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Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses Compromised accounts: 5,888,405 Compromised accounts: 995,698 I rather liked it. The data was discovered by security researcher Vinny Troia who subsequently sent a subset of the data containing 126 million unique email addresses to Have I Been Pwned. Date added to HIBP: 12 February 2015 In July 2019, the fashion and sneaker trading platform StockX suffered a data breach which was subsequently sold via a dark webmarketplace. Breach date: 24 November 2014 Breach date: 10 March 2011 Breach date: 1 December 2015 Compromised data: Email addresses, Employers, Job titles, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses Compromised accounts: 251,661 Discovered by Bob Diachenko and Vinny Troia, the breach was due to the data being stored in a MongoDB instance left publicly facing without a password and resulted in 763 million unique email addresses being exposed. Date added to HIBP: 21 July 2016 Breach date: 13 December 2018 Compromised accounts: 111,623 Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity According to, the breach only impacted accounts created before 2015. Date added to HIBP: 18 January 2021 In October 2018, the site dedicated to posting naked photos and other erotica of wives Wife Lovers suffered a data breach. Date added to HIBP: 21 July 2019 Whilst there is evidence that the data is legitimate, due to the difficulty of emphatically verifying the Chinese breach it has been flagged as "unverified". In July 2020, the Utah Gun Exchange website suffered a data breach which included several other associated websites. Date added to HIBP: 15 January 2020 Compromised accounts: 5,024,908 Compromised data: Audio recordings, Browsing histories, Device information, Email addresses, Geographic locations, IMEI numbers, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Photos, SMS messages The forum which originally posted the data explained it as being "in the same vein as the modbsolutions leak", a large list of corporate data allegedly used for spam purposes. Permalink. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Family members' names, Genders, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Physical addresses, Security questions and answers, Usernames, Website activity In April 2014, the job site was hacked by an attacker known as "ProbablyOnion". In February 2019, the email address validation service suffered a data breach. Breach date: 14 March 2016 Permalink. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it to be attributed to "". Independent verification of the data established it contains many legitimate, previously undisclosed breaches. The company advised a database backup had been obtained after which they subsequently notified all impacted users. The data included usernames, email addresses, purchases and passwords stored as MD5 hashes. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Instant messenger identities, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity Breach date: 1 December 2015 Compromised accounts: 880,331 In October 2016, the video sharing platform Dailymotion suffered a data breach. Compromised accounts: 20,902 In July 2019, a massive data breach of the Bulgarian National Revenue Agency began circulating with data on 5 million people. Date added to HIBP: 5 February 2017 Permalink. Compromised accounts: 1,604,957 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords The exposed data included password stored in plain text. The data included 160k users, password histories, private messages and a variety of other data exposed across nearly 200 publicly exposed tables. The data was self-submitted to HIBP by SvenskaMagic. Additional personal information such as names, geographical locations and IP addresses were also exposed, along with passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Date added to HIBP: 21 July 2019 Breach date: 17 May 2019 We use them each and every day. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Health insurance information, IP addresses, Names, Personal health data, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Security questions and answers, Social connections Compromised accounts: 7,088,010 Breach date: 1 June 2016 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses Permalink. The breach has subsequently been flagged as "unverified" as the source cannot be emphatically proven. In March 2017, a file containing 8M rows of data allegedly sourced from data aggregator Factual was compiled and later exchanged on the premise it was a "breach". Breach date: 9 May 2016 Compromised accounts: 1,508 Compromised accounts: 16,472,873 Breach date: 13 November 2014 Compromised accounts: 40,767,652 Date added to HIBP: 6 March 2016 Breach date: 30 November 2018 Our newest biography website and YouTube channel. Compromised accounts: 73,587 Compromised data: Credit status information, Email addresses, Home loan information, Income levels, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Personal descriptions, Physical addresses In February 2021, a series of egregiously bad security flaws were identified in the NurseryCam system designed for parents to remotely monitor their children whilst attending nursery. The list was broadly circulated and used for "credential stuffing", that is attackers employ it in an attempt to identify other online systems where the account owner had reused their password. Compromised accounts: 542,902 A larger more complete file containing 607k email addresses with original unsalted MD5 password hashes along with names, usernames and physical addresses was later provided and the original breach in HIBP was updated accordingly. The breach allegedly dates back to 2017 and contains 26M unique usernames and email addresses (both of which have been confirmed to exist on LiveJournal) alongside plain text passwords. Date added to HIBP: 7 February 2016 Permalink. Compromised accounts: 261,463 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity Permalink. Permalink. Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 23 September 2016 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Compromised accounts: 16,630,988 Permalink. In approximately mid-2016, the Italian-based service for creating forums known as ForumCommunity suffered a data breach. Great post, interesting colors – some are new to me too and I don’t like that crazy beet looking thing! In February 2019, the education and game creation website Game Salad suffered a data breach. Permalink. Compromised data: Email addresses, Employers, Geographic locations, Passwords, Phone numbers, Usernames Compromised accounts: 2,964,182 Permalink. Read more about Chinese data breaches in Have I Been Pwned. Compromised accounts: 816,662 Permalink. Breach date: 1 January 2014 In 2019, the data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace (along with several other large breaches) and subsequently began circulating more broadly. Date added to HIBP: 9 April 2019 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Names, Passwords, Usernames In February 2016, the Russian portal and email service KM.RU was the target of an attack which was consequently detailed on Reddit. In October 2019, the Dutch prostitution forum suffered a data breach which exposed the personal information of sex workers and their customers. The breach occurred in March 2020 and exposed 1.5M unique email addresses, customer locations expressed in longitude and latitude and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Passwords, Phone numbers, Sexual fetishes, Sexual orientations, Usernames, Website activity Permalink. In June 2019, the "Art of Human Hacking" site Social Engineered suffered a data breach. Breach date: 1 January 2014 Further data allegedly valid for and containing email addresses and plain text passwords was added in January 2018 bringing to total to more than 16M records. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names Read more about Chinese data breaches in Have I Been Pwned. Date added to HIBP: 16 February 2021 In the 1800, the mineral. The exposed data was from iJoomla and JomSocial, both services that JoomlArt acquired the previous year. (Decorating the House) suffered a data breach. In August 2020, the Neapolitan public transport website Unico Campania was hacked and the data extensively circulated. Date added to HIBP: 4 December 2013 Breach date: 1 December 2016 Permalink. Read more about Chinese data breaches in Have I Been Pwned. Breach date: 26 May 2014 Date added to HIBP: 25 March 2014 Whilst there has been no public attribution of the breach, the leaked data included over 227k accounts and nearly 10k private messages between users of the forum. In approximately 2012, the Russian social media site known as VK was hacked and almost 100 million accounts were exposed. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Passwords Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses The exposed data included 6.8 million unique email addresses, names, physical addresses, purchases and passwords stored as salted MD5 hashes. The breached data was then posted online by the attackers who claimed it was a subset of a larger data breach totalling 6.6 million records. Breach date: 7 October 2020 The attack resulted in the exposure of over 36,000 user accounts including email addresses, usernames and passwords which were stored in plain text. This one exposed over 1 million unique user accounts and corresponding MD5 password hashes with no salt. Compromised accounts: 95,431 In July 2016, the anime site Funimation suffered a data breach that impacted 2.5 million accounts. Compromised accounts: 9,121,434 Whilst commonly reported as 5M "Gmail passwords", the dump also contained 123k addresses. Compromised accounts: 1,100,089 Whilst unlikely to be the result of a direct attack against, the credentials were confirmed by many as legitimate for other services they had subscribed to. Breach date: 15 August 2015 Compromised accounts: 4,418,182 The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". The Apollo website has a contact form for those looking to get in touch with the organisation. Not the liquor; nor the song, nor the television series, razzmatazz is red-pink color that was invented by Crayola in 1993, and was first found in the Big Box of 96. Breach date: 1 January 2017 Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Financial transactions, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Names, Usernames I am hoping the same high-grade web site post from you in the upcoming also. In April 2016, the online food delivery service Foodora suffered a data breach which was then extensively redistributed online. In late 2015, the online penpal site InterPals had their website hacked and 3.4 million accounts exposed. Permalink. The compromised data included email and IP addresses, usernames and salted hashes of passwords. hahah here in aus, razzmatazz is the name of stocking brands! Compromised accounts: 8,815,692 Breach date: 1 March 2020 In January 2020, the mobile app to "compare anything" Wishbone suffered another data breach which followed their breach from 2016. Read more about Chinese data breaches in Have I Been Pwned. The breach also allegedly exposed MD5 password hashes, although the data circulating in hacking circles had this field nulled out. Compromised accounts: 4,789,599 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Private messages, Usernames Compromised accounts: 77,159,696 Compromised accounts: 1,173,012 Date added to HIBP: 20 September 2016 In July 2016, a tweet was posted with a link to an alleged data breach of BlueSnap, a global payment gateway and merchant account provider. Permalink. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". Facepunch advised they were aware of the incident and had notified people at the time. Breach date: 20 February 2014 Full details on the incident and how to search the breached passwords are provided in the blog post The 773 Million Record "Collection #1" Data Breach. In approximately October 2015, the manga website Go Games suffered a data breach. Date added to HIBP: 7 November 2018 Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Usernames Early in 2014, the video game website NextGenUpdate reportedly suffered a data breach that disclosed almost 1.2 million accounts. A German color, translating to “field gray,” feldgrau was the color of German uniforms worn from 1907 until late 1945. Permalink. The IP.Board based forum stored passwords as weak SHA1 salted hashes and the breached data also included usernames, email and IP addresses. Breach date: 1 September 2019 Compromised accounts: 4,195,918 Date added to HIBP: 25 May 2020 Date added to HIBP: 2 January 2014 Compromised accounts: 4,946,850 Compromised accounts: 1,270,564 Permalink. The data in the breach contained a wide range of personal attributes including usernames, birth dates, genders and home addresses along with unsalted MD5 hashes and 25 million unique email addresses. Date added to HIBP: 31 August 2016 Compromised accounts: 6,414,191 Breach date: 29 September 2016 The data was sold online before being extensively redistributed and contained 2.5 million unique email addresses alongside names, physical and IP addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Compromised accounts: 45,120 Numerous attempts were made to contact Lyrics Mania about the incident, however no responses were received. The full contents of the emails were subsequently published by WikiLeaks and made searchable. In July 2015, the Cydia repository known as myRepoSpace was hacked and user data leaked publicly. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Recovery email addresses, Security questions and answers, Usernames Compromised accounts: 444,224 Compromised accounts: 40,256 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames In May 2017, the education platform Edmodo was hacked resulting in the exposure of 77 million records comprised of over 43 million unique customer email addresses. Compromised accounts: 3,204 Compromised accounts: 3,402 Compromised accounts: 49,467,477 Over 43k records were compromised and included IP and email addresses, usernames and passwords stored as salted MD5 hashes alongside the private message history of the website's admin. Permalink. "Color blind" people don't see in black and white, they just can't discern the difference between certain colors. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 2,461,696 Permalink. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 1,047,200 Breach date: 6 September 2016 Permalink. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. Compromised accounts: 197,184 Date added to HIBP: 3 November 2017 Breach date: 15 July 2019 Date added to HIBP: 19 December 2019 Compromised accounts: 186,082 The data was provided to HIBP by Compromised data: Email addresses, Employers, Phone numbers, Physical addresses Breach date: 28 August 2017 Date added to HIBP: 7 July 2016 Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 30 August 2019 Breach date: 19 March 2018 An extensive amount of personal information on 287k customers was exposed including email addresses, names, addresses, phone numbers, purchase histories and salted MD5 password hashes. Breach date: 1 July 2019 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Date added to HIBP: 7 November 2016 Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 10 November 2016 Breach date: 25 November 2014 Compromised data: Browser user agent details, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Purchases, Usernames, Website activity In 2011, the Chinese e-commerce site Dangdang suffered a data breach. Date added to HIBP: 2 April 2019 Breach date: 1 June 2018 In late 2011, data was allegedly obtained from the Chinese website known as and contained 8.7M accounts. Permalink. Breach date: 5 July 2018 In September 2014, a large dump of nearly 5M usernames and passwords was posted to a Russian Bitcoin forum. Read more about spam lists in HIBP. Compromised accounts: 5,968,783 Permalink. Permalink. Permalink. Permalink. Permalink. In approximately March 2017, the file sharing website Bolt suffered a data breach resulting in the exposure of 995k unique user records. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames The attack resulted in the disclosure of 830k accounts including email and IP addresses along with plain text passwords. The data included names, physical and email addresses, phone numbers and "pincodes" stored in plain text. Permalink. In approximately 2014, it's alleged that the Chinese Android store known as HIAPK suffered a data breach that impacted 13.8 million unique subscribers. Breach date: 14 May 2015 Breach date: 4 January 2020 Breach date: 2 May 2014 Breach date: 22 March 2017 The vBulletin forum included IP addresses and passwords stored as salted hashes using a weak implementation enabling many to be rapidly cracked. The site later merged into the Webzen portal where the original accounts still exist today. Impacted data included names and usernames, email addresses, dates of birth, genders and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. In February 2016, the dating site suffered a huge data breach resulting in the disclosure of over 27 million subscribers' information. