tool to remove saplings

dmullin: I've tried to use my high lift jack to pull out mesquite trees without luck. Need help identifying proper cable for Black and Decker hedge trimmer. A machete is a useful brush-clearing tool. I started using the Extractigator without it. Unfortunately, the main thing I want the PullerBear for is to pull trees the Extractigator would probably snap. then mix it at 4 oz per gallon. johnschw, my first experience with a Weedwrench was pulling buckthorn, because one of the local state parks will loan the tool to anyone who volunteers to pull buckthorn in the park. The soil was a little damp which helped.For T-posts, HiLift makes a metal device that drops over the top and tilts to an angle to both bind on the post and present a loop for the farm jack to grab/lift. You pull up on the handle to get it in the right position and the jaws shut so you put the whole thing down again and kick the tool into the right position. Brush grubbers are ideal for trees five inches in diameter or less — just the type that you’ll likely want off your land. It's a time consuming hassle and I wore spots on my left boot in a couple of weeks of using the Weed Wrench. All that colorful fungi sprouting was a sign of something very wrong. So total was $202.99. Apply the glyphosate herbicide to the notches with the paintbrush. dont bother with any of the available straps as they will slip. The extractigator inventor claims that he was unaware of another tool when he created his tool. We tried the two tools on a wide variety of plants. Are we pimps for a little company in British Columbia? Not a huge deal but not a problem I’ve ever had with my Extractigator.In the review that said the two tools complemented each other, the reviewer said the Extractigator was faster to use. If that moment has passed and the unwanted seedling is already well-rooted, you’ll need to try other techniques. 4.8 out of 5 stars 2,861 $57.99 $ 57 . Learn about how our products can help you. Here is a link that might be useful: cordless drill weed puller video. That has changed; here's my story.My neighbor had occasion to use it before I did, and the weld broke! It does weigh a lot though. I finally got to try it last week, and it really works great! How are the people who make it? Unfortunately many of the saplings are already too large in diameter for the hammer, but it did get me thinking. Here is a link that might be useful: (my just-starting weed blog). Please do. Apply the glyphosate to the tree while the tree is actively growing. I wish the handle were a bit longer. another option I heard of is to place raised bed over existing grass which will break down and be beneficial. The thing about disturbance is you only want to do enough to get to the place where nature can take over instead of you going to war with nature (as mankind has always done and big Ag still does). Finally figured out that mud was inside the jaws but not visible because it was thinner than the tooth depth. I'd say the need for a board under the base is pretty much mandatory. Also concur with many of the comments above that the Pullerbear with shear off and not pull most small trees. Maineman, now having spent many hours using the Weed Wrench, I think if I bought one I might get a large. Would I get another one? I probably caused an earthquake in China doing it. Redbuds are very stubborn and sometimes require a second application the following year and policing to be sure the side roots aren't coming up. Over the past 8 years I've rid our 3 acre yard of mature buckthorn and honeysuckle, but the voids created have quickly filled with more buckthorn seedlings from the gazillions of dormant seeds. then i just pull away slowly. I'm not necessarily unhappily with the PullerBear, but if I were to do it over, I would go with the Extractigator. I would possibly bump it down to a 2 just because of fit, finish and packaging (to me, that shows lack of price in product). DO NOT believe positive comments about the Pullerbear. The leaf color of these trees is biome-dependent. It is faster and more effective on a wider variety of plants than either the Weed Wrench or the Pullerbear. I would say a 3 because it does work to get saplings out, but there is definitely room for improvement. I am the owner of the Pullerbear company and we've sold over 10,000 Pullerbears and not one has ever been returned to us. The tree will transport the glyphosate down to the roots of the sapling to kill the sapling. tkendr01, I found the same thing in soft ground -- I need something to put under the base to keep it from sinking in. By using the glyphosate on the live tree before cutting it down to the soil level, you utilize the sapling’s circulatory system that transports the herbicide down to the roots to kill the sapling. Just afraid of getting lots of weeds again! All Rights Reserved. Why spend $20 for a Bigfoot when you can