Old America is long gone… secession of the red states will be an opportunity for our grandchildren to grow up in a clean and decent atmosphere. And according to a Newsweek magazine’s poll, a third of all Americans think a civil war could break out within the next five years in the 2020’s. American Civil War, four-year war (1861–65) fought between the United States and 11 Southern states that seceded to form the Confederate States of America. Yes that is exactly what I think will happen, too. We keep the Constitution and EVICT the communists along with the illegals. America’s Civil War lasted almost exactly four years. There’s something hidden in the technology disruption shadows behind that rumor, so let’s explore it a bit. Such people are anti-American and they are my enemies. The only way the right will ever be able to defeat the left – is for the right to become 100 times more ruthless and determined to win at all costs. Admittedly, this is speculation. What I have come to realize is that civil war is coming. Other experts’ predictions ranged from five per cent to … Surrender is not an option. you’re saying succeed from the USA and found another country? This is not the country of Doris Day, Dale & Roy, or Norman Rockwell. September 11, 2018 | 12:01 am. Call everyone racist that disagrees with them, and threaten people’s lives and careers if they don’t succumb to their ideological extremes.”. Old America is long gone… secession of the red states will be an opportunity for our grandchildren to grow up in a clean and decent atmosphere. They have learned, developed, and deployed their tactics against American, conservative values for decades, chipping away at not only our Constitution but also our human morality. These rubes, for whatever bizarre reason, just refuse to admit that the Democrat Party is Satanically evil and these criminals do not give a hoot about following any of our laws or adhering to the words written inside the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights. And a civil war or a revolution, do not always end up in the birth or re-birth of freedom. I am so sick and tired of hearing that civil war will be between American brothers and sisters! Joined with an on-fire, passionate audience with an attitude -- well, that’s something we are going to enjoy watching. America’s Next Civil War Will Be Worse Than Our Last . An American civil war today will be a lost cause and only invite the two other super powers to intervene and take us down. reply. I would support defunding the Police for 96 hours so that they could step aside and let the true Patriots do the job that needs to be done in order to save our nation. The third significant difference between the First and Second Civil Wars is that in the Second Civil war, one side has been doing nearly all the fighting. We kick the left out of the government (state, city, and federal), by violent force if necessary, then kick them out of the country, and advise them to NEVER to return. I wonder how many more I’ll get before November. America’s next Civil War, like WWIII, is already beginning. Why America Faces a Civil War – There is no Alternative . Far too much is at stake to allow the ChiCom agent Biden to occupy the Executive power of the USA for even one hour. The day after the election, President Obama made this statement: “Now, it is no secret that the president-elect and I have some pretty significant differences. Now the gift of grace surpasses every capability of created nature, since it is nothing short of a partaking of the Divine Nature, which exceeds every other nature. We're being set up for a civil war. the United States will plunge into violence with the prospect of civil war … I never completed one. The following is Part One of Adam Riggio’s exploration of the seemingly inevitable descent of the United States into its second civil war. And this survey is not the only one that shows Americans can sense a coming conflict happening in America. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 0 ups, 3w. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! by Shelt Garner@sheltgarner The United States politically is running on fumes. The following have the status of Cabinet-rank: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Management & Budget, U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Council of Economic Advisers, and the Small Business Administration. If the good people of Chile could find a General Pinochet, then we certainly can as well. if that leads to a civil war then let it be. Credit: Andrey Skutin/Shutterstock. And, now that Trump blew his golden opportunity to drive… Commentary on all things Catholic, Roman that is! The casus belli of this one is the federal government’s … No. Joined with an on-fire, passionate audience with an attitude — well, that’s something we are going to enjoy watching. Disruption is an unstoppable force in technology. Throw out this rule book that only one side of this battle bothers to follow and, as the Outlaw Josey Wales once said – its time to get Mad Dog Mean. Meanwhile, the rubes on the GOP establishment right – proceed by behaving as if