Murphy reassures Clarke that Madi is safe for now and Cadogan orders Indra restrained with Sheidheda against everyone's wishes. Monroe starts shooting at the Grounders but is soon hit in the thigh with an arrow. They all decide to walk past the line, when suddenly a drone shows up and shoots one of the Guards in the head. Murphy reassures Clarke that Madi is safe with Emori in the reactor, shocking Clarke. However, it's untested Nightblood and could prove to be a dangerous decision. Having first aired on the CW on March 19, 2014, the series is now in its seventh and final season, where it has moved to a new planet known as Sanctum. Murphy leads him to the graveyard. The two capture Paxton McCreary but then make a deal with him and return to the village. While walking through the woods, Murphy asks Bellamy how they got into the rescuing business. Clarke falls ill and Murphy gives up his bed for her as he is already beginning to feel better. Cadogan asks Bellamy how long they have to stay there and Bellamy states that once the power is back on, the bugs will kill each other and the shield will prevent any more from coming in. and escapes from a brainwashed Jaha with Emori. Though Murphy continues helping the Primes, much of it is down to his love for Emori while doing his best to keep his friends safe at the same time. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for "The Blood of Sanctum," the Season 6, finale of The 100.. Another season of The 100 has come to an end: a season that saw characters travel from an uninhabitable Earth to the faraway world of Sanctum in an effort to rebuild humanity elsewhere. Among them were Sara Thompson, who played grounder leader Josephine; Alessandro Juliani, who portrayed the Ark's Chief Engineer, Jacapo Sinclair; and Christopher Larkin, who starred as the tech-savvy Monty Green. Emori tries to unload the case containing A.L.I.E. Gender In Eden, six years after the Second Nuclear Apocalypse, Spacekru is surviving on the Ring. Bellamy responds that Octavia will be dead in a few days, and Murphy leaves. Enraged, Murphy charges into the tavern to rescue the young boy, putting him outside of Indra's range. To add further incentive, Russell threatens Emori's life if he fails. They also take time to talk about their failed relationship during which Murphy reveals that he pushed Emori away because he was jealous that she was spending more time with Raven. Murphy decides to walk out and tells Luna that she's the new "Raven sitter". Emori is impressed with his attitude and growing leadership of the group, suggesting that Murphy is becoming someone worth believing in. When Emori lies about the identity of a man and his distasteful actions, they are both locked up. Although Murphy seems keen on doing as he pleases, he holds a certain respect towards Bellamy and briefly takes a right-hand-man kind of stance around him. and Gideon grabs it from her, taking it with him off the boat. They begin climbing the sand dunes, trying to get to the City of Light only to discover it is a giant solar panel farm. Clarke and Bellamy approach and Finn offers to help with the perimeter security but Bellamy takes him inside. There, he convinces Indra not to kill Charles Pike and the three escape the dungeons together, making a pact to defeat A.L.I.E. Clarke tells him that she still does not trust him. Suddenly, the rocket's orbital systems go online. Bellamy hits a switch and everyone passes out. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. And they said Jason wants to talk to you on set. Working together, Hatch and Murphy manage to repair the cooling system at the last possible second, narrowly averting a meltdown. In The Stranger, Murphy calls it one of Raven's more questionable moments while talking with Nikki, but states that he nonetheless respects what she did. The Grounders leave Murphy with a guard to watch him while they attack the the Camp. He drinks the water and then gets up, and notices Jaha kneeling and meditating. They find alarms going off but they manage to turn them off. As Bellamy tries to get through the hatch, Murphy uses the Delinquents' gunpowder to blast a hole through the wall and he escapes through the hole with one of Raven's walkie-talkies. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Indra finally admits to the two that Sheidheda has been resurrected in Russell's body with Murphy quickly grasping the seriousness of the problem facing them. They both follow Jaha through his journey. As a boy, John grew up on the Ark with his mother and father, a time he recalls fondly. Murphy rejects his guise as Daniel Lee despite the fact that the others think it might help to keep the peace in the long run. After calming, Jaha says to give her water, Murphy is the first to get some out. In Spacewalker, at Camp Jaha, security has been increased and Major Byrne even gave Murphy a gun. While Luna is holding the child with Murphy watching, Raven enters the med bay and pulls some of the stolen food out of his bag. At first, much of Indra's interactions with Murphy were negative with Indra being the one to hold him captive and then as an agent of biological warfare. She abused him and forces him to pretend to be her Flamekeeper. He also tells her that her mutated hand looks "badass" instead of insulting her, displaying a more sympathetic and empathetic nature. had a rule about not crossing a line there, but Murphy doesn't care. Her last words towards her son blamed him for the death of his father. When they finally interact in Survival of the Fittest, Murphy is hesitant to speak with him. They are followed through the Anomaly soon after by Indra, Cadogan and Clarke. He walks up to it and uncovers a solar panel causing music to start playing inside the lighthouse. She tells him that he can find peace, but he says that peace is overrated. Bellamy is forced to go and get an unconscious Monty. The crew approaches a temple-like structure and heads inside, where they find a state-of-the-art laboratory that lights up from motion sensors. As the situation deescalates, Murphy and Emori begin flirting with each other as Indra realizes that "Russell" is really in fact Sheidheda in Russell's body. Murphy has been hurt multiple times over the six seasons, in the most different ways: Season 1, beaten, hanged, tortured, poisoned and stabbed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Now in episode 5 there on the ground being tortured by the other prisoners? After learning that Bellamy has discovered the truth, Murphy agrees to help try to convince his friend to come over to their side as well, pretending to be a prisoner too though Bellamy quickly sees through it. First Appearance Murphy soon begins violently throwing up blood and it is revealed he is carrying a virus. Outside, Cadogan derisively observes the state of Sanctum, but monologues about how thanks to the Disciples, humanity will transcend and reach the Promised Land, much to Clarke's annoyance. Portrayed by In The 48, Murphy enters the drop ship after the Grounder who had been guarding him is shot dead by an injured Raven Reyes. Titus attempts to frame Murphy for fatally shooting Clarke Griffin, however Titus's shot hits Lexa instead. As part of our countdown to the final season, MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) has been talking to the stars of 'The 100', including Sachin Sahel and Luisa D'Oliveira. When one of them, Connor stops and asks for water, he urinates on him. With season 7 now in full swing, it is likely more characters will meet their end before the show finally wraps up. Jonathan "John" Murphy[1] is a major character in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons, after appearing as a recurring character in the first and second seasons. They start brainstorming on how to escape. In I Am Become Death Murphy gets tangled in the tripwire outside of the Camp while supposedly running away from the Grounders and is found by Octavia, Connor, and Derek. Warning: This The 100 article contains spoilers through Season 6, Episode 5. Finn eventually stops when Clarke and the others arrive. Bellamy, Clarke, Murphy, Emori, Monty, Harper and Echo then arrive. After Emori states that she doesn't want to leave the man she loves to die, Murphy refuses to do that to her and allows Monty to carry him back to the ship. Abby suddenly yells for Murphy to help her, but it's a trap. Murphy desperately tries to calm him down, trying to grab hold of him and shouting at him to stop, but Finn won't let up. Hatch and the other Eligius prisoners become terminally ill from the radiation and Raven lies to them about the source of their illness. Murphy is part of the original 100 juvenile delinquents from the Ark. Shaw had told them that Raven is the one who hacked the system. During Finn's massacre; Murphy yells at Finn to stop over and over again, showing that he did not think what Finn was doing was right. In The Old Man and the Anomaly, Murphy proposes to Emori using the Mind Drives which she accepts. Richards suddenly spots land in the distance and they cheer. Later, as the Faithful prepare to burn Murphy alive, Indra arrives to help with Emori and Russell. As they embark on their journey, Bellamy gets suspicious of John's intentions and questions him. He is shown to have a kinder side, caring for his girlfriend Emori, the Delinquents when they fall sick with hemorrhagic fever and helping Raven when she was on her near deathbed, saying it is because he does not want to be alone when he himself dies. Jaha has a moment over his son's grave