Anti-Semitism. STUDY. It proved ineffectual in stopping aggression by Italy, Japan, and Germany in the 1930s. This front was completely anticonservative and anti-imperialist, but not fully communist. Discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews. This meant the Soviet Union had a missile powerful enough to reach the US. Terms : Hide Images. Chapter 26 Summary: File Size: 115 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. Unit … Leader was Ho Chi Minh. Last tsar of Russia, he went to the frontlines in WWI to try to rally the troops, but was forced to abdicate after his wife made horrible decisions under the influence of Rasputin. The wall was torn down in 1989. Created by. Opposed by the U.S., it quickly lead to a severe depression in Germany. AP World Unit 5 Vocab (Alphabetical) 5 innovations that led to industrial economy: mass … Gravity. Outlining an APWH Reading Assignment. Unit 1: The Global Tapestry, 1200 to 1450. Match. The policy of some developing nations to refrain from aligning with either the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Battle of Lepanto 2. Discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. AP World History Vocabulary Vocabulary Unit: 6 Name: Autumn Michels Due Date: 2-1-19 Vocab Word: Dom Henrique/Henry the Navigator When: 1394-1460 Region: SW Europe, W Africa Basic Definition: Pace of euro exploration quickened after 1415 when Prince Henry of Portugal conquered the Moroccan port of Ceuta and sponsored a series of voyages down the W African … a very powerful and influential nation (used especially with reference to the US and the former Soviet Union when these were perceived as the two most powerful nations in the world). This was what Russia called World War Two. Gravity. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927. North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries, treaty signed in 1945 that formed an alliance of the Eastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain; USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. Study Ch. The Soviet Union provided arms and advisers to the government forces while Germany and Italy sent tanks, airplanes, and soldiers to help Franco. After protesting for several days, hundreds of protesters were killed by the Chinese military. AP World History Unit 6 Vocabulary. Unit 1-2 PPT: 1200- 1450 CE - Dar al Islam & Christian Kingdoms. They were their own class. My website averages around 2,000 unique visitors each week. PLAY. United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. A military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe. Primary tabs. Communist leader of North Korea; his attack on South Korea in 1950 started the Korean War. Apartheid. established in the late nineteenth century. You are given the definition of the word, a blank space to fill in the word, and no word bank. A peaceful protest by the Czech people that led to the smooth end of communism in Czechoslovakia. It replaced the League of Nations. New France 5. the mobilization of a nation civilian population during war; The name given to the part of war that was not actively involved in the fighting but which was vital to it. They provided for the transfer of canal ownership to Panama in 1999 and guaranteed its neutrality. attack or destroy (something) with a bomb which causes a fire. They signed the English Bill of Rights in 1689. Then Stalin sent them to Concentration Camps for being too wealthy. Region in southwestern Asia that became the ancient home of the jews; the ancient Roman name for Judea; In antiquity, the land between the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, occupied by the Israelites from the early second millennium B.C.E. The doctrines of nationalism, racial purity, anti-Communism, and the all-powerful role of the State. Truman, Churchill, and Stalin discussed the future of Europe but their failure to reach meaningful agreements soon led to the onset of the Cold War. Key Concept 6.3. Start studying AP World History Unit 6 Vocab. A vocabulary list featuring Chapter 6 AP World History. It granted Indian provinces autonomy. Unit 1 and 2 vocab Unit 3 Vocab Part 1 and Part 2 Unit 4 Vocab Unit 5 Vocab AP World History - 600 words you need to know! He was overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded Italy. It initially allied with the CCP and accepted aid from the Soviet Union. 1989 - Beginning of the fall of communism and the Soviet Union - symbolized the failure of communism and massive socialism, a policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society. The trend toward increased cultural and economic connectedness between people, businesses, and organizations throughout the world. Condemned by the newly formed League of Nations. Learn ap vocabulary unit 6 world history with free interactive flashcards. 