rural development eu

Latest Notifications 19/02/2021 The distribution of work of the Joint Secretary. In order to address these priorities, EU countries are implementing rural development programmes (RDPs) tailored to fit their own unique challenges and capabilities. In rural areas, farmers, businesses and communities are particularly affected. As public life shuts down around Europe and health systems buckle under the strain of the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns over food supply are the latest scare to make headlines. Fi-Compass includes further information on EAFRD financial instruments. The idea is with successful results to be able to apply the solutions on a large scale everywhere in the European Union. fostering the competitiveness of agriculture; ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources, and climate action; achieving a balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities including the creation and maintenance of employment. Key Evaluation Observations and Challenges, The Conceptual Framework of LEADER/CLLD Evaluation, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects, Research Projects Supporting Data and Evaluation, Towards improved reporting of environmental effects of RDPs in the ex post, The 14th Good Practice Workshop: 'Assessment of resource efficiency and climate'. For more information about the State of the Union 2020, including President von der Leyen's ... Download Working Package 2: Ensuring the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Climate Action: The outbreak of COVID-19 has significantly affected all aspects of life across Europe. Who are the main actors involved in evaluations? IFAD’s people-centred approach to rural development fosters “growth from below” with investments at community-level in small and medium enterprises, small-scale producers and the rural non-farm economy. The three long-term rural development objectives for the EU include: The three long-term rural development objectives for the EU include: The European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD) is the funding instrument of the CAP that supports rural development strategies and projects. providing investment funds for a small family pepper growing business in Hungary using exclusively renewable energy; setting up a house location system in Formentera, Spain that has helped emergency services to respond quickly to people in need; restoring the damaged forests of Nizna Boca, Slovakia, through funding the clearing, afforestation and preservation of young forest stands. EU Exit. These proposals inform how DARD have designed the RDP for Northern Ireland for the 2014 - … The National Rural Network (NRN) is a component of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (RDP) led by Irish Rural Link in partnership with The Wheel, NUI Galway and Philip Farrelly & Co. In view of the future programming period 2021-27, the European Commission presented in June 2018 its legislative proposals on the CAP beyond 2020. Both these key political elements also hold potential for development of rural areas (i.e. Upon its withdrawal, the UK entered into a transition period, which ended on 31 December 2020. The budget will be spent over the course of this period, through the implementation of rural development programmes which run until the end of 2023. The MSc Development and Rural Innovation is a two-year social sciences programme designed especially for students with a technical, life sciences or relevant management background and an interest in international development. This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, European agricultural fund for rural development, European innovation partnership for agriculture, European evaluation helpdesk for rural development, Commission publishes study on the CAP’s impact on the development of rural areas regarding socioeconomic aspects, Financial instruments to play key role in transition towards sustainable food systems, Commission seeks views on the CAP’s impact on knowledge exchange and advisory activities, European Commission seeks feedback on its long-term vision for rural areas, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media. LAGs prepare their own local development strategies, on the basis of which they manage their own respective budgets. The common agricultural policy (CAP) supports the vibrancy and economic viability of rural communities through rural development measures (the so-called second pillar). It is distributed according to six priorities: Each of these priorities shall contribute to the cross-cutting objectives of innovation, environment and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Mr Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General of Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DGAGRI) will have an exchange of views with the AGRI Committee's Members on the EU agri-food promotion policy work programme of 2021 and upcoming policy review. EU regulation 1303/2013 – presents common rules applicable to the European structural and investment funds (ESIF), EU regulation 1305/2013 – support for rural development by the European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD), EU regulation 1306/2013 – on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy, EU regulation 1310/2013 – support for rural development by the European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD), EU regulation 807/2014 – support for rural development by the European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD) and introducing transitional provisions, EU regulation 640/2014 – the administration, withdrawal of support or conditions of penalties applicable to direct payments, rural development support and cross compliance, EU regulation 809/2014 – how EU regulation 1306/2013 on the administration and control system, rural development measures and cross compliance should be applied. More information, the full agenda and programme of activities for Rural Vision Week will follow soon! This interactive event will include high level presentations and discussions, a marketplace, workshops and ‘fringe’ activities. The ninth meeting of the European Rural Networks’ Assembly’s permanent Sub-group on LEADER/CLLD took place online on 23/02/2021. The overall aim of the NRN is to build and sustain a membership-based network that maximises the beneficial outcomes of the Rural Development Programme. Thus, while the European Commission, approves, and monitors RDPs, decisions regarding the selection of projects and the granting of payments are handled at national or regional levels. LEADER is a local development method which has been used for 20 years to engage local actors in the design and delivery of strategies, decision-making and resource allocation for the development of their rural areas.. The Commission launches a public consultation on the long-term vision for rural areas. The ENRD, in close cooperation with the European Commission, is organising a virtual event - ‘Rural Vision Week: Imagining the future of Europe’s rural areas’ between 22 and 26 March 2021. The ENRD supports the effective implementation of EU countries' rural development programmes by generating and sharing knowledge, as well as through facilitating information exchange and cooperation across rural Europe. Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS): Using administrative data for evaluation. The European innovation partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP-Agri) also supports the goals of rural development by encouraging innovation in agriculture and rural communities. Rural development programmes can also support smart villages. fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas; enhancing the viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture, and promoting innovative farm technologies and sustainable forest management; promoting food chain organisation, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture; promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift toward a low-carbon and climate resilient economy in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors; restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry; promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas. to rural development and the need for further research, in order to gain further financial and political commitments for PV programmes. The Tripura government has selected 12 Rural Development Blocks (RDB) as aspirational in a measure aimed to take development activities to … The EAFRD budget for the 2014-20 period amounts to around €100 billion. A rural development policy should be established to accompany and complement direct payments and market measures of the CAP and thereby to contribute to that policy's objectives as laid down in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ("TFEU"). The European Commission has presented a green paper to launch a broad policy debate on the challenges and opportunities of Europe's ageing society. Updated February 17, 2021 — USDA Rural Development has taken a number of immediate actions to help rural residents, businesses, and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The rural development measures reinforce the market measures and income supports of the CAP with strategies and funding to strengthen the EU’s agri-food and forestry sectors, environmental sustainability, and the wellbeing of rural areas in general. The ENRD, in close cooperation with the European Commission, is organising a virtual event - ‘Rural Vision Week: Imagining the future of Europe’s rural areas’ between 22 and 26 March 2021. The new framework combined poverty alleviation strategies with an attempt to shift rural … To realize this vision, the plan outlines two priorities, and sets objectives with specific measures for their implementation. EU, FAO supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia. USDA Implements Immediate Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses and Communities Affected by COVID-19 . Business 22 January 2021 16:47 (UTC+04:00) ... EU plans eco ranking for … The City Strategic Development Plan 2021- 2030 envisions Alytus in southern Lithuania as a sustainably growing city of opportunities, comfortable and empowering to the people who live and work in it. United Kingdom In addition to threatening our health, the pandemic is also posing serious challenges to our socio-economic systems. This interactive event will include high level presentations and discussions, a marketplace, workshops and ‘fringe’ activities. Auditor found Welsh rural development grants were made without ministers ensuring value for money. ... Management and implementation of the Rural Development Programme and the Rural White Paper Action Plan … more. The Commission launched a public consultation on the CAP, knowledge exchange and advisory services. In recent weeks speculation is rife as to the potential impacts on agricultural production. The EIP-Agri was created to bridge the gap between the innovative solutions created by researchers and the uptake of new technologies by those living and working in rural areas. This initiative aims at providing a versatile toolbox to foster, enable and help scale up innovation in rural areas around Europe, addressing the common challenges faced by citizens living in rural territories. Chapter 2 The important links between energy, sustainable agriculture and rural development are briefly discussed in the first Section. These will involve European stakeholder participants in working together to contribute to the preparation of a long term Vision for the future of EU rural areas in relation to which the Commission is scheduled to adopt a Communication later this summer. Most cover the main types of legislation passed by the EU: directives, regulations and decisions. Gain first-class training in how agriculture can contribute to poverty alleviation and rural development in low-income countries. By creating partnerships between those who will eventually use new technology and those that create them, EIP-Agri aims to accelerate the uptake of change. Furthermore, through financial instruments, the EAFRD acts as a source for loans, microcredits, guarantees and equities, available to recipients in agriculture, forestry and rural areas who are undertaking financially viable projects that support the priorities of the EAFRD. As of 2017, over 1 billion people worldwide lack household electric power – 14% of the global population. In part 1 of this series, Sebastian Lakner crunches the numbers to identify the real … These activities are facilitated by two support units: the ENRD contact point and the European evaluation helpdesk for rural development. Statistics. At the EU