and asks Murphy how well he knew him. In Season Five, the two are shown to have a better relationship after six years together in space. John Murphy When injured Wells tries to fight back, Finn Collins steps in and tells Murphy to wait until it is a fair fight. Jaha carries him away. Charlotte (indirectly)ConnorMylesRoz Rankin (alongside Emori)Several Eligius prisoners (alongside Emori and Echo)Dozens of Eligius prisoners (caused) However, after Murphy abandoned Monty to get the oxygen generator to the others, Monty hugged Murphy and commented that he might not hate him anymore, something that Murphy was visibly pleased with. On Monty's video message, he comments that as a child, Jordan's favorite from Monty and Harper's stories was Murphy believe it or not. McCreary becomes angry at Diyoza but is impressed by Murphy's bomb skills. A traveling merchant notices Murphy and proceeds to loot his body but he is stopped and knocked out by Emori. In "Nakara," he is shown to have earned the gratitude of the boy's father. Raven then begins calculations in her head and realizes that she'll need to manually dock the ship in the hangar bay. Many characters hold his previous actions against him, especially the two murders he committed in Season One, despite the fact that he now has one of the lowest kill counts, particularly for a main character. However, they'll need a human test subject and they don't know who yet. This makes Murphy smile. Once inside the mansion, Jaha welcomes him. At first, it seems that the patrol might kill Murphy after he refuses to tell them where his partner is, but one of the Grounders discovers the infinity token that Jaha gave him in his pack, saying it is the sacred symbol, and they decide to keep him alive for questioning. Raven, Echo, Monty, Harper, Emori, and Bellamy are having a meal. Spoilers! Murphy and Emori are later imprisoned by Russell Lightbourne after Madi begins attacking Primes, killing Miranda Mason and nearly killing Priya Desai. Raven says that they can't waste any of their supply. The pair proceeds to steal from the merchant's cart and exchange a kiss showing that they have now entered into a romantic relationship. She grabs the case and takes off back to the boat. Josephine slashes Murphy's leg, forcing Emori to stay behind to tend to him as Bellamy takes Josephine off to find the Children of Gabriel. This calms both sides down, to Murphy's disappointment. After being locked inside the bunker for 86 days, Murphy finds out the truth about A.L.I.E. They all decide to split up to search for Luna. Jaha realizes they've walked into the middle of an unmarked mine field. Just as things appear dire, we see Echo riding on a horse and put arrows through some of the attackers. Murphy and Emori leave the room. Murphy points out how Indra's guards, who were Trikru and loyal to her, were being swayed by Sheidheda's words. After trying to execute Charlotte in revenge, Murphy is banished from the Camp. Portrayal Using a Disciple helmet, Raven is able to reactivate the Stone and demands to know which planet their friends are on. Seconds later, Abby is walking with John Murphy, and he says that no one will get by him. Urged on by a hallucination of Josephine Lightbourne, Gabriel reveals that he believes that he can repair the Flame's damaged code using a computer designed to repair broken Memory Drives, stitching together broken strings of code that, like the Flame itself, was created by Becca Franko. He often displayed aggressive behavior throughout the early seasons of series, later on for more reasonable reasons despite remaining easily irritable. Raven realizes that the power being out means that the shield is down and spots a swarm of affected bugs coming towards them. While tricked by Raven into helping Hatch repair the reactor, Murphy shows genuine interest in Hatch and sadness at his death despite their brief acquaintance. Jaha arrives as Emori asks what is going on. With time running out, Murphy urges Raven to help the others fix the cooling system, offering to "spin the dials" for her but Raven rejects Murphy's suggestion as it is too complicated for Murphy to take over for her. Later Murphy approaches Wells and reveals to Wells that his father begged for mercy before Wells' father floated him. Murphy walks in and tells her that they are still asleep and she gestures towards the computer. Cadogan agrees and has Disciple Kelly blast open the door. She keeps telling Murphy they need to find a place to hide away, but Abby interrupts them saying they need to keep moving. Nikki enters with a few other Eligius prisoners looking for her husband and violently assaults Raven in her rage. He then asks about Emori and Abby says that she'll do her best. Murphy, Craig, and Richards follow behind in Jaha's