4291331880: Government of India Act (1935) Was the last pre-independence constitution of the British Raj. a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland. Units 1-2 Vocabulary ... Video - AP World History: Modern - Cultural and Environmental Consequences of Connectivity 1200-1450. She was also prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977. the introduction of pesticides and high-yield grains and better management during the 1960s and 1970s which greatly increased agricultural productivity, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). women forcibly recruited by the japanese army to serve in military brothels, FDR, Churchill and Stalin met at Yalta. Several Soviet Socialist Republics began resisting central control, and increasing democratization led to a weakening of the central government. an elected local, district, or national council in the former Soviet Union. Radical Marxist political party founded by Vladimir Lenin in 1903. Although he succeeded Sun Yat-sen as head of the Guomindang, he became a military dictator whose major goal was to crush the communist movement led by Mao Zedong. AP World History Unit 6 Vocabulary. Vladimir Lenin's concept of a small party that claims legitimacy to rule based on its understanding of Marxist theory and its ability to represent the interests of the proletariat before they are a majority of the populace, Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924), Treaty between Russia and Germany that would end Russia's involvement in WWI in 1917, 28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis. The twentieth century witnessed a great deal of warfare and the collapse of the global … It is closely connected to Arab nationalism, which asserts that the Arabs constitute a single nation. A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. The Soviet Union's dissolution into independent nations. culture based on the tastes of ordinary people rather than an educated elite. … The nations never directly confronted eachother on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years. Emerged as the majority party in the all-white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid. Of or relating to a governmental or political system, principle, or practice in which individual freedom is held as completely subordinate to the power or authority of the state, centered either in one person or a small group that is not constitutionally accountable to the people. Led by Sun Yatsen and opposed to a dictatorship or communism, this called for a more democratic approach to government, as was meant to unite all of China. self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only. the offering of oneself as a sacrifice, especially by burning; such suicidal action in the name of a cause or strongly held belief. FDR's foreign policy of promoting better relations w/Latin America by using economic influence rater than military force in the region, company in which many U.S. citizens hold stocks in, controlled half the land in Guatemala and provided many jobs...when the government of Guatemala wanted to take the land, the U.S. intervened and over threw the government. Francisco Pizarro 4. An international organization formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation among member countries. jennifer_lin1. An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters, a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services, the belief that women should possess the same political and economic rights as men, a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled, (1995) created by Dr. Jonas Salk. Polish trade union created in 1980 to protest working conditions and political repression. A belief in the separate identity and racial unity of the African American community. Any system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste, etc. Belief of the "Superior Race" By the Nazis at the time of World War II, Blaming the Jews and other racial minorities for Germany's problems which leads to the Holocaust. The Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries that installed Communist regimes after World War II and were dominated by the Soviet Union. … Nazism was advocated by Adolf Hitler in Germany. This is a collection of mind maps made up of the most important vocabulary notes for each unit of the 2020 AP World History exam. Founded in 1912 as the South African Native National Congress, it changed its name in 1923. Led to a collapse of the old order (Qing) and creation of Chinese Republic. Resolved by the 1917 Lansing-Ishii Agreement, a treaty which tried to settle differences between the U.S. and Japan. A Polish politician, a former trade union and human rights activist, and also a former electrician. Video - Developments in East, South, and Southeast Asia from 1200-1450. Unfortunately Gandhi's inspiration of Indian nationalism mainly applied to Hindus, widening the gap between them and Muslims. Refers to any private sector organization that does not primarily aim to make a profit. They are based on regions of the world at specific time periods determined by each unit. Khrushev followed this policy when he reduced the use of terror and released millions of political prisoners. STUDY. In 1968, Czechoslovakia, under Alexander Dubcek, began a program of reform. He legalized the ANC and also released Nelson Mandela from prison. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 4 pages. Chinese protest movement triggered by opposition to the Treaty of Versailles; a major step in the path leading to the creation and victory of CCP. The war began when Iraq invaded Iran on September 22 1980 following a long history of border disputes and fears of Shia insurgency among Iraq's long suppressed Shia majority influenced by Iran's Islamic revolution. The communists took over and forced the nationalists to retreat to Taiwan. AP World History (McCormack) - Unit 1: Topic 1.4 - State Building in the Americas. PLAY. Campaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation. A philosopher from India, this man was a spiritual and moral leader favoring India's independence from Great Britain. one of the local representative councils formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar Nicholas II; an elected governmental council in a Communist country (especially one that is a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), Nov. 6, 1917 when Lenin and Bolshevik followers over threw provisional government and