just make one for free with a scrap piece of wood and attach it to your PullerBear? I'll let you know how the Extractigator works when the spring thaw hits. After reading the article that you linked to above, I really didn't see that either was preferred there. What if you could buy something like a mattock with fork in the blade, like the claws of a giant claw hammer? Some varieties of trees can sow themselves energetically by dropping seeds onto the soil. By: Tracy Morris 21 September, 2017. pine tree leaves image by timur1970 from We emailed back and forth a couple times after I ordered the PullerBear. We have get-togethers, a play group on the street, and the people at the very top of the street literally bake cookies every Sunday for the cyclists or walkers. Cut down the sapling with the pruning saw or lopping shears just above the soil level after the tree withers and dies. My land is infested with Siberian Elm saplings, reseeded each year by a row of mature trees planted as a windbreak by some forgotten owner. After using extensively with rhododendron & magnolia society members, master gardeners, and friends the Weed Wrench, Puller Bear, and Extractigator tools we all prefer the convenience of the Extractigator's automatically opening "jaw" and extended foot so to not needing supporting boards for plant removal as was needed by the other tools. I suppose this shouldnt be too big of an issue given the use of the tool, but I generally keep all of my tools in very nice shape, so disappointing to see it arrive less than very nice. Ninety percent of a pine tree’s roots are in the top 3 feet of soil. The Cub XL would do that and have a handle 17” shorter than the Pro XL321. On a Siberian elm where a new plant is growing from an old root, neither tool will do anything but tear the new growth off the root. suggestions on what to put under my bed if building over previous garden? There are 1x1 and 4x4 variants of the tree. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. The other day my two toddlers and I were baking cookies for a potluck and I just needed 1/2 cup more of sugar. I strongly recommend you choose the Extractigator for buckthorn. Indem Sie weiterhin auf der Website surfen bzw. You'd think the least they could have done is given us a discount on the shipping! Getting the PullerBear jaws on the tree can be a pain. The grubber is the scizzors and it needs a quick yank to dig in the teeth and hold. But the Pullerbear, with its narrow and aggressive jaws, can be worked down around the top of the thicker stump and pull the root. Say you want to remove just one sapling here and there, or a small section of brush. Anyway, I was eager to try it. He said the misadventure laid him on the ground. It will never just peel the bark. Using a hand-held weed removal tool makes it much easier to remove weeds from paving than using your hands alone. And as others have mentioned, in soft soil the Extractigator will pull saplings while the Pullerbear sinks helplessly into the dirt. I borrowed a medium, and Maineman, I can see why you'd have second thoughts about the large size. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Want to bring the kiddos down and we can have some wine?" It's a long bit for a cordless drill with a couple of teeth on the end to tear smaller plants out by the roots. It came tightly packaged--if it had been a bathing suit, it would have left nothing to the imagination. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →. A couple of additional thoughts to add to his: I really want to stress the weakness of the jaw mechanism of the PullerBear compared to the extractigator. I expect I'll still need a board in some cases but I pulled several dozen trees today without needing it. Definitely watch for posts suspect from exttractigator - herowena, gnomeabram to name a few. It's really a problem when I try to pull the smaller sprouts -- just slips or peels the barks without pulling the root out. It really is the sweet spot for the tool. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! None of these tools were actually designed for Siberian Elms, so it's no surprise they don't work perfectly for my application. Okay, well I went ahead and ordered the extractigator based on reviews from people in this thread. Select a sunny and calm day with temperatures ranging between 60 and 80 degrees for best results. I got a chance to try a Weed Wrench this week. Your thoughts on this will be much appreciated. The brute force of the big Weed Wrench was barely sufficient to rip out the stumps and even then, it ripped some of them out in pieces. A tool that looks like it would do the job is called Weed Wrench ( kind of like a vise on the end of jack handle. Break them up with your hands or use a hatchet. How to remove trees? Seem to be great folks. But he could be lying. there main site (Bilingual). I came on-line today to order the