renaming fort bragg

"Proponents of renaming the bases contend that there are noteworthy national military leaders from other conflicts who demonstrated selfless service and sacrifice. "The decision to rename or not rename should be made by the Fort Bragg community at large," Hudson said in a statement to McClatchy. Three years ago, following a rally of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., a Democratic lawmaker from New York, Rep. Yvette Clarke, introduced a bill requiring the defense secretary to change the names of installations "named after individuals who took up arms against the US in the Civil War. As of 2019, women represented 17% of the U.S. military, and as of 2015, about 9% of the U.S. veteran population, according to the report. Oddly for a man who wants to throw most Confederates under the proverbial bus, Petraeus also says that he does not propose to “erase” Robert E. … Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, both former Army officers, put out word that they are “open to a bipartisan discussion” of … The 82d Airborne Division was assigned here in 1946, upon its return form Europe. A provision in the bill instructs the Pentagon to strip Confederate names from Defense Department assets, such as bases, within three years. Then came a steady stream of bases bearing the last names of rebel generals, eventually 10 in all, created over the course of World War I and World War II. Other than Hampton, Fort Bragg’s women service members who have died in combat include: Spc. "If there is a determination made to rename the base, standards should be set for who it's named after including someone who has served there and has received the highest honors from the military." “She told us some time before it happened that she knew we worried but to not worry about her because if anything did happen to just remember that she loved what she was doing.”. The approved National Defense Authorization Act calls for establishing a commission to study the costs and criteria associated with removing symbols, displays, monuments and paraphernalia that honor the Confederacy on military property. It is named … It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Benning in … America had declared war on Germany a few months earlier, and young men were streaming into the Army by the tens of thousands. "We do not live in a country to which Braxton Bragg, Henry L. Benning or Robert E. Lee can serve as an inspiration. Hampton was the Army’s first woman combat pilot killed in action and the first woman in the 82nd Airborne Division to die from hostile fire. The commission is to include four appointments by the secretary of defense, two appointed by chairs of the House and Senate Armed Services Committee and two appointed by ranking members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. Fort Benning is one of 10 bases bearing the last names of rebel generals created over the course of World War I and World War II. The posts under consideration for renaming, according to Stars and Stripes, are: Camp Beauregard, Louisiana; Fort Polk, Louisiana; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Gordon, Georgia; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort A.P. Who are Fort Bragg buildings and roads named after? Selective service trainees at Fort Benning, Ga., in 1941. The annual defense spending bill passed last week by … "The Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Army are open to bipartisan discussion of the topic," according to a statement issued on Monday. "These historic names represent individuals, not causes or ideologies. In 2015, members of the California Legislative Black Caucus petitioned Fort Bragg to change its name due to Braxton Bragg's links to the Confederacy. Trump listed several bases such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas and Fort Benning in Georgia, all of which are named after prominent Confederate war leaders. The Navy is moving in the same direction. His forces were defeated at the Battle of Chattanooga in November 1863. The Fort Bragg … And the Pentagon has agreed to look into the matter of the bases named after Confederate officers. In 1951, XVIII Airborne Corps was reactivated here and Fort Bragg became widely known as … Reverend Al Sharpton has hit back at President Donald Trump after he used the civil rights activist's name to mock efforts to rename Fort Bragg.. Policies were updated in 1972 to reflect it would be appropriate to name a large military installation after someone in the second category or name a building or street after someone in the fifth category. President Donald Trump has been vocal through Tweets, statements and a November rally in Fayetteville about not supporting the renaming of Fort Bragg. "Fort Bragg is … Despite this history, recent efforts to rename Fort Bragg have quietly fizzled. FORT BRAGG, NC - MAY 13: A sign shows Fort Bragg information May 13, 2004 in Fayettville, North Carolina. Fort Bragg in Fayetteville is one of 10 Army bases named after Confederate generals. Fort Bragg in NC is named after Braxton Bragg. Nate Christensen, spokesman for the Chief of Naval Operations, said in a statement, "The Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Gilday, has directed his staff to begin crafting an order that would prohibit the Confederate battle flag from all public spaces and work areas aboard Navy installations, ships, aircraft and submarines. President Donald Trump said he would not even consider renaming … He said it seems some of this was driven by the Lost Cause, an