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Amy is too shock to hug him back. This is shown when Penny asks what Sheldon's "deal" is, (girls, guys, sock puppets?) Leonard Hofstadter called her Sheldon's "Kryptonite" and will often call her when Sheldon is having serious issues. Sheldon contests that you can put a number to anything, including Rubik's cube stickers as well as friends. Sheldon has an iPhone 4 and he and his friends enjoy making fun of Apple Genius Bar employees. Sheldon gets more serious in his relationship with Amy, even admitting that he loves her ("The Prom Equivalency"), and secretly revealing a family engagement ring ("The Commitment Determination"). Sheldon still has a grudge against him because he said he would move to California with him, but stayed in Texas. He has claustrophobia, a fear of small spaces. Amy answered that Sheldon behaved like a child the last time so he is out. Sheldon then asks Amy to join him on his journey to Mars. Amy is flattered and smiles. When Amy hears that a drunken Sheldon has been mean to Howard she demands he apologize, he relents and says that he is sorry. Sheldon is skilled in weaving as he is seen weaving ponchos in his apartment. Later, he went to Penny's apartment and asked Penny out on a date, to signal that he did not care about Amy and Stuart. In "The Opening Night Excitation", Sheldon decides to skip the premiere of the new Star Wars movie so he can be with Amy on her birthday. What was wrong with diapers? He still let her do it, though Sheldon let out his frustration by yelling up on the roof. If he is, a violent tic starts on his face until he can complete what he wants to say, as in "The Friendship Algorithm" when he is prevented from explaining why tapioca pudding is a "jiggling bowl of potential death". Here, Wheaton gave Sheldon his last mint condition, autographed Wesley Crusher action figure. Amy gets frustrated when Sheldon wants to schedule everything including their sex. Amy then innocently asks if Penny feels like a "slut" and reveals that she has had 128 sexual encounters (if you include stimulation of the brain to induce orgasm). When Sheldon was under the influence of Howard's mom's. Change the key of any song and optimize your performer’s vocal range. He also revealed that Amy took her campaign even further past their Date Night by arranging for him to become an Amtrak junior conductor, something extremely special since it was only open for kids. Amy tells Sheldon that it is okay and he didn't have to spend the night with her unless he wanted to and that she just wanted to have a nice time at the prom. James Chamberlain of IGN wrote: "Cuoco and Parsons are great in their own right, but when put together, they truly shine." Sheldon deems karma as "nonsense" and was left baffled when Rajesh compared it to Newtonian. He also sees himself as a world-renowned physicist with an unparalleled understanding of the universe and that he's on the precipice of advancing mankind's understanding of the universe, ignoring the fact that there are some aspects of even science that he has some lack of understanding of, and he is notoriously able to make scientific mistakes - he was rendered absolutely speechless by an equation in a physics bowl which he didn't know the answer to, and was so angry that he couldn't figure it out that he denied the correct answer when it was provided. Like any typical nerd, Sheldon was bullied a lot during his childhood, mostly because he constantly expressed intellectual superiority to his peers as he still does now. In "The Platonic Permutation", Sheldon and Amy become friends again and spend Thanksgiving at the aquarium. A second piece is in front of the toilet "for those that stand up to pee", though what exactly it marks was not specified. In "The Stockholm Syndrome", Leonard and Penny are keeping a secret that she is expecting. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 01/31/19: I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. Sheldon used a Doppler Effect costume for Halloween. Amy, shocked, starts to walk slowly toward the kitchen as a dazed smile slowly appears on her face. In his final speech he thanks them for their support and apologizes for not being a better friend. Perry: (mouthing a CD recording) Upon an evil winter's heart, the heavy hand of regret infrequently alights.The malevolent part is one charm without the cumbersome shackles are sentimental intro (the CD begins skipping) spect spect spect spect spect spect spect spect spect spect (Perry whacks the CD player with the book) … Not only is she mad at Sheldon, but one of her worse fears is to have herself lost in their marriage. It is unknown when he moved into the apartment with Sebastian before he drove him out and he met Stuart and the comic book store. Though it was meant to be quick and sarcastic, Sheldon seems to enjoy it and lingers. After negotiating a G-rated sleepover within the fort, Amy produced a sleepover kit complete with pajamas and toothbrush that she hid under a couch cushion two years previously. In "The Consummation Deviation", Sheldon first tries to bond with Larry Fowler who is more interested in Howard's magic tricks. Later Dr. Campbell wants to join Sheldon and Amy on their team, but is turned down. Even his recreational time is planned and he spends it doing the same thing—playing keepie uppie with a hacky sack. When he also vents his anger on Penny, Amy defends her. In fact, in The Big Bang Theory, while he is an adult, his fashion is more childlike; however, in Young Sheldon, while he is a kid, his fashion is more adult-like. Here's a sneak peek inside dress rehearsal for The Theory of Relativity. Sheldon owns a pocket watch. According to Leonard, Sheldon loves having his brain scanned. This is further accentuated when he tells Amy Farrah Fowler that the memories of his upbringing were tantamount to that of an insufferably tantalizing "hell". Notably, Sheldon has refocused his research from bosonic string theory to heterotic string theory. They seem to get along well and she enjoyed the challenge' physics, flags and multi-languages, but since she didn't complete the challenge on time Sheldon thanks her and shuts the door in her face. Amy is his one big exception. When Sheldon was a child a bully stuck a Mexican Peso up his nose which is still there stating that it takes him forever to get through the airport. Leonard talks with George, Sheldon is made to apologize to him since he never knew the truth or understood George's true motives. When other people get mad at him, he blames them (their inability to "properly" understand the situation or the fact that they can't control their emotions). Wheaton appears