they are naive, wet behind the ears Boy Scouts – thinking that the path to victory comes by always playing by the rules and behaving like childishly clueless ‘Do Gooders’. Apathetic wimps is all Americans are now! As for civil war or race war, as well as foreign takeover of the government, that has been happening for some time. share. TOP STORIES ABOUT THE PLAN OF DEMOCRATS TO KILL MORE BABIES BY ABORTION IN AMERICA, HERE IS GOOD ADVICE FOR YOU IF YOU HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE TESTED FOR INFECTION BY THE CORONA VIRUS, JIM CAVIEZEL'S NEW FILM OPENS TODAY IN MOVIE THEATERS ACROSS THE NATION, WELCOME TO THE PFIZER EXPERIMENTAL mRNA COVID VACCINE, MEET John Sullivan, ANTIFA LEADER, WHO STORMED THE U.S. CAPITOL, ANOTHER ARGUMENT FOR THE ABSOLUTE IMMORALITY OF USING VACCINES TAINTED IN ANY WAY WITH CELLS FROM ABORTED HUMAN, WE ARE AT THE END OF LIFE FOR SILICON-BASED TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, A PRAYER OF DELIVERANCE FOR PRESIDENT Donald Trump, THE BULL OF Pope Nicholas II: IN NOMINE DOMINI, APRIL 13,1059. All Rights Reserved. It should be more than a little bit OBVIOUS to anyone on the right and who has an IQ above room temperature that the portion of the USA population who are diehard Democrats really do not care if laws were broken and the election was stolen based on deliberate, criminal and treasonous machinations by the Democrat Party establishment – who were helped by the equally corrupt and communist controlled mainstream media and their allies within the so-called ‘Deep State’. Via ZeroHedge A decade ago Peter Turchin predicted that 2020 would be "mayhem", including "widespread civil unrest". The Man Who Predicted “Mayhem” In 2020 Ten Years Ago Says A Civil War Could Be Next – The Burning Platform. WRONG!!!! Only the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will save us now. I have been conflicted as an American Patriot as to whether or not we will have another civil war. What? Think about how deeply we have been betrayed by the many individuals within these institutions and the agencies under them. Spiritual preparedness, Part I, What Do We Do Now? Now add the Legislative and Judicial branches of government. And, all things being equal, we're on the cusp of a civil war. There have been as many whites involved in those riots, as blacks; and the whites are more likely to be the ones to start any real battles. The context of El Akkad’s story is as follows. American brother and sister against American brother and sister. The Second Civil War is being waged with weapons that are anything but crude: indifference, bitterness, grievance and old-fashioned hate. © 2016 www.independentsentinel.com. Now, Patriots find themselves in the position of having no alternative choices for a peaceful resolution to our differences. There are only Patriots and Traitors and we patriots must annihilate the traitors once and for all. The civil war began as a result of the unresolved controversy of the enslavement of black people in the southern states. And now, more than 150 years later, it looks like we’ve got another Civil War in front of us. The Left is grooming us for an Eastern European-style revolution this election, and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Secession is NOT an answer. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Follow ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP on WordPress.com. The left must be completely and totally crushed – and this must be done by any and all means necessary. Then add all the business entities that have betrayed our Nation. Uh oh! The traitors have had decades to indoctrinate, infiltrate and now lead every institution we assumed would remain true to the Constitution and American values, even though we neglected to properly provide oversight for their integrity. The FBI MUST be utterly destroyed because now they’ve become our version of the Soviet Stasi and the Nazi Gestapo! fighteroftheCSA90. Democrats calling for riots and assassinations say Trump is “uncivil” Right vs. Left: Propaganda, Alternative Facts, and the Weapons of War. Posted on September 4, 2020 by abyssum. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Nothing can act beyond its species, since the cause must always be more powerful than its effect. Government officials say that there is a substantial chance that America will enter a civil war within the next 10 or 15 years, meanwhile other experts say the war has already begun. And some are saying we may soon see the next Civil War as at least five states are ready to take this drastic action. by. AMERICA’S NEXT CIVIL WAR WILL START THE DAY AFTER THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WHEN THE MILLIONS OF FRAUDULENT MAIL BALLOTS WILL MIRACULOUSLY APPEAR TO OVERTURN THE RE-ELECTION OF Donald Trump. You’re not a Patriot if you believe that! Is Civil War coming to America? On my old podcast (Patriot News), I predicted the next Civil War would start with small scale skirmishes around the cities and then would spread out … Mines concluded that the United States faces a sixty-per-cent chance of civil war over the next ten to