weed wrench, but after finding this thread and learing there were alternatives, I'm not sure. Went to Lowes and Home Depot to find a scrap piece of wood. Willow Rivers. Perfect tool for clearing fence rows. The two times my Extractigator has been borrowed, both men's wives ordered immediately this tool as Christmas & birthday gifts for their husbands. Mehr erfahren. Birch is white with black spots and has emerald leaves. Select a sunny and calm day with temperatures ranging between 60 and 80 degrees for best results. Small, dead branches can be repurposed as kindling. Well, my PullerBear was not doing much because it was just sinking in the mud so I needed a bigger base. Last night I was walking across the pasture with a claw hammer in my hand and I tried whacking a Siberian Elm with the claws like the tree was a nail I wanted to pull. I recently purchased an Extractigator based on the reviews from this thread and I could not be happier with it. would be able to bend the 1" square tubular jaw made of grade A U.S. steel. That worked until I got to some tougher trees and the Extractigator was sinking into the ground. After spending a couple of hours pulling buckthorn in the State Park, I can see the importance of that. Wait and watch the progress of the glyphosate on the sapling. There are several tools you can use to clear brush. Oh, yeah, and p.s. I have been trying to get rid of buckthorn for a couple of years now. One issue I've had is with trees that I've cut to the ground in the past. A forum lurker recently bought a Pullerbear, and seeing that I was in Minnesota, he contacted me about getting together to compare tools. But I am a little disappointed that they hide the true price on the extractigator website. It will do the job well at a great price. The one thing I didn't care for on my Extractigator purchase was the shipping process. First, the jaws seemed to easily gum up with peeled bark and then wouldn't hold on the trunk of the trees, especially smaller ones. There is a very good reason to go with the Pullerbear Pro XL321's. Also, I thought for my specific application of pulling dozens of 1-2" saplings, the PullerBear excelled. The paint on it is atrocious, very uneven and nothing at all like the pictures. UPS and FedEx allow you to track your package all the way to your door. Overall, I am quite pleased with the tool. " It's donation only for the park conservancy. At one point, saplings could block movement in narrow halls, so I used to floor over everything with prejudice. Last Feb I posted about receiving my Pullerbear, and the ground being too frozen to work. Thanks for the links on the Extractigator and the Pullerbear. I don't remember how long they said it would take. We had no snow on the ground, and the weather was pleasant, so I trotted out to the pasture for an experimental pull. Started using my new Extractigator this past weekend. Can't beat that. I have pulled up a number of trees that my Extractigator snapped off in previous years and would have snapped again.Another plus is also a minus. Ask your questions! i have a tow strap i loop around the base and hook to my truck or GT. Danuser offers up a post puller, and then some! He didn't return it, instead he chose to continue to use it to complete his pulling project and then he wanted to return it over a month later. We have lived on 3/4 acre for 40+ years and I planted the entire 1/4 acre front yard in trees. Search for a stockist online. I know I can't trust the 2 recommendations above from herowena and rbpais because they joined GW the same day they 1st posted about the products and never posted again, although herowena posted 6 weeks later on this same post about the extractigator (but never anywhere else on GW.) If I'd only known then what I know now.Had one tree I could not budge. You can customize the tool to suit the primary size of stems that you are pulling at any given time. We have experienced this scam before and therefore told Lemon the offer to refund him was revoked. I just moved here from VT and we used an OLD weed wrench to clear mountain bike trails there. I remember reading a long review (no longer available) where the writer said the two products complement each other but if you can buy only one, get the Extractigator, which I did four years ago. And the CLEAR winner is the Extractigator (47" 12 lbs):http: // There has been only a couple times where I could have used the "Heavy" weedwrench (60" 24 lbs) for removing larger trees. Any suggestions X dealing with “Numb Finger Tips”? Space the notches between 3 and 4 inches apart and place them at various spots along the sapling trunk. The tree will transport the glyphosate down to the roots of the sapling to kill the sapling. I managed to bite off the sapling with no movement of the roots. Simply place the jaws of the Uprooter around the stem of the plant and pull the lever for easy removal. Go figure! One