again in "The 21-Second Excitation" at a showing of the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," with 21 seconds of deleted footage. In addition to studying the Weakly interacting massive particles as dark matter, a particle physics point of view, he also considered the scalar field dark matter, an observable large-scale structure of a geometric point of view. She quickly picks up on what he is doing and tells him that since they are in a relationship, he should tell her when he is angry with her. Sheldon was once offered a position at a secret military base but was later forced to deny the position due to his inability to keep secrets. He neither gives credence to the notion that quantized space-time will manifest itself as minute differences in the speed of light for different colors (as he expects matter consists of tiny strings) nor that only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes. One of the rare times we hear him laugh properly is in season 5's ". His mother Mary Cooper is a devout Christian and a loving parent, and is one of the few people who refer to him as "Shelly". In the Season 2 Episode, "The Euclid Alternative", Sheldon mutters something that shows that he has a night-light ("Maybe I could keep my sheets if I turn out the night-light"). Sheldon in turn often makes fun of Howard for not having a Doctorate, his clothes, going to MIT and being an engineer. Just as Amy and Dave are about to kiss, Sheldon knocks. A shocked Sheldon said that he was only sharing a piece of news and now, thanks to Leonard, he is worried whether Amy has indeed been eaten by a bobcat. Eventually he has begun to understand the concept of sarcasm, attempting unsuccessfully to employ it himself towards Penny in the second season, and successfully employing it towards his other friends in the third season. Sheldon is revealed by Priya to have repeatedly violated the roommate agreement, and the several demonstrations of this cause deep discomfort and even despair in Sheldon, who becomes vengeful and deliberately damages Leonard and Priya's relationship through blackmail afterwards. Sheldon introduces his friends to the world and tells them how much he loves them even calling him his other family in the last moments of the show. Sheldon prefers the word "Hokum" over Bogus, Hocus Pocus, Mumbo Jumbo and Hokie Pokie. He calls Leonard to come and get him. What this means generally is that he believes that mankind owes him big time, and has done so his entire life. The next episode "The Fish Guts Displacement", Sheldon finds Amy has the flu and she asks him to take care of her per their Relationship Agreement. The next morning they argue about whether they should live together. He is also happy that Sheldon was now legally Amy's problem, but Sheldon says that that is not going to stop him from being his problem. When he does, he finds Leonard secretly hiding out to be with Penny, making Sheldon mad at Leonard. Sheldon's mother looks down on Catholicism shown in multiple episodes throughout the series, in one, He doesn't drink coffee cause before he left. What a thrill! In "The Imitation Perturbation", on Halloween at work Howard dressed up as Sheldon, but Sheldon was clueless as to the impersonation. After he returns, she is very happy to see him and asks about how he felt holding a baby. and doesn't apologize. He enjoys spending time in the cabin at first, but then realizes that he misses Amy...and his phone. After talking to Penny, Sheldon went back to apologize to Amy for his behavior; however, being Sheldon; he could not offer a sincere and direct apology. When Amy and Stuart was conversing outside her apartment, Sheldon told them to quickly wrap things up and when Amy and Stuart gave each other a friendly hug, Sheldon immediately retaliated by asking Stuart to take the hint that Amy has said "goodnight". In "The Geology Methodology", Bert asks Sheldon to collaborate with him on a dark matter project involving meteorites which Sheldon likes, but is embarrassed to tell others about. Then after Raj gives Amy a makeover, he runs off with Penny to The Cheesecake Factory cursed by all the changes. He weighs either 165 lbs (75 kg), as revealed in ", He has been described as a "tall, thin... praying mantis" by both Penny and, Several ways to annoy Sheldon are laid out in ". Leonard offers some alternatives, but Sheldon refuses to accept them, because they're not part of his routine. After getting over the shock she hints to Sheldon about when is she going to get it. After turning down Amy's previous proposals of getting into bed together and French-kissing, Sheldon agreed with her final offer to cuddle, though he got upset over it later, by yelling at Leonard and Howard to keep Penny and Bernadette in line and have them apologize to Amy since consoling Amy had caused him to miss the time he had designated to solve Space-time Geometry in Higher Spin Gravity and building his Lego Death Star. Sheldon is tall and thin (setting him apart from his shorter colleagues), with Penny, and later Leonard, saying he looks like a giant praying mantis. He possesses knowledge of other faiths, such as Hinduism, Judaism, Catholicism. With Rajesh Koothrappali, he explored the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, Theories of Supersymmetry breaking, string theory implications of Gamma rays from weakly interacting massive particles as dark matter annihilations, and considered Dark matter detection methods of optimizing a particle detector for 500 giga-Gelectronvolt Weakly interacting massive particles to this end. Later when he finds that her temperature hasn't gone down, he tells he that she isn't trying. This creates a continuity error in the episodes "The Thanksgiving Decoupling" (S7E9) and "The Proton Transmogrification" (S7E22) because Sheldon mentions to Bernadette's father Mike and to the ghost of Professor Proton, respectively, that his father died when he was 14. Amy then gets the call and quietly says that they won. Another supreme example is when he realizes that Amy is going to work at the same university as he is, and says "You can't work where I work", thinking that he has complete jurisdiction over where she works. One time, he was distraught when Penny entered his room in the middle of the night. Sheldon became offended when he found that Missy tells others he is a rocket scientist; he apparently thinks the title is inaccurate and below him, telling her she might as well say he is a toll collector at the Golden Gate Bridge. In "The Separation Triangulation" and "The Novelization Correlation", Sheldon was trying to consider other people's feelings.
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