fifteen years. We cannot continue as we are. Learn how your comment data is processed. Obama’s Legacy of Hope and Blame We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I think a succession is in order. by H.W. The Left areba vile and despicable bunch of tyrannical pukes! America’s Next Civil War The United States shows all the warning signs of impending social and political collapse October 22, 2018 June 2, 2020 - by Stephen Marche Stephen Marche If someone wants to take away my rights to a fair election, my rights to information, my rights to express my opinion online, my rights to defend myself according to the 2nd amendment, then that person is not my brother or sister American. The Civil War on America’s Horizon. Disruption is an unstoppable force in technology. Our lack of accountability comes from several failures we have had direct control over and have not exerted; discipline within our homes, discipline within our churches, discipline within our educational institutions, discipline within our places of business/employment, and discipline for our elected/appointed representatives. William S. Smith An uneasiness has … Perhaps with four more years of Trump we can finish the border wall, continue to stand against Communist China, and purge the government of swamp creatures. Written by: Adam Riggio. When antislavery candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected president (1860), the Southern states seceded. As much as I pray to Providence that we can resolve these issues peacefully, I know from the bible and history that to defeat evil is more than just a spiritual task. Mr, Kelly is spot on! "Everything I've seen so far out of France is singing loudly that, yes, it's a small world, after all – and that what's happening on the barricades is both a reflection of what's going on in much of the developed world and a screaming alarm for what could come next." America is at an undeniable crossroads. Israel understands this mentality intimately. This coming “hot” war is exactly what conservatives have said it would be since World War II, the Democrats who have turned into Socialists who are actually Communists who say they are just Progressives. Because half the population in America – hates America. Battl3bee. The Traitors are not going to give up their power, and the Patriots are not going to accept their lying, cheating, or stealing of everything that makes us American anymore. America’s enemy is not afraid to push the boundaries on human decency anymore. Secession is not feasible. The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency itself. It’s unbelievable how so many of you are all talk! The playbook for MainStreet USA is the exact same that has been used in places like Ukraine, initiated by the same people in order to completely upend the American system. It will … But. Have we passed the point of no return? The next year or two may decide if our republic remains intact or not. America's next civil war. Our differences are incompatible for coexistence. ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP, AN ORDINARY’S NOT SO ORDINARY LIFE, CHAPTER NINETEEN, I WAS ORDAINED A BISHOP USING A PRE-VATICAN II RITE OF ORDINATION, FIGHTING WORDS, A CALL TO ACTION, FROM THE PAPABILE CARDINAL Carlo Maria Vigano, AMERICA’S NEXT CIVIL WAR WILL START THE DAY AFTER THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WHEN THE MILLIONS OF FRAUDULENT MAIL BALLOTS WILL MIRACULOUSLY APPEAR TO OVERTURN THE RE-ELECTION OF Donald Trump, THE BULL OF Pope Nicholas II: IN NOMINE DOMINI, APRIL 13,1059. so far I have received three, yes three, applications for mail-in ballot. A Rasmussen reports survey found that over 50% of Americans think there will be internal political violence in America. There are those who are billing this next civil war as a “racial war;” but that’s not true. Photo Credit: (NBC News / Google Images) Become a Patron! But President Bush’s team could not have been more professional or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition so that we could hit th… Is France Showing Us What America’s Next Civil War Will Look Like? 1 up, 3w. Established in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, the Cabinet’s role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member’s respective office: The Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs. Might America be in store for another civil war? If you doubt this, take a hard look at … Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left. The American Civil War (also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States from 1861 to 1865, fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded to form the Confederate States of America. Spiritual Preparedness, Part 2, CA school board resigns following hot mic comments on live video…, Obama’s Foundation pushes dangerous BLM form of policing, Dem doc: re-educate Trump voters, purge social conservatives from government. America is undergoing a second civil war. But, sadly, it’s not impossible either. I don’t think civil war is inevitable or even likely at this point.
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