other thing we like about the pullerbear is that the jaw doesn't get all gummed up and once you grab the tree it won't let go until you push forward on the handle. With the Extractigator, the Canadian postal system hands the package off to the US Postal system, and once that handoff is done, so is your tracking. As I said in January: "There were three things I didn't like about the Weed Wrench. According to their emails, it left their place in a day or two. As documented above, the jaw mechanism of the Pullerbear, like the Weed Wrench, requires a lot of extra effort to get closed around a trunk. The smell of wet paint was also over powering, but after a night in the garage, that is gone and it no longer feels tacky. Oak is chestnut and has green leaves. We were visiting one of our Minnesota State Parks and while leaving the visitor's center I spotted a worker carrying one, so I started a conversation. I've had several occasions to use the device. Take my word for it, the difference is night and day. The doggies will love to see you!," "Do you know where our hidden key is?" As it was, it came out in maybe a dozen pieces. My bottom line: If you have a one time job where you need to clear out some land full of good sized saplings, I think the Pullerbear is the tool for you. I called Pullerbear, and the fellow said they had a run of bad welds, and I must have gotten one of those; get it fixed and send him the bill, he'd refund my expense. Here is what my email to him after receiving and trying it out: My first impressions of the PullerBear are not that favorable. If you are a vendor of any kind and Lemon wants to be your customer...don't do it. Also, I did find that it is best to not stand in front and pull toward yourself in case the tree breaks off (it can hurt). One of our volunteers was pulling 2' trees out with it and the thing weighs about 12 pounds. There were three things I didn't like about the Weed Wrench. DCM, the use of a heavy blanket or tarp on a winch or pull cable or rope is best practice, and will usually prevent a remodeled tail gate. Often by the time you notice the sapling, it is large enough to prevent you from simply pulling it up out of the soil. But mainly, it just wasn't efficient enough. They have a shipping chart right there on the main page, with different prices depending on your zip code (My zip is the second highest after HI and AK.) And that’s where a brush cutter comes in. Works quite well. Getting through thick grasses, weeds and woody saplings requires the proper tools -- and some patience because the project definitely requires significant time. That helps keep the whole thing from sinking into the ground. It came packaged is heavy duty plastic wrap, so of course all of the edges/corners were dinged/chipped. Based on favorable reviews of the Extractigator here, I ordered one, received it in a couple of weeks with no problems, and after using it for over a week, I can report that I am very happy with it. While you could also cut the sapling down first and apply the glyphosate to the cut surface of the tree, the tree will not transport the glyphosate as readily as it will while it is still living. The Extractigator tool has been successfully used to remove Acacia, Alder, Ardesia, Bamboo, Blackberry, Black Walnut, Blueberry, Blueweed, Boxwood, Broom, Brush, Buckthorn, Burdock, Cherry, Chinaberry, Chinese Elm, Choke cherry, Cluster Tarweed, Common Buckthorn, Concrete stakes, Cottonwood, Crepe Myrtle, Daphne Laureola, Elaeagnus, Eucalytus, European Buckthorn, French broom, Garlic Mustard, … And I'm wondering about your (montesa's) experience with the extractigator vs the weed wrench. He said the park loans them out. If I had bought a Weed Wrench a year ago when I first heard of them I probably could have paid for it by now if my time was worth anything. You simply attach it to a tree, hook it up to your utility vehicle or pickup, and hit the gas to rip the tree right out of the ground. I don't expect the Extractigator to have quite the pulling power of the medium Weed Wrench, but I'm hoping the design will allow faster pulling of the small stuff. Another benefit is that the Extratigator jaws will grip much smaller stems than the Weed Wrench. the strap tightens and digs in and the tree(pulled some up with a 8" diameter) comes right out. While you could also cut the sapling down first and apply the glyphosate to the cut surface of the tree, the tree will not transport the glyphosate as readily as it will while it is still living. The Extractigator seemed to have more advantages but testers wished it was orange like the Weed Wrench. and "Oh man, all I have is Truvia, can you use that?!" I have been reading the posts here, and it looks like the Weed Wrench and the Extractigator tools would be the most likely choices. I am leaning towards the puller bear due to price. I had pretty much decided I made a mistake getting