footsteps as they slowly inch their way closer to the presumed City of Light. Raven appears to have a revelation and thanks Murphy for it. In addition, the people Lexa killed to protect Clarke in the City of Light are also dead. He ends up going with Finn Collins to Tondc in search of the missing delinquents. Miller, who give them guns to find the rest of the Delinquents. Finn, Murphy, and Monroe hold onto a rope made of belt straps as Bellamy climbs down to save Mel. Echo brings up her plan to kill Shaw so that Raven can become the pilot and use the ship against the prisoners. Raven tries but comes up with nothing. The Dark Commander demands that everyone either kneel or die, but Cadogan informs him that while he normally would relish the opportunity to recruit Sheidheda's forces to the cause, he has neither the time nor the patience to do so at the moment. Another person in their group scrambles away in terror and she quickly blows up, too. Status Raven sends Murphy to deliver the nitrogen to Hatch and promptly locks him in the secondary containment chamber with the prisoners, relying on Murphy's self-preservation instinct to force him to help fix the problem. Murphy attempts to use the supposedly-fixed sonic cannon, but the weapon overloads, forcing Murphy to toss it away where it explodes. Finn finds a pile of the Delinquents' belongings and confronts the villagers, pinning a woman to the ground with the gun to her head. Shortly after, Wells sees Murphy's message: "FIRST SON FIRST TO DYE" carved into the Dropship. He kisses her and tells her that they will feast tonight. Clarke agrees with him and insists on joining him. After noticing McCreary's ammunition, Murphy suggests stealing it, leaving McCreary without weapons. Raven wants to look into it, but Murphy warns her about coding since it can damage her brain more. When McCreary wakes up, Murphy reveals that Diyoza didn't care about him. at the top of his lungs before dropping the camera. They round up all of the villagers into a pen in the center of the village and hold them hostage. The option is to either let McCreary beat Raven and Murphy to death or tell the truth and have Diyoza launch the missiles and kill all of Wonkru. Eric Jackson compares Murphy's actions to what Murphy's father did that got him floated, but Abby states she knew Murphy had it in him to do something so selfless. Sickened of feeling as if he does not fit in with the rest of the Ark survivors, he agrees to travel to the City of Light with Jaha. While Murphy remains a survivalist, he now loves Emori. The group quickly flees to rejoin Wonkru. Murphy tells him to be careful about ripping his suit. Monty was one of my favorite characters but I think the way he died made sense plotwise so I'm ok. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In The Other Side, after Jaha and Clarke locked Bellamy in a holding cell they need someone to guard the door and Clarke says that she knows the right person. In Pilot, Murphy is with his friend John Mbege and a group of Delinquents. Jaha promises to come back for Murphy before taking off after the drone. Emori tells him she was kicked out of her clan and Murphy tells her he is there because he killed two people and tried to kill two more. In Echoes, the people of Polis are left dealing with those tortured and killed by A.L.I.E. Her answer is not a very convincing one. 17 (S1-4) 23 (S5-7)148 (chronologically, S6) They figure out that prisoners were on the ship but assume that the prisoners are no longer there. Murphy is part of the original 100 juvenile delinquents from the Ark. Clarke and Emori approach Becca's mansion where Murphy is listening to loud music. After she is done, Indra walks away with Murphy and Emori. Russell Lightbourne, despite Murphy's betrayals, respects his sense of survival and offers Murphy the chance to still become a Prime if he helps Jade to locate and return Josephine unharmed. They are willing to offer McCreary back alive in exchange for Raven. Murphy asks if its weird that to him the craziest part of all of it is Bellamy's robe which Raven agrees with. In spite of Murphy's abrasive personality, Bellamy befriends him soon after they arrive on Earth. Raven realizes that Emori took down the shield and begins working to get the power back on. 