took over the Russian government. Study Guides Study Guide. The great rulers and countries excluding germany and Russia met in Versailles to negotiate the repercussions of the war, such leaders included Loyd George (Britain), Woodrow Wilson (America), Cleamancu (France) and Italy. Unit 0: Foundations (10,000 BCE - 1200 CE) The foundations unit is a combination of Period 1 and Period 2 from the old AP World History curriculum. Its purpose was to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded. Library LibGuides Morton Freshman Center Library Media Center AP World History (McCormack) - Unit … Indonesian statesman who obtained the independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands in 1949 and served as president until ousted by Suharto in a coup d'etat (1901-1970), Vietnamese communist statesman who fought the Japanese in World War II and the French until 1954 and South vietnam until 1975 (1890-1969). AP World History Unit 6 Vocabulary study guide by keanuomar_melendez includes 63 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. I spend a considerable amount of time and energy creating these resources that I keep available freely. In 1990 he ordered an invasion of Kuwait but was defeated by United States and its allies in the Gulf War (1991). Han Dynasty. Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor. General Francisco Franco led the rebellion. A noted British statesman who led Britain throughout most of World War II and along with Roosevelt planned many allied campaigns. This 20th Century scientist revolutionized the way scientists thought about space, time and matter, the most notable being his theory of relativity. German lightning warfare. Communist Party leader who forced Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong. Learn. the right of women to vote and to stand for electoral office. Means "land of the pure". Stalin's attempt to block access to Berlin. General and leader of Nationalist China after 1925. AP World History. Terms in this set (50) Anti-Semitism. a United Nations agency created by a multinational treaty to promote trade by the reduction of tariffs and import quotas, an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade; World Trade Organization, Enterprise that manages production in more than one country. Ruler of China who united China for the first time. Mussolini invaded, conquering it in 1936. The modern state of Israel was founded in 1948. Intense economic, political, military, and ideological rivalry between nations, short of military conflict; sustained hostile political policies and an atmosphere of strain between opposed countries. Unit 7 - Review. Thus their triumph became a symbol of national pride. an area of [public policy] which concerns laws, government programs, and administrative decisions which are directly related to all issues and activity within a nation's borders. (this would be easier if you just downloaded it from the disk!) Fascist dictator of Italy (1922-1943). An object made by human hands. the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. Someone or something that is opposed to imperialism. qin shihuangdi. English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946), The name of President Roosevelt's program for getting the United States out of the depression, Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953), Policy adopted by Stalin in the autumn of 1924, in which the notion of a worldwide socialist revolution was abandoned in, the union of soviet socialist republics, or soviet union, formed in 1922 by the communists and officially dissolved in 1991. A prolonged period of little or no growth in technology. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI. head of the Revolutionary Alliance that led the 1911 revolt against the Qing; president of China in 1911, but yielded to Yuan Shikai in 1912; created the Guomindang in 1919; died in 1925, The government formed by Sun Yat Sen's revolutionaries in 1912. Waged war on Iran in 1980-1988. It was the party of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. In class, I use the vocabulary to introduce the topics for the units. the prevailing cosmological model for the universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution. Also in 1949, fled to Taiwan to create the Republic of Taiwan. War fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Allies and the Axis, involving most countries in the world. Ruled Vietnam when Japanese rule ended. the processes by which an area becomes a desert. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. Ruled England, Scotland, and Ireland after James VII. Anti-imperialism. a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved. worked by introducing killed or weak pieces of the virus to allow body to develop antibodies thus preventing polio, Branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory, (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small mass of matter at extremely high density and temperature, The use of controlled nuclear reactions to produce steam, which in turn drives turbines to produce electricity/ weapons whose destructive power comes from a nuclear reaction, an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes). AP World History: Modern Honors World Geography Contact Me APWH Reading Assignments. Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister. A book written to voice the concerns of environmentalists. He negotiated the end of British colonial rule in India and became India's first prime minister (1947-1964). A methodical plan orchestrated by Hitler to ensure German supremacy.
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