the large Weed Wrench and then, about a month ago, I had a job of removing some shrub stumps from the back yard. I'm always very skeptical of product recommendations on public forums. Tear, rather than cut away, the shoot so that the majority of dormant basal buds are removed, thus reducing the possibility of regrowth. Want to start a garden? Another weakness of the Pullerbear design is that the smaller the trunk diameter, the closer the handle is to the ground when the jaws are closed -- in some cases not giving much room to do any pulling. From experience, the answer is likely "not too well." Experiences of burning Nice Thick Dry Live Oak Bark. The $197 price tag of the Extractigator quickly became more sensible as physical removal became the only logical option. These tree loppers are capable of cutting branches that the pruning shears simply can’t handle. I saw all the comments of the poster denying it was a joke and missed the ONE where they admitted it. Uproot saplings with a Brush Grubber. Suckers: Remove suckers as close as possible to the point of origin on the root, scraping away soil to reach the base if necessary. Plus, it was $45 cheaper.Now back to Home Depot for more scrap wood. So far, I have been cutting it off at ground level, but it has a tendency to regrow. Instead, break the job into smaller pieces to make it more manageable. I didn't even break a sweat. I am mainly working at removing Redbud Saplings, Ash, and Bush Honeysuckle. If you catch oak saplings while they're very young, you can usually remove them manually. If they are particularly small, you may be able to simply grasp them close to the base and pull them up by the roots. The key is to remove all of the root system of the unwanted seedlings so that the plant will not regenerate. I did about 20 trees that day, and about 50 more today. This is in response to LDLemon AKA Larry Lemon of Conway, AR. After extensive use of the medium sized Weed Wrench I decided to order an Extractigator. Not one! Privet has a very deep tap root. 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I had a garden for years but not the last two, due to low plant production. Does it work? I would not recommend anyone buy a Pullerbear. Overall on it's own, I would probably give the PullerBear 2 or 3 out of 5 stars. i have also used RU to kill out trees. The Pullerbear and the Extractigator are approximately the same length and weight. It was definitely overkill for that. It isn't uncommon to get a text that says, "Husband working late. I suppose my Canadian friends might suppose I was referring to their post office, but provincial American that I am, I didn't specify which post office. Was no way to I pull the handle because of a low branch in my way. He tried to extort a refund from us by threatening to post negative comments about our product. How to Get Rid of Tree Saplings in Lawn. And speaking of, there seems to be an area of improvement for leverage. :) I've read a ton of info on the weed wrench (both here and elsewhere.) A couple of pros for the PullerBear...price and larger saplings. I might get one for the brambles. The average cost for most overgrown lots is between $20 - $2,000 per acre. If you have a small space, there are loppers, machetes, and axes. Garden machetes come with curved blades, so … First, the jaw design holds the trunk better and doesn't gum up. With the leverage of that long handle pulling the roots out would be effortless and it could be made less expensively than a weed wrench. Happened over and over. I have the Medium Weed Wrench. It's a better design. Now I have both.Biggest plus for the PullerBear is grabbing the tree closer to the ground. Ended up using an ax.The Bigfoot attachment was necessary. Trees up to about 1 1/2 inches pull good, but I am still reluctant to put too much pressure on it to pull the 2 inch ones. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! I need to be able to do 60-80 per hour. Good to be able to look at the alternatives. I'll report back with the results. I really do not want to use a herbicide, so the best way would be to pull the whole tree. go on Ebay and get generic 41% glyphosphate. Coat each notch generously with glyphosate to enable the herbicide to soak into the sapling’s inner system. For sheer brute force and the ability to pull the largest trees, the five foot long Heavy model Weed Wrench is in a class by itself. Any suggestions?? Jungle trees hav… Work Slowly If your yard is large and overgrown, don't try to clear it all in one day. The few times that has happened, the blanket stops the chain from hitting the rear of my truck. Choose a... Uproot saplings with a Brush Grubber. Anybody have any better ideas? Looks like a fast way to get rid of the little stuff. I used to own the large Weed Wrench and now use an Extractigator, and I agree with your findings. 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