interpretation of the Civil War that suggests there were gallant leaders on both sides – and an effort by Southern leaders and some historians to downplay the central question of slavery and play up "states' rights" in the face of "Northern aggression. Clark Clinic is named after Col. Mildred I. Clark, the 12th chief of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. Go to that community where Fort Bragg is, in a great state, I love that state, go to the community, say how do you like the idea of renaming Fort Bragg, and then what are we going to … Defense Department Advisory Committee on Women in the Services. Fort Bragg was named for Braxton Bragg, a native North Carolinian and Confederate general with a reputation for bravery and mediocre leadership. The same month then-President Donald Trump vetoed the bill, with Congress overriding the veto and pushing the act through. As the nation erupts in protests over police treatment of African Americans, these base names are coming under scrutiny — again. Democratic nominee Patricia Timmons-Goodson, whose father served at Fort Bragg and who worked her first job on the base, joined the call to rename the base. Renaming Fort Bragg Is Personal in NC Congressional Race By Associated Press , Wire Service Content June 20, 2020 By Associated Press , Wire Service Content June 20, 2020, at 1:01 a.m. Now, after the killing of George Floyd and international protests over racism and police brutality, there is a new national conversation about the prevalence of Confederate symbols. Now, as the nation … It should be noted that the naming occurred in the spirit of reconciliation, not division," said Brigadier General Malcolm Frost, the Army's spokesman at the time. Marine Commandant General David Berger last week prohibited the display of the Confederate battle flag at Marine installations — including on mugs, posters and bumper stickers. The first of these camps in the South were Camp Lee in Virginia, named after the Confederate commander Robert E. Lee, and Camp Beauregard in Louisiana, after another confederate general, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy is now "open" to renaming the service's 10 bases and facilities that are named after Confederate leaders, an Army spokesperson told … Army historians said the Department of the Army Memorialization Board was established in 1946 and given responsibility for deciding on the names of military posts and other memorial programs. In the Reserve, about 24.8%, or 47,770 are women; and 18.9%, or 63,387, of the Army National Guard are women, according to the report. Keicia M. Hines, a soldier assigned to the 108th Military Police, Combat Support Company, who died Jan. 14, 2004, when struck by a vehicle on Mosul Airfield in Mosul, Iraq. ", Now, he wrote, it's time to retire all those names. Fort Bragg is included among the nationwide installations named after Confederate general Braxton Bragg, who historians say was a slave owner who fought with subordinates and lost battles. The Army established a formal policy for naming installations in July 1939, which started “All military posts will be named by the secretary of war.” The policy was updated in 1981 to allow the Army chief of staff to determine the names of installations. Among Fort Bragg’s streets, buildings and schools, at least three are named after women — Hampton and Poole elementaries and Clark Clinic. “She was doing what she loved when she died,” he said. ", Petraeus wrote that throughout his Army career he encountered enthusiasm for rebel commanders and "a special veneration for Lee. 6-year-old hit in face with gunfire outside NC elementary school Police investigate shootings in Raleigh and Durham Sunday It was titled: "Names for cantonments, National Army, and camps, National Guard. Staff writer Rachael Riley can be reached at or 910-486-3528. Gavin Newsom says he supports an effort to let residents vote on renaming Fort Bragg, the North Coast city named after a Confederate general who enslaved more than 100 African Americans. A sign at Fort Bragg, N.C., one of the army bases named after a Confederate leader. Fort Bragg, originally called Camp Bragg, was established 102 years ago as an artillery training ground. Gov. Whether any discussion will be bipartisan remains to be seen. Acknowledging this fact is imperative.". He was born in NC and was a slave owner and Confederate Army commander. It was the summer of 1917. The camp airfield was built in 1919 and named after … Retired Army General David Petraeus picked up on that theme, writing in The Atlantic this week, "Had Bragg, like most of the rebel honorees, not been elevated by the effort to memorialize the 'Lost Cause' ... he would probably have been consigned to historical obscurity. As the nation erupts in protests over police treatment of African Americans, these base names are coming under scrutiny — again. Clark received her diploma from Baker Sanatorium Training School for Nurses in Lumberton. “The decision of whether to rename Fort Bragg or not rename Fort Bragg, in my opinion, ought to be made by the Fort Bragg community,” said Hudson, R-8th District. In 2015, after white supremacist Dylann Roof slaughtered black worshippers at a South Carolina church, the Pentagon was pressed to remove the names of Confederate generals from its facilities. In 1937, War Department officials “informally stated” the installations should be named after deceased persons who were either born or died in the state where the post is located, Army history states. Calls to rename Fort Bragg. In a