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames Permalink. Breach date: 11 November 2015 The breach showed that of the compromised accounts, a staggering 59% of people who also had accounts in the Sony breach reused their passwords across both services. Permalink. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords In March 2014, the home theatre PC software maker Boxee had their forums compromised in an attack. The site has since been updated to indicate that it is currently closed. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Usernames Date added to HIBP: 15 January 2018 In October 2017, the blog commenting service Disqus announced they'd suffered a data breach. Breach date: 27 January 2020 Date added to HIBP: 3 March 2016 In September 2018, security researcher Bob Diachenko discovered a massive collection of personal details exposed in an unprotected Mongo DB instance. In early 2020, the food delivery service Home Chef suffered a data breach which was subsequently sold online. Compromised accounts: 84,011 Known as "The Latin American Reddit", Taringa's breach disclosure notice indicated the incident dated back to August that year. Compromised data: Geographic locations, Phone numbers, Usernames The breach also exposed partial credit card data including card type, the name on the card, expiry date and the last 4 digits of the card. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords The attack which was announced on Twitter appears to have been orchestrated by Deletesec who claim that "Digital weapons shall annihilate all secrecy within governments and corporations". The data contained 144k email addresses and plain text passwords. Breach date: 1 February 2015 Breach date: 21 February 2020 Staminus is no longer in operation. Compromised accounts: 68,693,853 In November 2013, the image-based social network We Heart It suffered a data breach. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Passwords, Security questions and answers, Usernames, Website activity Breach date: 28 June 2020 Compromised accounts: 75,383 The incident resulted in the exposure of over 1 million unique email addresses, usernames and salted SHA-256 password hashes. A collection of various sites running on the same service were also compromised and details of the hack (including links to the data) were posted on a popular forum. Compromised accounts: 988,230 Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Usernames Compromised accounts: 709,926 Date added to HIBP: 26 October 2015 Date added to HIBP: 11 April 2015 Permalink. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames The data in the breach included 84k unique email addresses as well as purchase histories and credit card data. Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames Date added to HIBP: 11 October 2015 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames Compromised accounts: 1,531,235 Permalink. In April 2020, Indonesia's largest online store Tokopedia suffered a data breach. Breach date: 21 May 2015 In May 2014, the Avast anti-virus forum was hacked and 423k member records were exposed. In September 2016, almost 21GB of data from the French website used for "standardised and decentralized means of exchange for publishing newsgroup articles" NemoWeb was leaked from what appears to have been an unprotected Mongo DB. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". The repository service was allegedly hacked by @its_not_herpes and 0x8badfl00d in retaliation for the service refusing to remove pirated tweaks. Then there are the cyberbullies who out number the good and badger, harass, call wishers horrible foul names, refer to wishers children as ugly ass brats, they send filthy private messages, stalk facebook profiles of wishers, somehow find and post private information about wishers jeopradizing the safety of the wisher and their family. Compromised accounts: 1,274,070 Whilst there is evidence that the data is legitimate, due to the difficulty of emphatically verifying the Chinese breach it has been flagged as "unverified". In February 2014, Connecticut based Spirol Fastening Solutions suffered a data breach that exposed over 70,000 customer records. A second data set was later provided to HIBP which contained a complete vBulletin database dump including IP addresses, dates of birth and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Date added to HIBP: 26 February 2018 The file the data was contained in indicated the original breach dated back to July 2014. Date added to HIBP: 15 March 2017 Breach date: 17 May 2016 The data included extensive personal attributes such as names, addresses, ethnicities, genders, birth dates, government issued personal identification numbers and 2.2 million email addresses. Permalink. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Private messages, Usernames, Website activity Permalink. Compromised data: Email addresses, Employers, Geographic locations, Job titles, Names, Phone numbers, Salutations, Social media profiles Date added to HIBP: 4 December 2013 Breach date: 2 April 2020 The data contained 324k payment records across 105k unique email addresses and included personal attributes such as name, home address and phone number. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Permalink. The database from the IP.Board based forum contained 445k accounts including usernames, email and IP addresses and salted MD5 password hashes. Permalink. Breach date: 4 October 2013 In February 2014, the Internet Governance Forum (formed by the United Nations for policy dialogue on issues of internet governance) was attacked by hacker collective known as Deletesec. This breach has consequently been flagged as fabricated; it's highly unlikely the data was sourced from Zoosk. After being notified of the incident, Creative permanently shut down the forum. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords In December 2013, a breach of the web-based game community based in Slovakia exposed over 38,000 accounts which were promptly posted online. Compromised accounts: 1,298,651 Compromised accounts: 2,013,164 The data in the breach contains email and IP addresses, user names and salted and hashed passwords. The exposed data included an index indicating it was sourced from data enrichment company People Data Labs (PDL) and contained 622 million unique email addresses. Breach date: 23 July 2018 The breach leaked the personal data of 261k investors on the platform including their names, phone numbers, email addresses and account balances. Compromised accounts: 32,310 Only 1.3M of the records contained email addresses, whilst most contained government issued identity numbers, names, addresses, occupations and employers, amongst other person information. Date added to HIBP: 11 May 2014 Breach date: 7 May 2018 Also exposed were names, phone numbers and physical addresses. In January 2015, the hacker collective known as "Lizard Squad" created a DDoS service by the name of "Lizard Stresser" which could be procured to mount attacks against online targets. Date added to HIBP: 18 March 2018 Permalink. In early 2017, the forum for the gaming website R2 Games was hacked. Compromised accounts: 7,445,067 At the time of publishing, the breach could not be attributed to those responsible for obtaining and exposing it. Date added to HIBP: 19 August 2020 Along with email and IP addresses, the vBulletin forum also exposed salted MD5 password hashes. Privacy Policy | TopTenz T-Shirts | Sponsors. Date added to HIBP: 9 September 2016 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Breach date: 19 August 2020 A further 27k accounts appeared with home addresses with the entire data set being sold on underground forums. Date added to HIBP: 6 May 2014 Date added to HIBP: 30 March 2020 Breach date: 30 January 2018 Date added to HIBP: 13 September 2018 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames In July 2018, the Belgian social networking site Netlog identified a data breach of their systems dating back to November 2012 (PDF). Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames Colors. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 7,040,725 The breach exposed nearly 17k users of the vBulletin forum including their personal messages and other potentially personally identifiable information. The complete set of 18M records was later provided by and updated in HIBP accordingly. In August 2017, a spambot by the name of Onliner Spambot was identified by security researcher Benkow moʞuƎq. Compromised accounts: 20,727,771 Date added to HIBP: 6 July 2016 In May 2015, Спрашивай.ру (a the Russian website for anonymous reviews) was reported to have had 6.7 million user details exposed by a hacker known as "w0rm". The incident exposed extensive personal information including names and usernames, email and IP addresses, genders, birth dates and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. In February 2016, the Slovak torrent tracking site SkTorrent was hacked and over 117k records leaked online. The breach included extensive information about customers and payment histories including partial credit card numbers. In July 2019, the music-based rhythm game Flash Flash Revolution suffered a data breach. Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Usernames Breach date: 12 February 2018 The attackers obtained the entire vBulletin MySQL database and promptly posted it for download on the Boxee forum itself. Read more about Chinese data breaches in Have I Been Pwned. Date added to HIBP: 3 March 2016 The data was provided to HIBP by Permalink. Although the service was discontinued in 2015, the data breach still impacted 49 million subscribers for whom email addresses and plain text passwords were exposed. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords Compromised accounts: 530,270 The site was previously reported as compromised on the breached database directory. Breach date: 26 January 2020 Almost 49 million unique email addresses were in the breach alongside names, IP addresses, geographic locations and either salted hashes of passwords or links to social media profiles used to authenticate to the service. The data surfaced alongside a number of other historical breaches including Kickstarter, Bitly and Disqus and contained 2.6 million email addresses and plain text passwords. Permalink. The data was subsequently extensively circulated online and was later provided to HIBP by whitehat security researcher and data analyst Adam Davies. Compromised data: Credit status information, Dates of birth, Email addresses, Ethnicities, Family structure, Genders, Home ownership statuses, Income levels, IP addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchasing habits
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