'The 100' is ending with the upcoming season 7, and executive producer Jason Rothenberg spoke to EW about why he decided to close this chapter and what fans can expect. They arrive at Bellamy's holding cell and Murphy takes the key from Miller. As Emori works on the reactor, Murphy waits outside and urges her to hurry up. When he discovers that Clarke is dead and Josephine Lightbourne has taken her place, Murphy is horrified, but goes along with Josephine for the sake of immortality for himself and Emori. Murphy is visibly haunted by even hearing Abby's name let alone being reminded of the things he did. She comes up with an idea to divide the prisoners through infighting. After losing Abby and apparently Clarke for good, Murphy abandons the Primes for good and is driven to tears and anger over their actions as he recognizes that Clarke and Abby only ever tried to help people. In Hakeldama, Murphy is seen apparently badly wounded lying in the forest. Murphy and Emori acting as McCreary's prisoners. Bellamy objects, reminding Cadogan that as long as their friends are out there, Clarke won't risk their lives. In We Are Grounders (Part 2) Murphy is tied to a tree, having been captured by the Grounders, who are using his radio to listen in on the other Delinquents. Emori decides to go after the case while Gideon is sitting there in oblivion while he visits the City of Light. Despite his friendship with Clarke, the promise of immortality causes Murphy to side with Josephine against his friends. She lifts one of the blinds and notices a hole in the window. Following a return to the regenerated Earth, Murphy continues to advocate for the Sanctumites, Wonkru and the Eligius Prisoners, desiring to move them back to humanity's homeworld where they will be much safer to live out their lives. She tells him that there are only 100 beds for Arkadians in the Second Dawn bunker. Frank Murphy, in the movie Blue Thunder (1983) Hank Murphy, in the TV series Sullivan & Son (2012) John Murphy, in the TV series The 100; Karrin Murphy, in Jim Butcher's novel series The Dresden Files (named Connie Murphy in the TV series of the same title) Milo Murphy, in the American animated TV series Milo Murphy's Law Murphy tries to talk some sense into him and says that his imprisonment will only last a few days. More:Â The 100 Prequel Episode Explains 7 Things About The Grounders' Origins. John Murphy is the third Sky Person to have a sentimental relationship with a Grounder. Monty's first batch of algae puts Murphy in to a coma for a number of weeks. Murphy agrees, commenting that "the mighty have fallen. The Ark (former)Earth (current)The Camp (former; banished)Arkadia (former)Becca's Island (former)Second Dawn Bunker (current)Go-Sci Ring (former)Shallow Valley (former)Eligius IV (former)Alpha (former)Sanctum (former) He is accused of murdering Wells and the delinquents attempt to hang him until Charlotte reveals that she killed Wells. Octavia informs everyone that the Grounders are coming to attack and the sickness is used to weaken the Delinquents. Nikki openly makes a threat on Raven's life, telling Murphy and Emori to tell Raven that she said "bang, bang.". However, Eric Jackson feels upset and traumatized when he felt like Murphy was involved with Abigail Griffin's death. Murphy goes to investigate, finding his way inside what appears to be a fully stocked bunker. Octavia warns Del that they have too much wood but he decides to ignore her warning. After landing on the giant ship, they are surprised to find no one in the ship. With Sheidheda agreeing, Cadogan orders the others that it's time to go after the Flame. She tells Murphy that she's not going and that she's dying. She remembers that A.L.I.E. Clarke wakes up and Finn tells her he thought she was dead because of him. Murphy is reluctant to put themselves in danger and tells Emori that "It's not a survivor's move". Murphy, Emori, Raven and Miller at Becca's Island. Once they stop him, Emori begins to question him and wants to kill him. Luna begins to explain how her Nightblood is a symbol of violence that led to her killing her own brother. Murphy refuses and Penn tells him he's going to burn like Finn. Otan shows up and demands the case from Murphy, taking Emori hostage. In Nakara, Murphy is enjoying a drink in the tavern when Jeremiah, the father of the boy he saved from immolation, approaches Murphy to thank him for his actions. They have to wait for a sandstorm to clear while they sit in the middle of the mine field. Bellamy states he'll do anything to get it, even if he has to cut her hand off himself. Murphy and Finn cut Jasper down and bring him back to the Camp. Otis introduces Sheidheda and Raven comments that they now know where his code went. However, Zev, Daniel's boyfriend, realizes that Murphy is not Daniel. When not writing articles, Floyd reviews new and upcoming works for Online Book Club, keeps an eye out for new writing opportunities, and gradually adds to his ever-growing collection of unread books. Cadogan proposes that the Dark Commander gives him undisturbed passage to get what he came for, meaning that Cadogan sees not a single soul on their path and in exchange, Cadogan will leave Gabriel there to treat him.
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