Jan. 29 letter to new Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus asked him to consider the names of “Latino military heroes” in the renaming discussions. Hampton Elementary is named after Capt. “This is the right move,” Newsom said in a tweet posted Tuesday. When Rep. Clarke introduced her bill three years ago, it drew only 29 Democratic co-sponsors. In a Jan. 30 memo, Austin announced he would suspend all advisory committee operations for a review, and that all advisory committee members on committees where the secretary of defense or acting member is the approving authority would conclude service by Feb. 16. They asked Austin to include one Latino on a new slate of commissioners. A proposal to rename Fort Bragg, California, — named for a Confederate general — will be referred to an ad-hoc committee for consideration, the Los Angeles TImes reports.. Gavin Newsom announced his support for a measure renaming the community of Fort Bragg on the Mendocino coast, which was named after a Confederate general. Chris Seward/AP Bragg is from North Carolina, … As Congress starts evaluating the process for renaming military installations that are named after Confederate generals and names are tossed out for consideration, noticeably missing from all the Army’s more than 35 posts are the names of women. He said his interest started with a simple question when he arrived in North Carolina from the Washington, D.C., area and visited Fort Bragg. ", The memo said the bases and camps would be named after Americans — preferably those with short names, to "avoid clerical labor." More: Who are Fort Bragg buildings and roads named after? Among them: Fort Bragg, N.C. (Braxton Bragg), Fort Benning, Ga., (Henry Benning) and Fort Hood, Texas, (John Bell Hood). “First, we must acknowledge the harm caused to African Americans and other people of color when military bases, installations and other federally owned property honors Confederate leaders who rose in rebellion against the United States,” members of the Caucus wrote. On Wednesday, President Trump tweeted that his administration "will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations. Now, as the nation erupts in protests over police treatment of African Americans, these base names honoring Confederate leaders are coming under scrutiny — again. This is the right move. "Why would the U.S. Army name its largest base after one of the most senior generals in the Confederate Army?" ", Selective service trainees at Fort Benning, Ga., in 1941. A sign at Fort Bragg, N.C., one of the army bases named after a Confederate leader. A July 2 memo to the Army Chief of Staff spelled out how to choose names for the new facilities. In 1951, XVIII Airborne Corps was reactivated here and Fort Bragg became widely known as … On Jan. 8, then-acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller announced four appointments to the committee: Sean McLean of California, Joshua Whitehouse of New Hampshire, Anne G. Johnston of North Carolina and Earl Matthews of Pennsylvania. ". In December, Congress approved the National Defense Authorization Act,  which includes a provision from a bill filed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren seeking to remove Confederate names from installations within three years. Fort Bragg is named after Gen. Braxton Bragg. In … — Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) June 16, 2020 “It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Benning in Georgia, etc. Among them: Fort Bragg, N.C. (Braxton Bragg), Fort Benning, Ga., (Henry Benning) and Fort Hood, Texas, (John Bell Hood). But at the White House on Wednesday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany reiterated that the president does "fervently stand against the renaming of our forts." More: Who are Fort Bragg’s buildings and roads named after? Regulations that the criteria included memorializing those who died and: • Were a national hero of absolute preeminence by virtue of high position; • Were an individual who held a position of high and extensive responsibility and whose death was a result of battle wounds; • Were an individual who held a position of high and extensive responsibility and whose death was not a result of battle wounds; • Were an individual who performed an act of heroism or who held a position of high responsibility and whose death was a result of battle wounds; • Were an individual who performed an act of heroism or who held a position of high responsibility and whose death was not a result of battle wounds. It ought to be someone connected to Fort Bragg who’s received some of the highest military honors.” Sgt. Renaming Fort Bragg If the defense bill becomes law, Fort Bragg - one of the largest military installations in the world - would be set to get a new name. Hampton was an only child who was an ROTC battalion commander in high school and college, her father Dale Hampton said when she was inducted into the 82nd Airborne Division’s Hall of Fame in 2019. 7: Push to rename Fort Bragg, installations named after Confederate generals reemerges, Members of the Caucus asked Austin to remove members of the renaming commission appointed by Miller, who they said was installed by Trump, who vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act “in part due to opposition to renaming bases named after traitors.”, The Caucus said work to remove Confederate names “cannot be trusted” to Trump appointees who they alleged would “undermine” the renaming commission and “sabotage the process.”