conference on financial instruments, discussions will focus on agriculture’s financial needs and their role in the green transition. The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Examples of projects funded by the EAFRD and implemented through RDPs include: The projects database of the European network for rural development (ENRD) contains a comprehensive list of projects. Countries must set targets according to specific focus areas, identifying the measures they will use and the funding they will need in order to achieve these targets. How to monitor Small Landscape Features (SLF) using Copernicus land monitoring products? Historical information on UK-related data up to 31/01/2020 can be found, Rural Vision Week: Imagining the future of Europe’s rural areas, Thematic Working Group 8 - Working Package 2: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Climate Action, Working Document ‘Updated fiches for answering Common Evaluation Questions 11–14 for RDPs 2014-2020, 9th Rural Networks’ LEADER/CLLD Sub-group Meeting, New edition of Rural Connections magazine, Vibrant rural areas: EAFRD Projects Brochure in 7 languages, European Commission launches debate on responding to the impact of an ageing population, -- Subgroup on Innovation for agricultural productivity and sustainability, Bioeconomy and Climate Action in Rural Areas, Expert Group on Monitoring and Evaluating the CAP, Improving data management and information systems for the purpose of CAP evaluation, Assessment of resource efficiency and climate, Approaches to assess socio-economic and sector related RDP impacts in 2019, Showing the added value of LEADER/CLLD through evaluation, National Rural Networks’ support to the evaluation of RDPs, How to report on evaluation in the AIRs: experiences and outlook, Targeted Data Management for Evidence Based Evaluation, Assessing Environmental Effects of RDPs 2007-13: Ex Post Evaluation, Assessing Impacts of RDPs 2007-13: Ex Post Evaluation, Data management for the assessment of RDP effects, Assessing the contribution of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector, Preparing the Assessment of HNV Farming in RDPs 2014-20, How to demonstrate RDP achievements and impacts: lessons learned from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019, Appraising the intervention strategies under the CAP: experiences and outlook, Approaches to assess environmental RDP impacts in 2019, Getting prepared for the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan, Thematic Working Group 8 - Ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020: Learning from practice, Thematic Working Group 7: Preparing for the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan, Thematic Working Group 6: Data for the assessment of RDP achievements and impacts, Thematic Working Group 5: Assessing RDP achievements and impacts, Thematic Working Group 4: Evaluation of Innovation, Thematic Working Group 3: Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD, Thematic Working Group 1: Assessment of RDP Results, The role of monitoring and evaluation in the policy cycle. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17, 2021 – USDA Rural Development has taken a number of immediate actions to help rural residents, businesses and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Its aims to engage and reach anyone with an interest in and commitment to rural development in Europe. As of 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union. Rural communities are suffering from colossal market failures as the national grids fall short of their demand for electricity. These are funded through the EAFRD. Information to help you and your business prepare for the end of Transition on 31 December 2020. Follow the latest progress and get involved. At least 5% of RDP funding must go to actions based on the LEADER method. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Rural development has traditionally centered on the exploitation of land-intensive natural resources such as agriculture and forestry.However, changes in global production networks and … Energy is seen as an important input to the development The Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) is responsible for EU policy on agriculture and rural development and deals with all aspects of the common agricultural policy (CAP). Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas.. Protecting the future of rural communities. Rural Development will keep our customers, partners, and stakeholders continuously updated as more actions are taken to better serve rural America. Download the latest Rural Connections magazine in English to read news and views from rural development stakeholders, updates on recent EU policy developments and the latest ENRD activities. In her first State of the Union address on 16 September 2020, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presented her vision for a Europe that emerges stronger from the pandemic and leads the way towards a new vitality. LEADER is a “bottom up” approach, bringing together farmers, rural businesses, local organisations, public authorities and individuals from different sectors to form a local action groups (LAGs). It also forms part of the European structural investment funds (ESIF). It is implemented by around 2 800 Local Action Groups (LAGs), covering 61 % of the rural population in the EU and bringing together public, private … The draft EU regulations for rural development were published by the European Commission on 12 October 2011 as part of the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform proposals. At least 30% of funding for each RDP must be dedicated to measures relevant for the environment and climate change, much of which is channelled through grants and annual payments to farmers who switch towards more environmentally friendly practices. The rural development measures reinforce the market measures and income supports of the CAP with strategies and funding to strengthen the EU’s agri-food and forestry sectors, environmental sustainability, and the wellbeing of rural areas in general. The rural development programmes for the ongoing programming period 2014-20 will continue to operate in the UK until their closure (around 2023). ... "Discussions with the EU over the issue highlighted in …
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