why did ajax leave sula

Ajax is the only character in the story who sees Sula for what she really is, a strong female. He brings Sula milk, but she won’t drink it; she just admires the bottles it comes in. This week, John is talking about Toni Morrison’s novel of friendship, betrayal, and loss, Sula. 1940: Ajax leaves for Dayton, Ohio. Sula feels she owns Ajax but he is gone. Friendship with Sula offers Nel a more positive perception of herself. Shadrack's only comment to Sula is the cryptic-like word "Always," which prompts Sula to flee Shadrack's house and seek comfort in Nel's embrace. He leaves his drivers license, Sula uses it as proof that he was there. After Ajax leaves, there is nothing left but emptiness. The negative expression of this impulse is Eva’s husband BoyBoy, who leaves her … Ajax (Albert Jacks): Sula's confidant and lover. Jacks” (135). Only once does Sula fall in love. This philosophy finds resonance in Sula's and thus explains why Ajax acts against the town folks' witch-hunt and goes after the ostracized Sula. Not love, perhaps, but possession or at least … 1939: Ajax and Sula begin to see each other. What is Ajax real name? Why does Nel visit Sula in her death bed? The mythological Ajax is like Ajax, Morrison’s character, particularly with respect to his sexual prowess and to his ability to leave women easily. Sula places Eva in a nursing home. Ajax … Jude leaves for Detroit. Ajax loves airplanes. Jude Greene . For Ajax, Sula is his ideal partner in defying social mores and practicing sexual autonomy/anarchy: Ajax (Albert Jacks) Ajax is the oldest of his mother's seven sons. Ajax keeps women but he does not want to be nailed to any woman. Sula returns to Medallion. Jude Greene: Nel's husband, who leaves Nel due to a love affair with Sula. Tar Baby is arrested and assaulted by the police. When she realizes that she genuinely cares for Ajax, she becomes devoted to him and demanding; her attachment frightens Ajax away, leaving Sula in misery for a long time. Not long after Sula returns to the Bottom after a ten year absence, he chokes to death on a chicken bone. Jude Greene is Nel's husband and works as a waiter in the Hotel Medallion. Sula achieves full control of Eva’s household, including guardianship of her grandmother; Sula does not understand Nel’s possessiveness of her husband; she is possessive of Ajax, “Sula began to discover what possession was. When Sula wants to possess Ajax, he follows the airplanes he loves. Albert Jacks. Sula misses Ajax and his absence is unbearable for her, like for the rest of the women in the novel who experienced men’s departure. More important is the attachment that she forms with Nel. He also is the only man who really talks to Sula. On the following page, Sula begins to say “there is nothing I did know […] so how could he help but leave me since he was making love to a woman who didn’t even know his name” (136). Why did Helene put close Pin on Nels nose when she slept? Sula has an affair with Jude Greene, and Nel stops speaking to her. ... What doe Ajax leave behind? Tar Baby (Pretty Johnnie): A quiet, cowardly, and reserved partially or possibly fully white man who rents out one of the rooms in the Peace household. Analysis. Ajax is a man who lives in the town whom Sula actually does fall in love with to a certain extent. Telling no one what really happened to Chicken Little, Nel and Sula sit through Chicken Little's funeral. Sula becomes sick, and Nel visits her on her deathbed. Ajax defends the helpless. Sula is startled upon finding out she had been calling him the wrong name, “Ajax,” instead of “A.
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