancha wether). You should not need to use it more often than every three months at most, but some people use it every six months, and some never use it. Now I don’t copper bolus more then twice a year, which may be the problem. A water softener will remove a lot of iron and calcium. Thank you for informing me on this. Precautions. I interviewed her also for my upcoming class on parasites, and in the video interview about the use of COWP for parasites, she talks about her research and says that it works the same regardless of whether it has been added to feed or given in a bolus. 4.7 out of 5 stars 210. ️More than 22 copper bolus for goats tractor supply at pleasant prices up to 6 USD ️Fast and free worldwide shipping! Also putting a filter on the well water. Copper deficiency is a major problem in our area. (The total adds up to more than 100% because most people checked multiple symptoms.). At age 2, even if they are mini goats, I’d assume they’re in 60-80 pounds range, so if you only gave the 2 grams, that’s a half dose. They are 2 years old and eat orchard/fescue hay with manna pro minerals. Avoid feeding pure alfalfa as the only hay when no other forage is available. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. just wondering. Want to learn more about copper deficiency? I will purchase the Copasure and continue banana method then more frequently? Where can I get copper minerals and what brand is good. The featured video on my Facebook page is all about copper deficiency, and it also shows how I give them the copper oxide. Our recommendation is to use a copper bolus made by Santa Cruz Animal Health. I’ve spoken to the nutritionist at Sweetlix, and she said that their Magnum Milk (which has 1:1 ratio) is for goats that receive a diet of primarily alfalfa. Twenty years ago, goats were lumped into the same category as sheep, and most people believed they didn’t need copper. Every now and then I hear someone say that regardless of how much they supplement, one particular goat still has a fish tail. I had no idea about the animal abuse on Santa Cruz farms and based on what I read after looking it up I will no longer purchase any of their products. All of our liver level tests on goats given COWP have been mid-range normal. Copper supplements for goats are effective against primary and secondary copper deficiency. I have been very excited to find your site and info! I wouldn't give 3 grams. For orders outside Australia please contact us for accurate pricing. I have heard that all the options for someone with a still-living goat aren’t always the most accurate, and from what I understand zinc represses copper? I also see that someone mentioned online classes. Let me know how it goes! Sincerely Connie. Become friends with some goat owner in America that could send you some copper capsules. I don’t remember exactly how she phrased it with the worms. Of 570 respondents, 63 did not see any symptoms of copper deficiency in their goats. Have you seen research on comparison of the two administration methods for parasite control? Most soil in the United States contains less than 50% of the needed amount of copper. I would prefer to bolus, because you do it and then you don't have to think about it again for months. Those who don’t have as much of a problem with copper antagonists may only need to dose every six months or once a year. …………. ( now culled) Not all minerals are created the same. But if that is the only thing she is doing, and she seems otherwise fine, that’s probably not it. This is an easy way to give medicine that keeps your fingers away from their very, very sharp back teeth. Approximately 2.5:1 or 3:1. But that cost us a couple thousand dollars. Thanks so much! If you answered No to either of these questions then you definitely NEED to read this Post! I am still pretty new to goats. That is a cool idea! It can be found in any Tractor Supply or ordered online. Blood tests are not reliable. Goats have changed colour, healthy shining and in great condition. Copper sulfate compared to copper oxide wire particles. In other words, you saw them poop it? Quite a few people who did not see excellent results with the copper oxide wire particles had better results using Replamin Plus, which also contains zinc and a few other minerals. However, the goat could be deficient again if the dose was smaller.
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