. The provision for renaming installations states the process could take up to three years and requires the establishment of an eight-person commission to remove Confederate names, symbols, displays, monuments and paraphernalia and include in the plan procedures and criteria associated with naming or renaming assets. Hill, Virginia DoD Says Renaming Fort Bragg, Other Army Posts Now a Possibility Brandon Plotnick June 9th Share. Who are Fort Bragg’s buildings and roads named after? Ralph Northam has called for the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Va., and a crane recently lifted a Confederate soldier from its perch on Washington Street in Lee's home town of Alexandria, Va., where it had stood since 1889. Krystal M. Fitts, a soldier assigned to 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, who died July 17, 2012, in Kandahar, Afghanistan, from injuries caused by indirect fire. Clark was assigned to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and helped care for the injured in the attack. So the U.S. War Department rushed to create new camps and bases around the country for all the soldiers who would soon go to war. Her first assignment was at Fort Bragg before she was asked about an interest in an anesthesia course, an Army Nurse Corps Association biography for Clark states. Fort Benning is one of 10 bases bearing the last names of rebel generals created over the course of World War I and World War II. ", In 2017, the Congressional Research Service looked into the issue. "The Department of the Army has no formal administrative process for renaming military installations," it said. Poole Elementary is named for educator Mildred B. Poole, who led the integration of Fort Bragg schools in 1951. FORT BRAGG, NC - MAY 13: A sign shows Fort Bragg information May 13, 2004 in Fayettville, North Carolina. In this Jan. 4, 2020, file photo a sign for at Fort Bragg, N.C., is shown. Fort Bragg is named after Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg, who was known for being notoriously bad at his job. President Donald Trump singled out Fort Bragg, North Carolina in restating his opposition to renaming Army posts now named for generals and leaders of the Confederacy during a … And it never made it out of a House Armed Services subcommittee. Opponents of renaming these installations cite the bureaucracy of creating a new review process and the difficulty of satisfying the various viewpoints over which names (if any) would be selected as subjects of contention.". The 82d Airborne Division was assigned here in 1946, upon its return form Europe. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said on Monday that they were “open to a bipartisan discussion” of renaming Army bases like North Carolina’s Fort Bragg … 7: Push to rename Fort Bragg, installations named after Confederate generals reemerges. In the past, Gen. David Petraeus … A Pentagon spokesman told reporters that means members of boards appointed by Pentagon officials would be asked to resign, which the Washington Post reported includes the committee for renaming Confederate installations. hide caption. “If the decision is made to rename it, we ought to set some standards. Fort Bragg, Benning and Hood to Be Renamed Under NDAA Fort Bragg is the home of the 82nd Airborne and Special Operations. he asked. Kimberly N. Hampton, a soldier assigned to 1st Battalion, 82nd Aviation Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, who died Jan. 2, 2004, when her OH-58 Kiowa observation helicopter was shot down by enemy ground fire in Fallujah, Iraq. FORT BRAGG (CBS SF) – Gov. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Thalia S. Ramirez, a soldier with the 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, who died Sept. 5, 2012, in  Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when a OH-58D Kiowa helicopter crashed. Michael Newcity, a Duke University professor, has been researching the naming issue for several decades. Fort Bragg is included among the nationwide installations named after Confederate general Braxton Bragg, who historians say was a slave owner who fought with subordinates and lost battles. “Fort Bragg is a place where I met a lot of good people,” Thomas said. DoD Says Renaming Fort Bragg, Other Army Posts Now a Possibility Brandon Plotnick June 9th, 2020 Share. “The Confederacy was a shameful reminder of the danger that racism poses to our democracy.”, More: TOP STORIES OF 2020, NO. Clark continued to serve during the Korean War and was chief of the Army Nurse Corps from 1963 to 1967. Virginia Gov. AP Hampton said his daughter wanted to be in the air cavalry. The order is meant to ensure unit cohesion, preserve good order and discipline, and uphold the Navy's core values of honor, courage and commitment.". hide caption. According to a 2020 annual report for the Defense Department Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, women made up 15.5%, or 74,545, of the regular Army as of September. TOP STORIES OF 2020, NO. This is not the first time there's been a call to change the names of Army bases. The commission is required to develop procedures for renaming Confederate assets along with gathering input from local communities and submitting a plan to the House and Armed Services Committee by October 2022. Cmdr. The military would choose the names of "Federal commanders" for facilities in the North, the memo stated, and "Confederate commanders for camps of divisions from southern states.". Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy.
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