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Referred by family physician due to increasing memory loss over the past few years . The average score for all tests and subtests is 100; thus, a score of over 100 is above average and below 100 is below average. The other . 16 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – fourth edition UK (WPPSI-IV UK) New subtests Animal coding (4 – 7:7) Look at these animals. Analysis-Synthesis Measures the ability to analyze the components of an incomplete logic puzzle and to determine and name the missing components. Similarities. The Spanish test format has the same test format as the English test format; however, the test items are different. Terms in this set (18) Broad Reading Cluster. the WJ III tests and the task requirements. The WAIS-IV is a revision of the WAIS-III. WISC-IV Subtests: Table 1: WISC-IV Subtest Descriptions VERBAL COMPREHENSION Similarities The Similarities subtest involves the child being presented with two words that represent common objects or concepts and describing how they are similar. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) is an individually administered IQ test used with children aged from 6 to 16. WJ-IV Subtest Descriptions. The first subtest, Visual Matching, achieved a standard score 73 which falls at the 4th percentile, measures perceptual speed and cognitive efficiency. Point to each shape in the key while saying, The cat likes the square, the turtle likes the star, and the fish likes the circle. Subtest Substitutions If supplemental subtests are administered, they should not be summed with the core subtests to determine VCI, PRI, WMI, PSI, or FSIQ. … ability to read a short passage and identify a missing key word that makes sense within the context . The number of core subtests for the Cattell-Horn-Carroll mode is 7 to 10, depending on age, and the number of core subtests for the Luria approach is 5 to 8. She was reluctant to begin the Spelling subtest on the WJ-III, but adapted well and completed the subtest. On rare occasions, only 7 subtests will be … WAIS IV Test Structure Verbal Comprehension Scale • Similarities – This subtest measures verbal concept formation and reasoning. WJ III TEST NAMES AND DESCRIPTIONS Auditory Attention Measures the ability to discriminate similar sounding words. STUDY. Percentile Rank Indicates the percentage of students of the same age or school year who scored the same or lower than the student. WAIS–IV Comments . Expression WJ IV Basic Reading ACH 1, 7 Reading Fluency ACH 8, 9 Reading Comprehension ACH 4, 12 Spelling ACH 3, 16 Written Expression ACH 6, 11 EasyCBM Sent. Write. It is an intelligence measure that is appropriate for use with those individuals ages 16-89 years of age (this is an expanded age range for adults 74-89, reflecting the increased average life expectancy). The WJ IV OL provides three Spanish tests that are parallel to the English versions. The Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities is a set of intelligence tests first developed in 1977 by Richard Woodcock and Mary E. Bonner Johnson (although Johnson's contribution is disputed). Match. Table 1.6. verbal abstract reasoning. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) is an IQ test that is given by psychologists and measures global intellectual functioning. Description of What Tasks and Tests Measure 1 Description of WAIS-IV (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Tests, Fourth Edition) subtests: Similarities: A verbal task that measures language conceptualization, verbal abstraction, and analogical verbal reasoning. Stamp the shape that each animal likes best. Learn. test includes 20 subtests to measure listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics skills. Passage Comprehension. The WAIS-III is a version of the WAIS published in 1997 and has been superceded by the current version, WAIS-IV published in 2008. Gravity. The Woodcock Johnson IV:Tests of Achievement UK and Irl edition is a world leader in assessment and highly suitable for monitoring academic progress, diagnosing difficulties, and planning intervention for reading, writing and maths. It measures five domains of functioning: verbal comprehension, visual spatial reasoning, working memory, fluid reasoning, and … Description of the WIAT-IIIUK Subtests Subtest Administration Age Description Listening Comprehension (Ages 4-17+) The Listening Comprehension subtest contains two components: Receptive Vocabulary: Measures listening vocabulary. Created by. Created by. Gravity. Supplemental Subtests III Composites and Subtests Score Type Description Standard Score Age norms or School Year norms Range of 40 to 160 (M= 100, SD = 15) Separate Term 1-2 and Term 3-4 norm tables. Client was referred for an evaluation by Dr. G, his physician, secondary to Neurological difficulties. • Vocabulary – This subtest measures word knowledge and verbal concept formation. • • Information – This subtest measures the ability to acquire, retain, and retrieve information. Other references do provide qualitative descriptors for subtests that are based on the standard deviations. Description. An audio tape is used to present the words to the subject with increasing levels of background noise as a distracter. Flashcards. The WPPSI-IV is composed of 10 core subtests and 5 additional subtests for children ages 4 years through 7 years and 7 months. Your child’s overall score will be determined by norming his or her performance when compared against other students tested within the same age band and averaged across each given set of primary and ancillary subtest scores. Region One ESC. WMS–IV Comments .
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